Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

If you hold a non harming philosophy as a core belief, you would not advocate programs that have forcing others to do things as an integral part of the programs makeup.

In other words, you grant exceptions to initiate violence to some entities and then ignore your own duplicity. It seems like you don't practice your own "beliefs". Why not?

i already told you the solution is: don't use it. read my edit.
healthcare is not running someones is a FACT with preventative screenings you CAN live a longer life. the choice is yours. it is FACT that if you take care of yourself, you won't wind up in the ER causing taxpayers (that's you and me) to pick up the tab or in many cases, hospitals going out of business in rural areas. it is a FACT if women have access to birth control without a copay they're more likely to use it. the bible beaters..the "pro-family" people are so worried about a women's right to have an abortion yet they deny the VERY THING which curtails it..for the last few days Red has been on his high-horse about my paying child support with joint-custody..denigrating me..what kind of "pro-family" person is he? righties talk a good game, then when it comes to pay up you're not exactly "pro-family"..this is why "New Hire Reporting" exists and everytime you change employment you SS is run through the database for "deadbeat dads"..a women paying child support is an anomoly and my ex was a dick.

You ignore the part about people being forced to do things they may not wish to. You rationalize the use or threats of force.

It is wrong to threaten people that simply want to live their life their way and not be bothered by people that rationalize intervening.

It is unhealthy to try to live others lives for them. Why do you do this?
You ignore the part about people being forced to do things they may not wish to. You rationalize the use or threats of force.

It is wrong to threaten people that simply want to live their life their way and not be bothered by people that rationalize intervening.

It is unhealthy to try to live others lives for them. Why do you do this?

such as?
i already told you the solution is: don't use it. read my edit.

The solution is to leave people free to run their own life rather than threatening violence to them if they don't conform to your idea of how they should live. When you try to justify your intervening, that cognitive dissonance bell sound gets really loud.
do you know why people must carry auto insurance? it's to protect us against those who have no's called "unisured motorists" coverage..florida is one of the highest states with 19% of uninsured motorists.
Who are you even talking to?

I'm not talking to anyone, if you cannot tell the difference. Most of what I say, and certainly all my essays on the various subjects are providing content for RIU.

do you know why people must carry auto insurance? it's to protect us against those who have no's called "unisured motorists" coverage..florida is one of the highest states with 19% of uninsured motorists.

Do you know why most people accept government as their "god", blindly accepting the edicts?

Prussian school training.

Now how about turning down the noise of that huge cognitive dissonance bell ringing in your head? Damn, I can hear it all the way up here in the Yukon.
Everyone is spiritual no matter how hard you try to deny that fact.

BANG! The universe. WTF kind of explanation is that?

No reasonable definition for spiritual. So I can categorically deny that.

I call it prezel logic. Twisted and goes nowhere.

No one know the Universe when BANG. I know of several other fully mathed out alternatives.

Mad Hatter Logic, broken on the wheel, and bleed white, is the basis of these Beliefs.
Jeeze, GreenThumb, I see what you mean. The ignored content used to be visible. And I would like it to say, ignored content, like a raw post, and which member.

It looks like Sky's gone starkers, but I know she didn't. I wonder who she is quoting but not what they say.

Ah, forum life. :)
just like i thought. end of debate. i win.

When your actions are in conflict with your own (supposed) beliefs you don't just get dizzy.

Your prize for winning is being packaged now. It's a statue of Buddha taking a shit on a Wendy's floor and advocating peace and property rights while stealing money from his neighbors and telling them what color to paint their houses. You will cherish this lovely gift forever.
do you know why people must carry auto insurance? it's to protect us against those who have no's called "unisured motorists" coverage..florida is one of the highest states with 19% of uninsured motorists.

You do not have to have auto insurance unless you drive.