Saudis vs Iran...who's going to win?

But USA knew that would bring in China and Russia in warning USA that if they attack Iran there attacking them,, USA is atleast smart enough to know who to pick there fights with lol
Yes, a lot of people in the States think it was a US/Iran deal only, without thinking about the rest of humanity, anxiously looking on.
Show me made in USA shit even Russia owns your uranium sad huh Bet you didn't know that you can thank the Clinton's for that one so i guess that means uranium must come from Russia being there the majority owner :)

The Clinton Global Foundation had not previously disclosed $2.35 million donations from the Canadian chairman of Uranium One between 2009 and 2013, as Russia’s energy agency negotiated first a minority stake and eventually majority ownership of the company. This is despite an agreement with the Obama administration to disclose foreign donations.

You have no clue. Uranium is on the surface in Australia, and not all mines are publicized.
What i find funny is most americans like the one i was disagreeing with think its USA USA when in fact it was many countries involved in this agreement or meetings some people do not get it
truth is USA is starting to realize there lies have caught up to them from Moon landing to what ever 2016 - 2020 USA like now are starting to get looked at as fools which many patriots feelings are going to be hurt ,, who many claimed is non sense as in YES WE WERE ON THE MOON to being silent and hiding

I should rephrase that USA has been founded on lie's and conceptions i been doing lots of reading lately one cannot rely on anything USA says like again down playing North Korea or binladen was in Iraq or weapons of mass destruction all lies list goes on to the moon and all videos have disapeared ,, to China stating that
200 high-ranking officials from the Chinese Space Program have signed a petition asking explanations from the American government and the release of classified NASA information concerning the American moon landings that would prove to the World that the moon landings were not an elaborately orchestrated hoax to fool the World about America’s space program capabilities.

These allegations have come up through recent analysis of pictures taken from the Chinese moon rover that allegedly found no traces of the American moon landings existing on the moon. lol wheres the flag i see no golf balls or coke can's hahahaa..

Again USA at one of there famous LIES

Fucking Stevie Wonder could see the countries involved with the agreement, Member those permissions I talked about. List those that can object and kill the deal. Then list those in the deal that can actually do anything about it.

So you just up and believe China cuz they got photo`s too ?.. Member I said fooled easily ? China searched the whole moon and found nothing,??, Dude, I got real cheap ocean front property for sale in Utah, ya interested, just for you??

Answer this, Where did the rocket go ?

China must have been the first to put something on the moon because the looked and found nothing,...Right ?

If NK detonated a Fussion bomb,...all they have to do is show something nobody else would or could have,...that`s all they have to do, we`ll see,...Right ?
Yes, a lot of people in the States think it was a US/Iran deal only, without thinking about the rest of humanity, anxiously looking on.

No That`s not true, most of us realize it would not go down until the US says so, we are angry that the US said so.
What most people don`t know is that the scientists are in control of the worlds Nuclear weapons, Not the Militaries, that goes for China, Russia, USA, India and the like, with this deal with Iran, that is gonna change and that`s the last thing you want to see happen.
What most people don`t know is that the scientists are in control of the worlds Nuclear weapons, Not the Militaries, that goes for China, Russia, USA, India and the like, with this deal with Iran, that is gonna change and that`s the last thing you want to see happen.
Youre aware the US is currently allied with Saudi Arabia and yet you're afraid of Iran?

Yous backed the more crazy "allah nut-bar" nation there dude.
Well, I'm not willing to water my babies with radio-active rain water,even if you are. Some of us are closer to the action than others.

Have you tried checking fresh rainwater with a Geiger counter?
If not, then you may be surprised.
If your grow is in a basement, your "babies" are likely sucking up plenty of Radon gas. You are radioactive.

I think I understand what you mean (it's the high-doses of Beta particles from fallout which you are concerned about), but your statement as presented is misleading.

Everyone will die from cancer if they live long enough, simply due to natural exposure. The 210Pb daughter product is what will get you, eventually.
Have you tried checking fresh rainwater with a Geiger counter?
If not, then you may be surprised.
If your grow is in a basement, your "babies" are likely sucking up plenty of Radon gas. You are radioactive.

I think I understand what you mean (it's the high-doses of Beta particles from fallout which you are concerned about), but your statement as presented is misleading.

Everyone will die from cancer if they live long enough, simply due to natural exposure. The 210Pb daughter product is what will get you, eventually.
No, I dont carry around a 'spare' Geiger counter, but I'm thinking of buying a ph meter !.
I dont think I've given a misleading statement. over radiation. If you live in Europe, like some on here, we get sand blown over here from the Sahara desert during unusual weather.
It's simplistic to think that a nuclear war and its fall-out, both in human terms and the other would be a 'clean' war, with only the 'baddies' losing and everyone else left unscathed.
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OMG Oddball i see you still in the mentality that USA pulls all the strings haha sorry But here is a real WAKE UP CALL USA was scared of Russia back in the Disarming race and Still Scared of Russia today that is the whole truth nothing but the truth god SAve America truth

amazing iran was threatening to block srtaight a while back USA was ready to start a war with iran but now USA is going to give Iran Nukes lmao you better read up on the nations involved in total decision on what is what ,, and get that USA USA shit out o your brain

Let see here USA did all in iraq again blind of the coaition strike force but only USA yeah meat head
remember USA cannot do much on there own any more seriously nothing on there own
Show me a war they won on there own
No, I dont carry around a 'spare' Geiger counter, but I'm thinking of buying a ph meter !. .
I would recommend a pH meter, for sure. That is probably the most important tool in my garden.

