SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
I exchanged the 1000w galaxy for two 600w's and paid the diff... I have some ventilation/cooling questions if you're up for it. My room design is inspired by your gangster setup and I do one day aspire to have something near as awesome haha... so here is whats up...

I have 2 growtents : One 3'11" x 3'11" which is running a single 1000w light // The other tent is the 4'9"x4'9" i told you about, which will be running the two 600w in sun tubes.

I have two 440cfm 6" duct fans, lots of 6" ducting and a carbon filter with an 8" intake. I picked up a 6"x6"x8" connector to hook to the filter and i have two 6" dameners (or w/e their called so the air can flow backwards).

The room outside the tents is cooled by an 11,000btu Everstar a/c unit and maintains a temp of 78.

Can you give me any insight on how to properly set up my ventilation/filtration?

I had thought maybe to use 1 of the fans + an inline booster fan to cool all 3 lights, then maybe use booster fans for intake and exhaust of air ?

Ive smoked too much OG in the last few days and my brain hurts... Help me SOG!!! ahahaha...



Well-Known Member
I'm not pulling air from the outside or exhausting it out anywhere
i the AC unit sucking its air and exhausting into my attic
and my chiller is on my other side of the wall
these are the only appliances that are outside
still no exhausting into the open air, just to the attic
or sucking air directly into the room

when my plan was to exhaust and intake from open air
i was planing on using a lot of powered dampers
to close passages when not in use
i also planned to use a bug net on the main intake

I've seen a few interesting ideas for filtering
one of them was a filter that sort of looks like a K&N filter
i think i liked that one the best, i just saw it after my initial planing

my CoolBox is circulating the air from within the room
cooling it down, so I'm less prune to outside air

it is a very important decision to make, on many levels



Well-Known Member
well since you said you arent vegging them and topping them in flower hurts yield

i guess he thought you were topping during flowering


Well-Known Member
what are you confused about G?

you said zero veg...

but then you say fim...

everything I have come to understand about fimming indicates that to reap the benefits of it, one must veg for at least a couple of weeks to allow for new growth...

So it seems that FIM + Zero Veg = not so very good...:cry:

I am sure I have it wrong somewhere...:confused:


Well-Known Member
well since you said you arent vegging them and topping them in flower hurts yield

i guess he thought you were topping during flowering
ty LB
they should be still be in vegetative for a while
they will get chopped when the tricomes are ready, not before



Well-Known Member
I am sure I have it wrong somewhere...:confused:

nop you got it right G,
i did start with very small clones, could used a bit larger ones
and i did say zero veg, and i'm running at zero veg
it may or it may not be a successful run,
i think everyone here wants to find out too
the room and I are still getting to know each other,
its a work in progress, it will eventually turn out gold nuggs
i will not until then ;)



Active Member
Hey Sog,

Good to see you got some girls in the room. I don't think a lot of people realize how much goes into proper planning and designing. I found this out first hand with my first grow room. No fun changing things up when you already have plants going.

I'm really glad to see you working with the chiller to help cool the room. Not enough grows out there featuring this. Actually, you're the only one i've seen with a journal about it. I'm thinking about doing the same thing and trying to figure out the best route before I start. You mentioned that you would have gotten a 1.5 - 2hp single chiller if you had to do it over again? I'm debating this question now.

I currently have a jbj 1/10 hp chiller and it does a great job for it's size. I was looking to buy the same brand in a 1/2 hp, like yours. Would you consider your chiller loud? And does it produce much heat? I have 2k in Sun tubes with an 8" can fan max at the moment. I have my central air cooling the room on it's own thermostat. I just don't like it kicking the A/C on/off all the time and I don't need to cool the entire house. Not very efficient and my electric bill is on the high end because of it. My other option is a mini-split. They make some very efficient inverter series ones with SEER ratings over 20.

My dilemma is water-cooled or air cooled. water-cooled is so much more stealth as I don't need to think about an additional compressor running outside.

I'm following closely on your cooling plans. Glad to see you documenting your work online.

Thanks and good luck with your new girls.


Well-Known Member
why are you confused G, Al B. did the same
the only diff is I'm fimming on top
or did i miss something?

its just terminology i think that is getting confused.

normally when you top or fim you want to veg out at least a week in hydro and more in soil to give the plant recovery time.

sure you can chug it into flower but if you dont let it recover or grow the new sites...its almost a waste of time and effort to top or fim, hell it may even do more harm then hurt. i think that is what is confusing gypsy

either way, i know your brainstorming and trying to get familiar with your i just let you burn your hand on the stove with warning :p


Well-Known Member
and true enough the first 2 weeks of flowering is still semi 'vegetative' but really it doesnt work like that. even though they seem to be growing and stretching...they arent in vegetative perse...they are just switching over


Well-Known Member
hey easy
to cool what you got going , you will be good to go with a 1/2 hp
your ac will still kick on; but much less then what its doing now
figure 3500 BTU heat per 1000w when your considering a chiller
a 1/2 commercial Arctica will remove 6000 BTU heat in this scenario
your AC will remove the remainder 1000

if you want to expand at some point, or completely eliminate the AC
you will need more juice with your chiller
1HP chiller still consumes a 1/3 less then if you run an AC

the chiller can take a brake if it did its job and the water temps ae stable
if you have it working constantly, you have no more juice to play with
its better to get a stronger unit, they don't come cheap to begin with
id go with at least 1 hp, instead of having a 1/2hp running constantly

as for the brand and performance/quietness
this is by far one of the best chillers brands out there
it is quality build and performs flawlessly, I'm very happy with the brand
extremely quite for its size, i was expecting way more noise
the only thing that produces any noise is the 12" fan

i hope this helps
good luck with your upgrades,and be sure to keep us all posted ;)



Well-Known Member
either way, i know your brainstorming and trying to get familiar with your i just let you burn your hand on the stove with warning :p
its all good guys, keep'em coming
this is my first time around with the system
and the grow concept i committed to

i have seen many interesting idea, since i started this
but i decided to stay with my original plan
i want to try those methods out also ;)
ill get to them; one at a time
i need to get going with somthig first



Well-Known Member
yea all my jbj are quiet workhorses

i cant even tell when my 1/10 chiller kicks on. my semi silent window shaker is louder (the compressor turning on) than when my compressor in the chiller kicks on.

hell i dont even know its on until i go look at the green LED that indicates cooling.


Well-Known Member
here's what's been tickling my funny bone recently
its soil-less MBlaze's grow style,
crossed with basket portion of the Bio Bucket system (no lava rocks res)
a massive single AERO/NFT per site



Well-Known Member
mannnn ill share a secret with ya

i used to be a medium whore (no secret lol)

everything from hydroton to piece coir...i've about tried it all

and to be honest, i'll have to say my favorite is canna's coco, grodan cocodan coco croutons, higromite and lava rocks.

that shit gets expensive bro. im glad i finally went with no medium grows.

that bio bucket does look but almost looks like alot of work....