Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

i'm still waiting for the two middle aged failures, the pool boy and the stock boy, to show me citation that forest fires cause global cooling.
you rewally are daft

forest fires cause LOCAL COOLING which is part of the global climate.

you think the smoke cloud uses it's albedo to simply divert the heat a few miles to the west?

no, it reflects it back into space, causing that locality to become noticably cooler, which in turn brings down the global average

if there are enough forest fires, there will be a GLOBAL nuclear winter scenario.

in the past there have in fact been such massive fires

the meteor strike that killed the dinosaurs didnt do it by flying around the globe knocking each one on the head until it found the last brontosaur hiding in a swamp and knocked him out.

the strike caused a huge heat flash that started fires for thousands of miles around the impact and THATS what chilled the dinosaurs' nuts off.
he said it's a saltwater pool

why, i dunno.

so bucky thinks water vapour exists solely as clouds.


i wonder what kind of clouds cause increase in the humidity im my grow hooch...

when i open the door to my veg room, the humidity drops from ~55% to ~40% but the CO2 stays at about the same PPM.
you told me you were a drunkie.

once a drunkie, always a drunkie. which is why you can't have even a single beer, while i get to enjoy one on this warm but not too warm day.

The day was Smoking hot here... I used to love to drink down a beer on a hot day like this. Drinking a soda is the exact same thing though, except for no hangover ;]

It isnt as if I have not been offered a beer in the last eight years or so. It isnt that I am afraid to drink a beer or 10 beers. When I quit I made the decision that I no longer needed it. And no longer needing it, I no longer wanted it. I have no use for drinking alcohol anymore. Been there, done that, rinse and repeat for 2 decades. What could possibly be new or fun about it now?? When I go to the grocery or convenience store I dont even notice the beer aisle... Just have no use for it.

You are the one passing out, not me pal. I dropped that problem a long time ago.

It can be kicked but you have to really want to do it.
you rewally are daft

forest fires cause LOCAL COOLING which is part of the global climate.

you think the smoke cloud uses it's albedo to simply divert the heat a few miles to the west?

no, it reflects it back into space, causing that locality to become noticably cooler, which in turn brings down the global average

if there are enough forest fires, there will be a GLOBAL nuclear winter scenario.

in the past there have in fact been such massive fires

the meteor strike that killed the dinosaurs didnt do it by flying around the globe knocking each one on the head until it found the last brontosaur hiding in a swamp and knocked him out.

the strike caused a huge heat flash that started fires for thousands of miles around the impact and THATS what chilled the dinosaurs' nuts off.

If you do not think I have said that, albeit not so eloquently, I would repeat it. But Uncle Buck only only remembers what is useful to his world view.
The day was Smoking hot here... I used to love to drink down a beer on a hot day like this. Drinking a soda is the exact same thing though, except for no hangover

minus the nice buzz you get from drinking one in the hot sun.

or how good a smoke tastes after.

and all the other enjoyable effects that come with downing a few beers.

it's really too bad that you have no self control.
If you do not think I have said that, albeit not so eloquently, I would repeat it. But Uncle Buck only only remembers what is useful to his world view.

so you mean to say that you have said forest fires cause LOCAL cooling in order to support your claim that they cause GLOBAL cooling?


kynes lowers himself to try to prop up your failed arguments, you should be apologizing to the guy. he's got much more retarded and confusing arguments he could be carrying on with.
I doubt these emerging powerhouses, have an interest in Saving the Ice Age.

Their urban heat bubbles will save them after we have dismantled ours.
but the coming ice age is natural!

we need it to maintain Mother Gaia's delicqate balance
I just watched some retro stuff on how in the 70's we were heading for the next ice age.

Sure as hell looked convincing to me.

They had graphs and everything...
I just watched some retro stuff on how in the 70's we were heading for the next ice age.

Sure as hell looked convincing to me.

They had graphs and everything...

well that settles it all then.

go home, 34 national academies of science. NLXSK says you are no longer needed because he saw something 40 years old that convinced his feeble mind.
well that settles it all then.

go home, 34 national academies of science. NLXSK says you are no longer needed because he saw something 40 years old that convinced his feeble mind.

Newspapers, magazines, scientific articles.

Google it dumbass....
If we started taking ocean water by the millions of gallons and started evaporating it into the air at an unprecedented rate, do the nay-sayers think it would affect global temps?

That's essentially what we're doing with fossil fuels.
We'll need the fossil fuels to heat all that water.
It happened. Too much smoke and ash in the air caused global cooling. This was caused by volcanic activity but will happen when enough forest fires are going at the same time too. How the smoke and ash gets into the air does not matter. It already happened. The Summer of 1816......never came in the Northern Hemisphere, Too much smoke and ash was the cause.

