off 4000 watts correct?
also, are u doing your vegging in a ez cloner or am i trippin? if so, how long r u keepin them in there and are you using all the units or spacing them out?
used all 4k hps this round
i did do my veg in the EZ cloner for about two weeks
i ended up only running 4 units with 36 heads total between them
Good job on the haul Haus. Are you going single strain next load? I figure you will go until you find a good strain for the main crop and then have some plants for stash purposes. Saw the menu so what do you like? All look great.
Was that kief or bag hash in the ziploc plastic bowls? How did that go for you and how much trimmings were used to produce that much?
Did you describe the curing process or did I read it and spaced out? Once you dried on the racks did you cure it or just store it in the bottles? I saw so many strains this past week but all were cured (?) by drying the plant out either before or after trimming and then packing it and not using jars for curing but for storage. Most of the bud was very dry but not fragile. Was a fun trip.
i'm going to go with one or two strains at the most next batch
preferably one, all the same timing start to finish
yes, that is kief in the ziplock, separated by strain
this was all hand sifted from the trays i was working on,
not from the machine
the plants were hanging until i was able to get to them and trimm
once trimmed they were placed for two weeks curing in a jar
i kept the room humidity between 55-60 until i was able to get to them all
get a 1 on 5 off timer for the cloner, and that gives you a five minute window to check for roots. Be careful though.. I've been ezcloned in the face from bad timing.
right on bra, same thing happen to me all the time
i recently changed to 15min on 15min off which the plants seem to like much better
and also allows me for a larger window to peek