Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

i'm not talking about skeptics or deniers.

i want to know who the HOAXERS are.

but of course you are too much of a PUSSY to name even a single one.

All one in the same. I know you've been itching for this response so you can roll out your cherry picked, single definition of hoax, so I'll finally let you get it out of your system.

I'm high and I'm feeling generous.
All one in the same. I know you've been itching for this response so you can roll out your cherry picked, single definition of hoax, so I'll finally let you get it out of your system.

I'm high and I'm feeling generous.

quit being a pussy and just let me know who your fellow HOAXERS are.
quit being a pussy and just let me know who your fellow HOAXERS are.

Anyone who would agree with the following statement.

"The MMGW movement is bullshit"

You can label them anything you'd like. Some may think the zealots have the science dead wrong by accident, some may think they have it wrong for an agenda (most) and some just think you gots a purdy mouth.

When it comes down to it, the skeptics, deniers, hoaxers, whatever, are on the same page and it's definitely not in the book from which you're reading. You are losing ground in this fight every day, I couldn't care less what you call your opponents. We all think you're a useful idiot.
When it comes down to it, the skeptics, deniers, hoaxers, whatever, are on the same page and it's definitely not in the book from which you're reading.


a skeptic looks at the evidence and may question the degree to which human activities are contributing to the rapid rise in global temps.

a denier looks at the evidence and may say that human activities are not contributing to the rapid rise in global temps.

a hoaxer says the evidence is manufactured as part of a malicious deception/conspiracy.

words have meanings, blockhead, and you have cemented yourself firmly in the most ridiculous, unsupportable camp of any of them.

a skeptic looks at the evidence and may question the degree to which human activities are contributing to the rapid rise in global temps.

a denier looks at the evidence and may say that human activities are not contributing to the rapid rise in global temps.

a hoaxer says the evidence is manufactured as part of a malicious deception/conspiracy.

words have meanings, blockhead, and you have cemented yourself firmly in the most ridiculous, unsupportable camp of any of them.

There it is, I knew you had it waiting. lol

a skeptic looks at the evidence and may question the degree to which human activities are contributing to the rapid rise in global temps and looks at the fervor by the zealots to push an agenda based on that evidence as a hoax.

a denier looks at the evidence and may say that human activities are not contributing to the rapid rise in global temps and looks at the fervor by the zealots to push an agenda based on that evidence as a hoax.

a hoaxer says the evidence is manufactured as part of a malicious deception/conspiracy and looks at the fervor by the zealots to push an agenda based on that evidence as a hoax.

words have meanings, blockhead, and you have cemented yourself firmly in the most ridiculous, unsupportable camp of any of them.

Word do have meanings chucklehead and all the folks you listed above think the "push" for legislation based on any of it is bullshit. Same page, so sorry.
no, skeptics do not view the evidence as part of a hoax, you fucking moron.

you are fucking pathetic.

Of course they do, they are skeptical of the evidence and view the "maniacal" push for suicidal legislation based on that very evidence as yet another hoax by the Eco-Loons who have demonstrated time and again that the ends justify the means.

It all leads to the same conclusion, take your fucking pie in the sky restrictions and decrees and shove them firmly up your ass. Which is why you can't get fuckall accomplished, we're quite united in telling you to piss off.
Of course they do, they are skeptical of the evidence and view the "maniacal" push for suicidal legislation based on that very evidence as yet another hoax by the Eco-Loons who have demonstrated time and again that the ends justify the means.

alright, let's suppose your retarded mental musings have some basis in reality.

care to cite a few of these skepto-hoaxers?

a skeptic looks at the evidence and may question the degree to which human activities are contributing to the rapid rise in global temps.

a denier looks at the evidence and may say that human activities are not contributing to the rapid rise in global temps.

a hoaxer says the evidence is manufactured as part of a malicious deception/conspiracy.

words have meanings, blockhead, and you have cemented yourself firmly in the most ridiculous, unsupportable camp of any of them.
a hoaxer is one who perpetrates a fraud, not one who suspects a fraud has occurred.

noun: hoaxer; plural noun: hoaxers
a person who tricks or deceives someone by means of a hoax.

i suppose youll argue this one too though.

The AbandonIntellect is strong in this one.
a hoaxer is one who perpetrates a fraud, not one who suspects a fraud has occurred.

noun: hoaxer; plural noun: hoaxers
a person who tricks or deceives someone by means of a hoax. definition

i suppose youll argue this one too though.

The AbandonIntellect is strong in this one.

i took some liberties with the language to denote one who believes that AGW is a hoax.

suck my dick.
alright, let's suppose your retarded mental musings have some basis in reality.

care to cite a few of these skepto-hoaxers?


Bill Turner of Chesapeake MD
Frank Harrison of Tampa FL
Vivian Pritchard of Boise ID
Joshua Fairbanks of Milwaukee WI

That should get you started. If you'd like a few more, try the Guglée.

Bill Turner of Chesapeake MD
Frank Harrison of Tampa FL
Vivian Pritchard of Boise ID
Joshua Fairbanks of Milwaukee WI

That should get you started. If you'd like a few more, try the Guglée.

dont worry bucky...


Bill Turner

Yarr! Bootstrap Bill Dinnae Mae wi' any claims o' global warmin neever fer nor a'gin it!

Francis "Frank" Capel Harrison:

Choo on about mate? i ain sed nuffink about no global warmin but that would be a bit of alright wouldnit guvnor, on acoount the coal strike's been feeezin me knackers off!

Vivian Pritchard:



Joshua Fairbanks:


that beard fairly screams "Preparing for the coming Ice Age" or "Marxist Plutocrat from the 1800's..."

Pwned! I R King of The Interwebs!

you are now automatically incorrect in any other assertions, past present or future.
dont worry bucky...


Bill Turner

Yarr! Bootstrap Bill Dinnae Mae wi' any claims o' global warmin neever fer nor a'gin it!

Francis "Frank" Capel Harrison:

Choo on about mate? i ain sed nuffink about no global warmin but that would be a bit of alright wouldnit guvnor, on acoount the coal strike's been feeezin me knackers off!

Vivian Pritchard:



Joshua Fairbanks:


that beard fairly screams "Preparing for the coming Ice Age" or "Marxist Plutocrat from the 1800's..."

Pwned! I R King of The Interwebs!

you are now automatically incorrect in any other assertions, past present or future.

Nice work. I just made up the names and cities off the top of my head hoping UB would waste time looking them up. But, it's nice to put faces to them.