Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

that's not true, you just told another demonstrable lie.

still waiting on citation for your claim that "forest fires create global cooling".

or you can just keep lying and running away when you get caught lying.

You dont seem to understand english.

Last time you were crying about my claim that "forest fires create global warming" which is of course untrue. You accuse me of living in Apache Junction which I never said and is of course untrue. You lie, omit and just troll your way through most threads parroting retarded bullshit and posting cartoons.

Why should I care that you got it wrong once again, consistently and are demanding I defend something I did not say??

Could it be the alcohol talking?
You dont seem to understand english.

Last time you were crying about my claim that "forest fires create global warming" which is of course untrue. You accuse me of living in Apache Junction which I never said and is of course untrue. You lie, omit and just troll your way through most threads parroting retarded bullshit and posting cartoons.

Why should I care that you got it wrong once again, consistently and are demanding I defend something I did not say??

Could it be the alcohol talking?

probably not the alcohol since i haven't even cracked one open yet. but that'll change soon.

india does not produce more CO2 than us, much less "multiple times more than we are". china doesn't even produce twice as much CO2 as we do.

so now that your most recent lie has been debunked, let's go ahead and look at your less recent lie that kynes seems to have taken up (LOL).

"forest fires create global cooling" - got any citation for that, kiddo?
that's not true, you just told another demonstrable lie.

still waiting on citation for your claim that "forest fires create global cooling".

or you can just keep lying and running away when you get caught lying.

CountryAnnual CO
2 emissions
(in thousands of tonnes) % of world
China (ex.Macau, Hong Kong)8,286,89226.43%
United States4,433,05717.33%
European Union (27)

China 8 + India = 2 (US 4) so ... CHina + India = 2.5 TIMES the CO2 output...
probably not the alcohol since i haven't even cracked one open yet. but that'll change soon.

india does not produce more CO2 than us, much less "multiple times more than we are". china doesn't even produce twice as much CO2 as we do.

so now that your most recent lie has been debunked, let's go ahead and look at your less recent lie that kynes seems to have taken up (LOL).

"forest fires create global cooling" - got any citation for that, kiddo?

You continuously ignore citiations. I have long since quit chasing that troll trail after I get bored proving you wrong.

Have another beer bucky.

I am going to sell one of my businesses for lots of cash and move up in the world again and you are going to troll the internet. Life is sweet, Karma works, I am stoned on medical marijuana and I love you all!!! P.S. Go Capitalism!!
CountryAnnual CO
2 emissions
(in thousands of tonnes) % of world
China (ex.Macau, Hong Kong)8,286,89226.43%
United States4,433,05717.33%
European Union (27)

China 8 + India = 2 (US 4) so ... CHina + India = 2.5 TIMES the CO2 output...

except you never said "china and india combined" or even implied it.

good job on changing the claim though.

got anything about those forest fires that cause global cooling?
except you never said "china and india combined" or even implied it.

good job on changing the claim though.

got anything about those forest fires that cause global cooling?

I said the indians and the chineese...

Too hard to make the leap eh??

Fuck if I care :P
I said the indians and the chineese...

Too hard to make the leap eh??

Fuck if I care :P

which implies logically that the indians (no need for an apostrophe, idiot) produce multiple times more CO2 AND the chinese produce multiple times more CO2 than we do.

good job on moving the goalposts though to save your lie based on being an uninformed dipshit.
which implies logically that the indians (no need for an apostrophe, idiot) produce multiple times more CO2 AND the chinese produce multiple times more CO2 than we do.

good job on moving the goalposts though to save your lie based on being an uninformed dipshit.

You misinterpreted what I said and now demand that I argue your error... Not happening...
so you're about 50 years old and your life's work is worth a mere $66,000 (if you're not lying, like usual)?

damn, start looking for some beachfront condos in santa barbara!

Bucky.. Do try to keep up. I know that capitalism is not one of your strong suits...

One of those businesses that I started, you know the ones you accused me of lying about for over 3 years now, has gotten to the point that I have decided to sell it and move to the next level. So, after making about 100K in 3 years I now am going to sell the business for an additional 66K of which I get about 54k for all my hard work and a broker gets to walk away with 12K for being in the right place at the right time. I dont begrudge her that though as you need to spend money to make money. I could keep it and make 4-5K per month as long as I wanted to do it but I want to move to the next level and I need the extra time to do that.

My previous employer is thrilled that I now have the time and the interest to take their business to the next level and we are looking at expanding and generating millions of dollars in business within the next 5-8 years. I will be a big part of that and will get a very nice paycheck for the effort.

The other side business I have can continue to grow as I choose.

Life is good when you understand capitalism!!!
so you're about 50 years old and your life's work is worth a mere $66,000 (if you're not lying, like usual)?

damn, start looking for some beachfront condos in santa barbara!

Yeah, if you dont count the house that is paid off, the car that is paid off, the rental property, etc...

I am so sad now ;]
no i didn't.

if you meant to say "combined" or "together" you would have written something like that.

only once you got caught in a lie did you change your claim to "combined".


the word "and' means combined.

Thanks for arguing about what I meant when I used it... It makes the rest of your argument irrelevant.
the guy doesn't even know how to do exponents.
and if it was so simple and obvious, why did you shit out 300 posts of "Nuh UH!" "What Study?" "nuh uh!" "right wing think tank!" "what study?" "nuh uh!" "wheres your evidence?"

i may not have known how to do exponents, but apparently you didnt either or you would have "won" that argument in 1 post.

i said it before and ill say it again, my math aint perfect. if you say my math is wrong and show me why (before 300 posts of nonsense and denials) then i would even take YOUR word for it and check my math again.

you decided to go a different direction, you assumed my math was right, but i made up the citation, then that it was a right wing think tank, then that it didnt exist again.

my math may be weak, but yours is no better (until your wife gets home...) and all your other attempts to dismiss it (faulty math and all) failed miserably.