Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

LOL, if I want to pray in front of someone and they have a problem with it, then that's their problem to deal with.

Doesn't matter if I'm talking to God, the guy next to me, or myself, seriously fuck off if you don't like what I have to say. Your ears will survive my opinion just as I survive yours.

"Oh derp, its like smoking" No, its like freedom of speech.
At least smoking provides SOMETHING tangible, gotten your loaves and fishes yet?
I get more out of prayer than I do smoking, but that's my opinion.
I find talking to an imaginary friend the sort of trait you put people in padded rooms for.

Is it because youre scared of living your life to your own tune?

Afraid of the nothingness after death?

Munched too many tabs?
I get more smoke if you just pray? :)

Great line from Hannibal Lecter on TV the other night,

"Did I tell you I collect church collapses? One last week, in Italy, killed 85 grand mothers at Holy Communion. God, if he exists, must be having quite a lot of fun."
Comparing the offense given by a smoker next to you to a person giving thanks to God is absurd. You're not forced to give do anything by the prayer, the smoker forces you to breath polluted air.

It sounds like someone has a guilty conscious and isn't comfortable inside with their decision to reject god. The adversary has a hold of you. I'll pray for you.
Stop making those abusive threats. At least Catholics have the gol dern, common decency to ask permission.
Comparing the offense given by a smoker next to you to a person giving thanks to God is absurd. You're not forced to give do anything by the prayer, the smoker forces you to breath polluted air.

It sounds like someone has a guilty conscious and isn't comfortable inside with their decision to reject god. The adversary has a hold of you. I'll pray for you.
You do that bro, I'll wipe my arse with a Bible for you.
LOL, if I want to pray in front of someone and they have a problem with it, then that's their problem to deal with.

Doesn't matter if I'm talking to God, the guy next to me, or myself, seriously fuck off if you don't like what I have to say. Your ears will survive my opinion just as I survive yours.

"Oh derp, its like smoking" No, its like freedom of speech.

what does your sky daddy think about your incredible racism? is he cool with you hating other people for their skin color?
what does your sky daddy think about your incredible racism? is he cool with you hating other people for their skin color?
God must be racist himself. He created some groups to be dumber than others. It's not my place to question the mind of God.
Funny how your opinions and your gods seem to be the same.

BnB knows more than Buck. It's quite sad, but that fact does put into question God's existence.

I don't really blame BnB for who he is. It's people like Buck who force people like BnB to do their weird actions. It's a vicious cycle. For every person he converts to his side, more turn out like BnB in defiance. Then the few he converts will then also convert many more.
Funny how your opinions and your gods seem to be the same.
I don't pretend to know god's opinion. All I can do is observe the world he has given us.

Bucks blames the low iq scores of africans on things like poor nutrition of poor people.

That may be true. Consider that Africa has had trouble feeding it's people for generations. The brain power hasn't had the fuel to evolve as it has in other regions.
I don't pretend to know god's opinion. All I can do is observe the world he has given us.

Bucks blames the low iq scores of africans on things like poor nutrition of poor people.

That may be true. Consider that Africa has had trouble feeding it's people for generations. The brain power hasn't had the fuel to evolve as it has in other regions.
So is it the Africans fault, or is it Gods fault?

If I was a theist, itd have to be the latter.
So is it the Africans fault, or is it Gods fault?

If I was a theist, itd have to be the latter.

According to the theists it's the African's fault. According to christians Africans have the mark of Cain. That dude thousands of years ago shouldn't have killed his own brother.
Comparing the offense given by a smoker next to you to a person giving thanks to God is absurd. You're not forced to give do anything by the prayer, the smoker forces you to breath polluted air.

It sounds like someone has a guilty conscious and isn't comfortable inside with their decision to reject god. The adversary has a hold of you. I'll pray for you.

now, now BNB we've (you and i) already established that the power is within are god..however, you don't trust in yourself enough because in the past you've let yourself down and cannot bring yourself to acknowledge you are worthy enough to learn from your mistakes and possess the power to change on your own so you've created a mystical, magical deity..*schuylaar takes deep breath..please don't rain on our intellectual parade..we are FORCED to listen to you worship yourself..remember that whole god is jesus is the holy spirit is the father is the son thingy? it's all the SAME person..who is YOU.. i cannot believe that you don't get it:wall:

on a happier note: condy rice was "uninvited" to rutgers university's honorary law degree and 35k appearance fee for her lying role in the bush administration..i love the millenials..they're smart and don't take shit; cave to political pressure calling a spade a spade:wink:
religion is just as annoying as people smoking in your that better BNB?

So, if a Muslim kneeled toward Mecca and prayed during his or her numerous prayer times then you would also be annoyed and want it prevented? Or is it only Christians you want to oppress?