Sarah Palin resigning as Govorner of Alaska


New Member
I pass. Palin is no longer governor and she's done with politics, so I couldn't give two shits. I hope she gets the 7 digit book deal and makes loads of money on the tour. I wish her riches and fame. Whatever makes her happy. There are no more policies coming from her and nothing more to debate. I refuse to debase myself by chatting about pop-culture icons and reality TV stars, so Palin is no longer fodder.
I think she is a lot fodder from ever becoming President,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
You don't know Palins policies. You know only the rumors you heard, and believed. Professor?

Professors quote, "This single solitary fact (Palin wanting creationism (anti-science) in school curriculum) makes me loathe every inch of the woman."

Did you even read your links claims? Having read and digested these links claims, do you regret your "loathing" position?
you are "Personally attacking". knock it off. thanks. :mrgreen::peace:


New Member
1. She wants a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage due to religious reasons.

2. She is pro-censorship (which I abhor) due to religious reasons.

3. She is pro-Creationism and thinks it should be taught IN SCHOOLS due to religious reasons.

Shall I go on......?
Yes, please continue ...

1. What proof, other than left-wing propaganda can you show where she has supported a constitutional amendment that would abolish gay marriage?

2. Pro-censorship? :lol: This is based upon nothing other than a rumor started by the DNC that she wanted to ban books from the Waslia library, right? If not, then show your proof.

3. So, you would be for banning the teaching of alternate theories from the class room ? Would you also be in favor of burning all books that are pro-creationism? I thought you abhorred censorship for religious reasons. Or do you, like our illustrious Med-'O-Mao, have flexable principles? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Yes, please continue ...

1. What proof, other than left-wing propaganda can you show where she has supported a constitutional amendment that would abolish gay marriage?

2. Pro-censorship? :lol: This is based upon nothing other than a rumor started by the DNC that she wanted to ban books from the Waslia library, right? If not, then show your proof.

3. So, you would be for banning the teaching of alternate theories from the class room ? Would you also be in favor of burning all books that are pro-creationism? I thought you abhorred censorship for religious reasons. Or do you, like our illustrious Med-'O-Mao, have flexable principles? :blsmoke:

1. She has openly spoke out in favor of banning gay marriage. I assume it's because of religious reasons. Here's one article (OF MANY)

2. I tend to think the Wasilla incident was covered up. The librarian had more to say on the issue but was hushed. However, I'll give this one to you and say she's NOT in favor of censorship.

3. I am NOT for the banning of teaching alternate theories in the classroom. And I would not be in favor of burning books that are pro-creationism. I do not like any form of censorship. But I do believe in science. Science produces facts - some indubitable, some not. I believe that evolution is scientific FACT. So to allow alternate theories to be taught is simply illogical. And where does it end? Not to fall down the slippery slope, but what theories do we allow? Believing that the earth is 6,000 years old is quite unorthodox. So do we allow other unorthodox theories? When a teacher gets to the section on the creation of earth and man, does (s)he need to cover evolution, creationism, and the whole gamut of other theories? Some believe aliens created the earth - we have to allow it. Some think that the earth is a figment of our imagination - we have to allow it. Some think the earth is flat - we have to allow it. I mean, come on....

It is a fact that the earth is older than 6,000 years. We cannot allow false theories to be taught in the classroom when we know something as fact. And I know we're entering into an argument of definition - what is fact? But I think some areas are clearly safe. We know the earth is round. Should we also teach that it's flat? Wouldn't that be crazy? I personally think it's crazy to believe that the earth is 6,000 years old and do not want my children being taught that it is simply to please religious zealouts. That's my problem with Palin. I have no problem with the fact that she believes it. That's fine and dandy - more power to her. But to force your incorrect theory on my children because of your religion? That's insane. Absolutely insane.

So tell me, do you believe the earth is 6,000 years old? If you do, it explains everything you say. If not, then why do you want it taught to your kids? How much relativity do we allow in our schools? With extreme relativity, there are no facts. Do you want this? I truly do not understand how it wound benefit. With morality and social issues, any theory is fair game, but with science and mathematics?????


Well-Known Member
With a straight face? You should think about a career in politics. ;-)
why is it you can never directly answer a question?

wtf do you mean "my guy"?

pretend i'm dumb and explain it to me. if you can.

otherwise i may just consider it an attack.



New Member
1. She has openly spoke out in favor of banning gay marriage. I assume it's because of religious reasons. Here's one article (OF MANY)

2. I tend to think the Wasilla incident was covered up. The librarian had more to say on the issue but was hushed. However, I'll give this one to you and say she's NOT in favor of censorship.

3. I am NOT for the banning of teaching alternate theories in the classroom. And I would not be in favor of burning books that are pro-creationism. I do not like any form of censorship. But I do believe in science. Science produces facts - some indubitable, some not. I believe that evolution is scientific FACT. So to allow alternate theories to be taught is simply illogical. And where does it end? Not to fall down the slippery slope, but what theories do we allow? Believing that the earth is 6,000 years old is quite unorthodox. So do we allow other unorthodox theories? When a teacher gets to the section on the creation of earth and man, does (s)he need to cover evolution, creationism, and the whole gamut of other theories? Some believe aliens created the earth - we have to allow it. Some think that the earth is a figment of our imagination - we have to allow it. Some think the earth is flat - we have to allow it. I mean, come on....

It is a fact that the earth is older than 6,000 years. We cannot allow false theories to be taught in the classroom when we know something as fact. And I know we're entering into an argument of definition - what is fact? But I think some areas are clearly safe. We know the earth is round. Should we also teach that it's flat? Wouldn't that be crazy? I personally think it's crazy to believe that the earth is 6,000 years old and do not want my children being taught that it is simply to please religious zealouts. That's my problem with Palin. I have no problem with the fact that she believes it. That's fine and dandy - more power to her. But to force your incorrect theory on my children because of your religion? That's insane. Absolutely insane.

So tell me, do you believe the earth is 6,000 years old? If you do, it explains everything you say. If not, then why do you want it taught to your kids? How much relativity do we allow in our schools? With extreme relativity, there are no facts. Do you want this? I truly do not understand how it wound benefit. With morality and social issues, any theory is fair game, but with science and mathematics?????
Excellent post, jrh ...

Just a couple of thoughts: I believe you are in error in thinking that Palin is through with politics. She will be very effective and influential in a movement that you may have not heard of ... and that's the "Patriot Movement." These people are religious first, constitutionalists second and very much anti-socialism. Many of them are tax protesters and look at the federal government, considering what it has evolved into, as the enemy. They are devout believers in the Second Amendment and take the writings of the Founding Fathers literally. They completely understand that the Founders put the Second Amendment second only to the First Amendment for a reason.

Continuing on ... No, I don't believe that the earth was created 6000 years ago, and I don't know any Christians that believe that either ... including Sarah Palin.

On your Evolution theory: When the topic comes up in your classes, professor, what fossil evidence do you provide for your students as proof that Man evolved from lower life forms, and that your theory is FACT, and that you are not just taking what Darwin taught in the 1800s upon faith?



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