southern homegrower
Well-Known Member
does any body know if they make a carbon filter with a 12 inch flange or a phresh filter
does any body know if they make a carbon filter with a 12 inch flange or a phresh filter
maybe i need to call the stores i deal with. i didnt see any on there web site 10 inch was the max. thanks i will call & checkyes, almost all the companies do, including Phresh.
maybe i need to call the stores i deal with. i didnt see any on there web site 10 inch was the max. thanks i will call & check
this has nothing to do with growing. do any of u no how to get rid of yellow jackets . i was just weedeating the yard and them sonsofbitches just lite me up i ran in to the screened porch and forgot to close the door. i started pulling my shirt off cause they had it covered and then my dog started yelping and running wild closed the screen door& opened the house door to go inside and my dog ran in so quick knocked me down mean while they are biting the shit out of me got inside and them sonsofbitches followed me in the house been bite about 20 times
cant beleave he knocked me one the ground trying to get in the housei bet he thought you looked pretty funny too......arms flailing about all will nilly!!!
leave it on the floor if you have the room, it make no difference
its all about your fan suction
cant beleave he knocked me one the ground trying to get in the house
updates sog?
those phresh filters refillable?