Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

You are a monkey in a cage that I poke with a sharp stick and get poo thrown back in return... You are a toy...

Years pass and nothing changes, you are still waiting in the cage with poo in your hands.

if you think you are making me look stupid by asking me to draw iran's route to the sea, you are even more deluded than i could ever give you credit for.

i truly had no idea what you were capable of.
if you think you are making me look stupid by asking me to draw iran's route to the sea, you are even more deluded than i could ever give you credit for.

i truly had no idea what you were capable of.

I dont need to make you look like anything.

You have proven yourself the fool since the first post on this forum...
should we discuss how domestic oil does not come from alberta now? or is that gonna totally embarrass me?

I could try to explain how your embarrassing level of stupidity leads you to read things wrong and then create straw men to attack rather than address the actual issues. Dr. Kynes took quite a bit of time and effort trying to get you to understand the concept that forest fires can and do play a part in global cooling as simply one aspect of an incredibly complex ecosphere. I think eventually you just resorted to posting pictures or something...

Debating you is like trying to debate a monkey flinging poo. Quite pointless.... At least they conveniently keep you in a cage for our amusement.
that's not what he said.


did all the booze just kill your memory, or are you purposely lying?

Yes, and I believe your contention was that local cooling has nothing to do with global cooling and/or warming and thus by association local warming would have nothing to do with global warming.

So you essentially destroyed the entire global warming argument... Bravo!!! Better than pictures.

I never said that forest fires cause global cooling. I listed a number of factors that could contribute to global heating and/or cooling and you picked one out and misrepresented it (or flat out misunderstood it) and have been acting like a fool over it ever since... Why should I stop you??
Yes, and I believe your contention was that local cooling has nothing to do with global cooling

my contention is that LOCAL cooling is not the same as GLOBAL cooling. because it's not.

you essentially destroyed the entire global warming argument... Bravo!!!

you are literally retarded.

I never said that forest fires cause global cooling.

yes you you are just lying, like usual.


I said that forest fires can contribute to global cooling, not warming.
I said one of the possible causes of global cooling is forest fires.

you are a fucking stooge.
my contention is that LOCAL cooling is not the same as GLOBAL cooling. because it's not.

you are literally retarded.

yes you you are just lying, like usual.


you are a fucking stooge.

So you contend that local temperature variances have nothing to do with global warming and/or cooling?? You do understand how they get the GLOBAL temperature right?? Hint: It isnt taken from the town called Globe a couple hours east of Phoenix....
So you contend that local temperature variances have nothing to do with global warming and/or cooling?? You do understand how they get the GLOBAL temperature right?? Hint: It isnt taken from the town called Globe a couple hours east of Phoenix....

forest fires may cause LOCAL cooling, just like how rain clouds may cause LOCAL raining.

are you so stupid that you think that when it rains by you, it's raining all over the entire globe?


nothing to say about getting caught red handed in yet another lie?
forest fires may cause LOCAL cooling, just like how rain clouds may cause LOCAL raining.

are you so stupid that you think that when it rains by you, it's raining all over the entire globe?


nothing to say about getting caught red handed in yet another lie?

How do scientists determine global temperature?
So if I pump me some CO2 into the air I'm not contributing to global warming? Thanks, I was worried there for a minute. I kind of like penguins.
So you do not want to admit that it is the average of local temperatures... I get it. For you losing an argument must be like losing a crop...

in order to be losing this argument, you'd have to show me one single scientific paper that says that forest fires cause GLOBAL cooling instead of LOCAL cooling.

i'm so sorry that you are too stupid to understand the difference between LOCAL phenomena and GLOBAL phenomena.

None of this is about climate change anyway.

Let me try again.

Buck,the hole you feel inside you is bottomless. You cannot fill it with enough alcohol. You need to quit drinking to get the depressants out of your system. Then you need to address what is fucked up in your head. Something is causing you to try to escape from pain you yourself are creating. Nobody can fix that but you.

You may or may not have noticed but you are now #1 in postings on this site. The back and forth you have going on here is not healthy. The sense of self righteousness and purpose of winning arguments on the internet or proving someone else wrong are just as transitory as the alcohol you are drinking. Making other people feel like shit is not going to make you feel better about yourself. I can point to over 61,000 of your posts to prove it.

Once you get your head straight you can work on self esteem. That is the only thing that will fill that bottomless hole you have.

Therapy can help if you are willing to change.

Healing starts with acceptance...

I give a crap if you continue to misrepresent my positions and statements although always reserve the right to set the record straight regarding your faulty memory ;]

None of this is about climate change anyway.

Let me try again.

Buck,the hole you feel inside you is bottomless. You cannot fill it with enough alcohol. You need to quit drinking to get the depressants out of your system. Then you need to address what is fucked up in your head. Something is causing you to try to escape from pain you yourself are creating. Nobody can fix that but you.

You may or may not have noticed but you are now #1 in postings on this site. The back and forth you have going on here is not healthy. The sense of self righteousness and purpose of winning arguments on the internet or proving someone else wrong are just as transitory as the alcohol you are drinking. Making other people feel like shit is not going to make you feel better about yourself. I can point to over 61,000 of your posts to prove it.

Once you get your head straight you can work on self esteem. That is the only thing that will fill that bottomless hole you have.

Therapy can help if you are willing to change.

Healing starts with acceptance...

I give a crap if you continue to misrepresent my positions and statements although always reserve the right to set the record straight regarding your faulty memory ;]

that's a lot of pointless blather there kiddo.

sadly, none of it will change the fact that forest fires do not cause GLOBAL cooling.