Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

You and I live in the deep south and I it see every once and a while. I enjoy seeing a family practicing their religion together and not being afraid of people like you and what you think.

correction..YOU live in the deep south.

i live in southeast florida..big difference.
I think you have selective vision. Christian organizations around the world are responsible for the majority of medical care for tribal peoples in remote areas.

Yeah, occasionally there is a violent nut job holding a bible. But they are few and far between.

and i think you have selective comprehension.
i find it very offensive to have to listen/subject to that shit.

freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion.

Sometimes , I find it very offensive to read your posts, perhaps there should be a law that prohibits anything I find offensive.
So, if a Muslim kneeled toward Mecca and prayed during his or her numerous prayer times then you would also be annoyed and want it prevented? Or is it only Christians you want to oppress?

you poor, oppressed christian. tell us more about how the small minority of muslims in this nation makes your life unbearable.
well in saying "freedom from" ie; freedom to choose which religion? you certainly can "opt out"..or go with something closer to what i do believe which would be more buddhist..karma, dharma..not necessarily dieties.

actually, i think it would be more beneficial and real for others to know their actions will follow them rather then having them support a myth.
implying Dharma is not a diety...

You are afraid of us. That is the nature of Christian pray. Ego begging. Smotting and Smitting. Give me. Don't give them. Don't let me suffer. Make them suffer. Please keep my frirends out of hell. Please put our enemies in Hell. Sick.

And it is by far, the second most judgmental religion on Earth. Ist is your war partner, Islam. Talk about clinging to guns and the good book! Both do that,

Does anyone think this may have turned out better if all those Pagans and Jews were not murder outright by Christians those first few hundred years by power mad, superstitious rabble of God?

Read the reality of the Last Library. Ceaser accidentally burned some of it, with his fire ship attack on Marc Antony.

The rest was burned by Christian's. And the dragged out the head librarian, a Greek woman and scrapped her skin off with pottery shards.

Christians began as book burners. I think you know why. To promote the lie without
any other details to prove it false.

They succeeded and brought Holy Jihad against them.

Good job, you smugs.


the library at alexandria remained in operation for some 200 more years after hyapatia was murdered by blood crazed jesus freaks

the library was finally destroyed, and all of it's books were burnt by the moslems under caliph omar ~628 AD

you can look that shit up.

the library at alexandria remained in operation for some 200 more years after hyapatia was murdered by blood crazed jesus freaks

the library was finally destroyed, and all of it's books were burnt by the moslems under caliph omar ~628 AD

you can look that shit up.

As you say, finally destroyed by Muslims what was begun by Christians as Islam itself was begun by fear of Christians.
well in saying h"freedom from" ie; freedom to choose which religion? you certainly can "opt out"..or go with something closer to what i do believe which would be more buddhist..karma, dharma..not necessarily dieties.

actually, i think it would be more beneficial and real for others to know their actions will follow them rather then having them support a myth.
Obama supports the myth, yet you love him so...
You are afraid of us. That is the nature of Christian pray. Ego begging. Smotting and Smitting. Give me. Don't give them. Don't let me suffer. Make them suffer. Please keep my frirends out of hell. Please put our enemies in Hell. Sick.

And it is by far, the second most judgmental religion on Earth. Ist is your war partner, Islam. Talk about clinging to guns and the good book! Both do that,

Does anyone think this may have turned out better if all those Pagans and Jews were not murder outright by Christians those first few hundred years by power mad, superstitious rabble of God?

Read the reality of the Last Library. Ceaser accidentally burned some of it, with his fire ship attack on Marc Antony.

The rest was burned by Christian's. And the dragged out the head librarian, a Greek woman and scrapped her skin off with pottery shards.

Christians began as book burners. I think you know why. To promote the lie without
any other details to prove it false.

They succeeded and brought Holy Jihad against them.

Good job, you smugs.
I would never pray for someone to go to hell. I don't pray for things, just people. It is written to not pray for someones death. Every day I pray for everyone who is sick or downtrodden no matter who or where they are. I find your assumptions are very biased and sick.

Do you think I'm going to skin someone alive? Really. Stoning is not something Christians do or haven't done in a very long time. Do you think that an act from 2000 years ago are still upfront in Christians minds today?

I think you are a bit over the top.

Btw, it isn't Christians that kidnapped girls to keep them from having an education.