Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

So you believe in magic, but not the big bang theory?

Maybe the big bang was magic.

By saying "like dragons or unicorns," is being a bitch. "It went BANG!" is just a cop out for, "we have no fucking clue!" Who knows, maybe a dragon sneezed and that caused the big bang. Maybe it wasn't a big bang, but some other universe got too big and expanded into a vast emptiness, which became our universe. We know the direction the expanse came from. Or maybe it didn't. The physics for the universe after the first fraction of a second was wacky. The only explanation is for a moment light traveled faster than light. Otherwise the the background radiation wouldn't be uniform like it is. What caused the FTL, can we do it again? What would happen if we succeed? Some things we'll never know. If FTL is impossible, which science currently states is a fact, that means the big bang theory is wrong.
Don't have one.
Might use twinkies as an excuse

Just to piss off the fundamentalists?

Everyone's a Buddha and not. Even the Buddha himself. Or else why would the Buddha dwell upon shit and meditate? The world isn't perfect, and so would eat meat when offered. Back then Buddha was more interested in spreading his world view. Others wouldn't have listened to one word if he talked about how all life is essentially the same, and eating animals is eating part of the anima mundi. But I'm not him, and don't live in his time. Nothing bad is going to happen, and I don't give a shit about others becoming enlightened, since the method is out there. Figure it out for yourself. Buddhism is more about doing, and less about being told. The fact you said your quote means you didn't get a damn thing from all your "studying." To be blunt, you only need the fundamentals and then quit this studying nonsense. You have a lot more MEDITATING to do before you can consider yourself Buddhist. Maybe Doer can help you. He's the only one here who could point you in the right direction, if that's your wish. When you say "gone for it," that pretty much means studying Buddhism was a waste for you. Come back once you're willing to embrace the dharma.
The Buddha's enlightenment came from his complete acceptance of the impermanence of things.

Modern day Buddhism is a joke, it deifies someone who specifically stated that speculation in matters of spiritual faith is wasteful and a distraction from the path.
beliefs and healthcare are apples and oranges.

There's that ringing sound again.

If you believe people should not run others lives and then proceed to advocate programs that use force to are saying one thing and doing another. That would make you a hypocrite.
Everyone is spiritual no matter how hard you try to deny that fact.

BANG! The universe. WTF kind of explanation is that?

i have to disagree. spiritual, is belief in a power greater than you. what i believe in is similar to buddhism karma/dharma but the higher power is YOU..more like "the secret".
There's that ringing sound again.

If you believe people should not run others lives and then proceed to advocate programs that use force to are saying one thing and doing another. That would make you a hypocrite.

healthcare is not running someones is a FACT with preventative screenings you CAN live a longer life. the choice is yours. it is FACT that if you take care of yourself, you won't wind up in the ER causing taxpayers (that's you and me) to pick up the tab or in many cases, hospitals going out of business in rural areas. it is a FACT if women have access to birth control without a copay they're more likely to use it. the bible beaters..the "pro-family" people are so worried about a women's right to have an abortion yet they deny the VERY THING which curtails it..for the last few days Red has been on his high-horse about my paying child support with joint-custody..denigrating me..what kind of "pro-family" person is he? righties talk a good game, then when it comes to pay up you're not exactly "pro-family"..this is why "New Hire Reporting" exists and everytime you change employment you SS is run through the database for "deadbeat dads"..a women paying child support is an anomoly and my ex was a dick.

EDIT: the moral of the story: you don't want healthcare? choose the basic coverage..don't use it, ever and if you should have an accident or somehting that causes you emergency'll have hospitalization to protect us from you and your bill.
i have to disagree. spiritual, is belief in a power greater than you. what i believe in is similar to buddhism karma/dharma but the higher power is YOU..more like "the secret".

If you hold a non harming philosophy as a core belief, you would not advocate programs that have forcing others to do things as an integral part of the programs makeup.

In other words, you grant exceptions to initiate violence to some entities and then ignore your own duplicity. It seems like you don't practice your own "beliefs". Why not?