This concludes the debate over weather or not Forest fires can cause global cooling. enough of them.....can.
It happened. Too much smoke and ash in the air caused global cooling. This was caused by volcanic activity but will happen when enough forest fires are going at the same time too. How the smoke and ash gets into the air does not matter. It already happened. The Summer of 1816......never came in the Northern Hemisphere, Too much smoke and ash was the cause.

This concludes the debate over weather or not Forest fires can cause global cooling. enough of them.....can.

such qualifiers. so prefaced. many ifs. much wow.
Climate change takes place over decades, don't forest fires last, at most a year or two? How would a measurement of the global temperature trend pick up on a local forest fire?
so you mean to say that you have said forest fires cause LOCAL cooling in order to support your claim that they cause GLOBAL cooling?


kynes lowers himself to try to prop up your failed arguments, you should be apologizing to the guy. he's got much more retarded and confusing arguments he could be carrying on with.
"The causes of the end-Cretaceous extinction are still being debated by paleontologists. Researchers agree that a major factor was an asteroid about 10 kilometers in diameter that struck what is now the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. The effects of the impact were catastrophic, probably including global forest fires, possibly a period of cold weather due to sunlight-blocking dust and smoke, and a subsequent period of hot climate caused by the high levels of CO2 released into the atmosphere by the impact."

ZOMG. the smithsonian istitute must be a Right Wing Thing or you are a Forest Fire Denier

i wonder if he is a volcano denier too:

"IPCC (1992, 1994) and the SAR have dealt with the climatic effects of episodic, explosive volcanic events which result in significant enhancements of aerosol concentrations in the stratosphere. The most dramatic of these in recent times has been the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. The radiative, chemical, dynamical and climatic consequences accompanying the transient duration of sulphuric acid aerosols in the stratosphere have been discussed in previous IPCC assessments. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo reached a peak forcing of about -3 Wm-2 (uncertainty of 20%) in 1991 (Hansen et al., 1998; Stenchikov et al., 1998), and was plausibly the largest volcanic aerosol forcing of this century, perturbing the stratospheric and surface climate significantly (SAR)."

that means it got noticeably colder cuz sunlight was bouncing off into space, dropping temps by, as i recall, an average of 1.5 to 2 degrees F planet-wide for like 3 years

forest fires on a massive scale do the same job.
Climate change takes place over decades, don't forest fires last, at most a year or two? How would a measurement of the global temperature trend pick up on a local forest fire?

the smoke from a forest fire only hangs out for about a week in the stillest weather, unless, like the LA Baisn theres a thermal layer acting as a cork in the bottle.
the smoke dissipate and with it goes the Albedo cooling it produces (think, Shade from the smoke cloud covering hundreds of square miles)

the level of forest fires cause by the dino-cidal asteroid impact (as well as the asteroid's own ejecta cloud) were GLOBAL, and lasted for decades. smoke cant dissipate if the whole globe is full of smoke.

one pothead in a room with 1 doobie: mild cloud of dope. smoke crack a window and it's gone
three potheads with 2 doobies in rotation: Dank Ass Clam Bake, or Spiccoli's Van


now imagine 20,000 potheads all burning jazz cigarettes at the same time in the astro-dome
sounds groovy dont it?
but when tens of thousands of square miles of forest are burning the smoke blots out the sun, creates it's own weather pattern, drives down humidity and results in a Nuclear Winter.
the smoke from a forest fire only hangs out for about a week in the stillest weather, unless, like the LA Baisn theres a thermal layer acting as a cork in the bottle.
the smoke dissipate and with it goes the Albedo cooling it produces (think, Shade from the smoke cloud covering hundreds of square miles)

the level of forest fires cause by the dino-cidal asteroid impact (as well as the asteroid's own ejecta cloud) were GLOBAL, and lasted for decades. smoke cant dissipate if the whole globe is full of smoke.

one pothead in a room with 1 doobie: mild cloud of dope. smoke crack a window and it's gone
three potheads with 2 doobies in rotation: Dank Ass Clam Bake, or Spiccoli's Van


now imagine 20,000 potheads all burning jazz cigarettes at the same time in the astro-dome
sounds groovy dont it?
but when tens of thousands of square miles of forest are burning the smoke blots out the sun, creates it's own weather pattern, drives down humidity and results in a Nuclear Winter.

If you could frame your replies like you did with this one, you and I would have a much more civil dialogue

Is there any evidence that shows the fires caused by the dino-cidal asteroid impact lasted decades?