Meanwhile, Saudis have bombed the piss out of the Iranian embassy in Yemen.
If they weren't trying to escalate the tension, they sure have a funny way of not doing it.
I would recommend a pH meter, for sure. That is probably the most important tool in my garden.

Meanwhile, Saudis have bombed the piss out of the Iranian embassy in Yemen.
If they weren't trying to escalate the tension, they sure have a funny way of not doing it.
I haven't seen the news today, but what you've just said doesn't surprise me in the least. Knowing full well that the Iranians would have evacuated their staff in response to the torching of their embassy in Iran, they're childish response was predictable. If the said embassy was in the Yemen capital, even more so as it is in rebel held territory.
A very frustrated, angry, well armed and highly unpredictable leadership plus plummeting oil prices is a veritable devils brew.
I haven't seen the news today, but what you've just said doesn't surprise me in the least. Knowing full well that the Iranians would have evacuated their staff in response to the torching of their embassy in Iran, they're childish response was predictable. If the said embassy was in the Yemen capital, even more so as it is in rebel held territory.
A very frustrated, angry, well armed and highly unpredictable leadership plus plummeting oil prices is a veritable devils brew.

Ahhh...hold-up. I got caught by the headlines. It turns out, it may not have been hit at all.
Hmmmm...Perhaps Iran is trying to rattle the saber on this one?
Funny though, the first record of the storming of a foreign embassy I can find was in, of all places Tehran in 1829 !.
Iran (Persia) lost a war with Russia in which the Russians grabbed the modern day Republic of Azerbaijan, cutting it off from the Iranian province of the same name.
The Russian ambassador was torn to bits by the crowd.
History may not repeat itself, but it can rhyme from time to time.
Youre aware the US is currently allied with Saudi Arabia and yet you're afraid of Iran?

Yous backed the more crazy "allah nut-bar" nation there dude.

Anyone else nothing Buck isn't around? I noticed no "Ignored Member" replies for the last 2 days. I guess he shouldnt have posted people's personal details ;)

I`m not afraid of Iran, I`m afraid of the HOT bomb and you should be too. Iran is not a Global threat, with a HOT bomb, they can be. They shout death to the USA and to allow them to get them is stupid. Obama says "well we can`t stop them, they`ll end up getting one anyway", is cowardice on the part of the US President.

During the tanker wars, ships carrying oil were hit from the other side of the river with no regard to where that oil in the water went,..They are ruthless and will throw the next HOT bomb. All of SA is dependent on oil for survival, easy to maneuver them, Iran, not so much.

Rollie will slap bucks account around just like you or me, and I could care less if buck gets too far out of line, it`s a good read sometimes.
OMG Oddball i see you still in the mentality that USA pulls all the strings haha sorry But here is a real WAKE UP CALL USA was scared of Russia back in the Disarming race and Still Scared of Russia today that is the whole truth nothing but the truth god SAve America truth

amazing iran was threatening to block srtaight a while back USA was ready to start a war with iran but now USA is going to give Iran Nukes lmao you better read up on the nations involved in total decision on what is what ,, and get that USA USA shit out o your brain

Let see here USA did all in iraq again blind of the coaition strike force but only USA yeah meat head
remember USA cannot do much on there own any more seriously nothing on there own
Show me a war they won on there own

Dude, any sane person would be afraid of Russia, Maybe not their government, but Russian people in general run on the large size and they are tough as nails. Go fight the big Russian at the bar.

The funny part is when Iran said don`t come through, and we went through with Washington I think, and you could see it for miles and miles from both sides, ...Iran did nothing. We called their bluff. I didn`t like the 5700 man trump card but that`s all we have at the time.

A 2%+1%+4%+3%+90% force is still a coalition dumbass. SA footed the bill most of the time and is still like 70% footing the bill now.
I`ll say this again, we have done nothing but policing over there since 90 in 90 the world saw how fast they will fall flat over there should the US military go active war. I`ll bet you wear a mask...............

I see no problem helping Iran stop depending on oil that will one day run out, but to hand them over the Nuke tech. and not run it for them adds to the Nuclear nation we are trying to reduce. Running their program for them is the way to go, not gift it and add to the list. If they wanna refine gasoline and lowball everyone over there, fine, but the sponsoring nation should run that generator, not gift it to them.

When was the last time a foreign Army, Navy, or Air force entered the USA ? It will never happen.

Maybe you could tell me why Iran stood down on their threat when we called their bluff ? or, At least try.
I think shouting 'Death to the USA' and actually making do on that threat are two different things. Iran fought an 8 year war with Iraq in the '80s with Saudi Arabia, more importantly Kuwait, plus the other muppets in the Gulf footing the bill and with the tacit approval of the USA.
If Iran can seem paranoid from time to time, they have valid reasons in doing so.
I`m not afraid of Iran, I`m afraid of the HOT bomb and you should be too. Iran is not a Global threat, with a HOT bomb, they can be. They shout death to the USA and to allow them to get them is stupid. Obama says "well we can`t stop them, they`ll end up getting one anyway", is cowardice on the part of the US President.

During the tanker wars, ships carrying oil were hit from the other side of the river with no regard to where that oil in the water went,..They are ruthless and will throw the next HOT bomb. All of SA is dependent on oil for survival, easy to maneuver them, Iran, not so much.

Rollie will slap bucks account around just like you or me, and I could care less if buck gets too far out of line, it`s a good read sometimes.
Excuse me?

Name the last time Iran raised arms against another nation state non-defensively.
Excuse me?

Name the last time Iran raised arms against another nation state non-defensively.

Where you been, they been screaming death to America for decades,....they aint got a big enough stick to act, or they would. That`s about to change.

Thanks Obama.

What do you call threats to close the strait last year ?