Well-Known Member
Ginwilly, do you want to know why a consumption tax will fail, or is what Buck says true?
Sure. I've heard several theories, what's yours?
Ginwilly, do you want to know why a consumption tax will fail, or is what Buck says true?
Sure. I've heard several theories, what's yours?
I have to admit all the math you provided when you said "the math" was overwhelming. I'm going to stop responding to you for a while to digest all that data you provided.the immutable laws of mathematics were not enough for you?
Sure. I've heard several theories, what's yours?
How do you keep the stupid masses from spending all their retirement and not savingg a penny? Multi-million dollar athletes go broke and rely on their SS check. Not collecting a SS tax would lead to millions of deaths which would make our nation look like the poorest parts of Ethiopia. Your consumption tax would lead to that. Then the super elite will build a space station named Elsyium. How can you let that happen? Well, I personally think I'd save for a space shuttle ticket just to get away from Matt Damon and Buck.
Elysium looked pretty from what I saw.
Our SS system is outdone by nearly all others that allow people choices. I would much rather see our system copying the Chilean system. If I had invested my SSI tax the last 30 years at the same rate in the market, I'd be able to retire now in my 40's.
Also, you ask about SSI as though each of us pay our own. There is no reason it couldn't remain exactly the same and be part of the budget. The government has already shown that money is fungible, just because it says SSI withdrawal doesn't mean that's what it goes to. We don't get out what we put in, for some it's much more, for some it's none.
So in other words, since SSI comes out of the general budget now, it could come out of the general budget then. I'd rather develop a better system though.
I am tempted to watch the movie but the plot is annoying to me...
There's definitely a message that the rich are keeping the poor down, and the poor deserve whatever the rich worked for because they didn't really earn it. If you can overlook that, there is some cool effects and scenery , some decent action and a love story. It's definitely propaganda, but entertaining if you can get past it.
Do you know why businesses pay benefits at all??
It is because in the past the government had the bright idea to limit the income of individuals and thus forcing companies to come up with creative solutions to pay people more than the max...
So, government got us here in the first place...
We probably shouldn't if we believe in evolution. Letting the stupid people be easily separated from their money by the smarter people will only enhance the gene pool, making the future generations better. ???How do you keep the stupid masses from spending all their retirement and not savingg a penny?
and is being hamstrung by austerity.
President Obama has the right to raise minimum wage via Executive Order..will it come down to that and what do you think it will be?
I'm hoping it's $15/hour or somewhere in the general vicinity this will bring gross from an unliving wage of $290/week to a living wage of $600/week..further, pretty funny that McD's pulled their "McResources" after public outcry..
blogging and getting people involved really does work..
Why not just make minimum wage $50.00 per hour and catapult all the burger flippers firmly into the middle class? Our emperor has the authority to do it, and I am told by very progressive people here at RIU that labor costs have no impact on profitability, so why not just make everybody middle class by edict?
Mcky D Franchise owners are making 500k profit a year on average
They aint gonna go out of business
Mcky D Franchise owners are making 500k profit a year on average
They aint gonna go out of business
Mcky D Franchise owners are making 500k profit a year on average
They aint gonna go out of business
No, but the local hamburger shop they compete with will.
haha doubledown on stupid. Damn I wish I would have known all I need is a mcdonalds franchise to make half a mil yearly.....derp derp