Small Cab CFL/SCROG Grow


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Well guys I decided to start flowering today, its a little earlier than I wanted to, I wanted to wait untill the smaller tops in the middle of my plant reached the screen but the larger tops in the corners are already a couple inches through the screen, and by the time the smaller tops reach the screen the other ones will be like halfway to the lights. Soo hopefully after the stretch the smaller tops will make it to the screen(right now there 1-2 inches below screen). I planned on the tops being more even at this point but this is my first scrog and don't think I did to bad, and I definantly learned a lot! One question I have is about my lighting situation. I vegged with two 65w 5000k cfls for a total of 130w, and for flowering I was wondering if I should keep one of the 5000k's and switch the other with a 55w 2700k and add another 23w 2700k,( for a total of 143w) or use the 55w and the 23w, and switch the other 65w 5000k with a 30w 3500k, which would be 27 less wtts but more red spectrum? I hope that didnt confuse you guys too much haha. I know that more watts is better, but I also know you want red color temp for flowering.


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So I guess what my question is, is for flowering, is it better to have more watts but with some blue spectrum, or slightly less watts but all red spectrum?


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more with some blue. nothing wrong with a mixed spectrum just make sure you have a majority of reds. somewhere around a 3:1 ratio. I'm also gonna flower in the next few days so this will be fun to compare :D


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chuck norris.jpgHeres another update guys, one week from last pics and two days into flowering. I noticed preflowers about two weeks ago but still cant tell if male of female, look like tiny skinny leaves poking out, hopefully will be able to tell in a few more days. let me know what you guys think.



Active Member
Lookin good man but you could probably lift the plant up so it's closer to those lights (especially since you got that glass cover)


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Thanks for the reply gb, yea I know I could move it up some but the screen is actually attatched to the cab walls, just one of the many mistakes I've made in this grow. Maybe I should have waited longer to put th screen in.


Active Member
Ah i see. It looks like you could probably still redo the scrog as your plants haven't grown into them that much. Im gonna have to redo my scrog haha, my plants are already a few inches above the scrog and they just started 12/12 today =/ (they shot teh fuck up during the 36+ hour dark period)


Active Member
Well I just scoped my plant and it is definantly a male........... gonna let it go a few more days to be absolutly 100% sure but there's balls everywhere I can see them plain as day. This sucks but I guess that's what I get for growing bagseed, on the plus side I got paid today soo think I'm gonna order some fem seeds, any suggestions as to what company has the best deals/strains?


Active Member
Thanks man. Yeah it does suck, but on the plus side I still learned a few things and got a little more experience growing soo its not all bad I guess! Yeah ill check thar site out, so far it seems like attitude has the best prices and pretty good selection. I'm still a little sketch about buying seeds from over seas, but i guess ill take a chance. I was actually thinking of having them shipped to a different address but idk. Have yu personally bought seeds from that site you listed?


Active Member
I got that site from a cousin who buys from them all the time. I have not personally bought from them yet, Im actually in a bag seed grow right now that's almost 3 weeks into flowering so when this lady finishes up I'll be buying from an online source. I was kinda sketched out about buying seeds from overseas too. But after seeing my cousin do it and everything went great I'm going to go for it. He also did not ship the seeds to the actual grow spot... just feel better about it lol.


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O ok. Yeah I guess I'm just nervous lol idk. I'm only gonna be growing one plant at a time so even if I did get busted that wouldn't be shit anyways. Fuck em. I think I want this white widow/ice hybrid I saw on nirvana it is only like 20 bucks for a 10 pack, not feminized though.


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I ordered from Nirvana two strains Royal Flush and Short Rider. They came in 10 days with stealth shipping (I live in Europe) and were hidden in free gift (gift cost 8 EUR :) ). Nice decent letter which was sent to mail box. I didn't even have to go to post office to receive order. But I also ordered to different address not the one where I am growing.. RF seeds are good and grow as hell but SR is quite bad. Three seeds already died not even sprouting out of soil.

Sorry about male! I know how sad it is to chop down plant after 2 month effort :(


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101_0099.jpg101_0098.jpg101_0081.jpgTHE DEATH OF MY PLANT::Well guys i guess this will be my last update for this thread. I just took some last pics of the plant before i killed him, seemed to be really healthy so I must have been doing something right... Theres a couple pics of the rootmass as well, does it look healthy?? Also, a few pics of my growboxes new inhabitants lol.


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Sad day veeco man, assuming it had balls? I just chopped 2/3 of mine... time to make some butter. Luckily i have one confirmed female :)


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Yeah he had balls all over the place. Glad to hear you got a fem out of yor batch, I will be following your thread, excited to see how yours goes.


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Me too! Pistils are slowly starting to appear on all the branches. Right now I'm more excited about making some butter out of the males though haha :D


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I posted about if I could grow a good mother plant from femmed seeds, everybody said it'll turn into a hermie, not worth it, etc.