Some General Advice Needed

Soil isnt forgiving,not very good for first-timers.Stick with just water for now.
And who said 400 ppm of calmag??Dont listen to that guy.JC!
Soil isnt forgiving,not very good for first-timers.Stick with just water for now.
And who said 400 ppm of calmag??Dont listen to that guy.JC!
That's what I've heard about the soil. I've been doing research on the best soil to use, but advice is usually better. Any recommendations?
You really shouldn't be using much nutrients when they are that small. Use a bluelab ppm meter so you know exactly how much every time, and use 1/2 or even 1/4 strength grow (400-600ppm max for clones, 800-1200ppm Max for adult plants). And 400 ppm minimum of CalMag, can't really give them too much of that.

uhhh you state 400-600 for clones and I know you mean small plants but then you say 400 ppms of cal mag which is bat shit crazy
I keep the grow tent around 70-73°F; I am using a FoxFarm Liquid Plant Food mix (2tbs/gl); watering is when the dirt starts to dry; I currently have her in a 5gl PVC bucket; I have her on a 24hr light cycle with a 600watt equivalent LED grow light.

One of my issues (which I am overly aware of) was my choice in soil. I'm embarrassed to admit that I used a Miracle Grow mixture (I got excited and bought the soil without doing research). I have since learned that that could cause issues!

5 gal pot might be too big for that size plant right now.

get a microbe product and use it once a week

switch to 18/6 not 24

light is pretty big for that size plant get the light height in check if it isnt. start at 3 feet and if the plant improves after some corrections lower it down a little to find the sweet spot.

almost always when you have an issue the first thing you do is raise the light and slow the grow and let the plant recover .
Noted! Is it worth transferring a plant though? I don't want to shock the plant by transferring, but if it would help the quality, I'd like to do what I can!

as long as you careful and dont break a bunch of roots I think it would be better to put back into a smaller container for now will help with your watering practises
use cal/mag at about 2-3ml per gal. for a maintenance dose...that is all you need most times.

get a quality ppm meter and ph probe get ph drops as well if the ph probe goes crazy reading on you check with the drops to make sure before you start adding ph up and down to your water when the actual problem is the probe ...
5 gal pot might be too big for that size plant right now.

get a microbe product and use it once a week

switch to 18/6 not 24

light is pretty big for that size plant get the light height in check if it isnt. start at 3 feet and if the plant improves after some corrections lower it down a little to find the sweet spot.

almost always when you have an issue the first thing you do is raise the light and slow the grow and let the plant recover .
I'll take that into consideration. I didn't think to slow the grow process with the lighting. I can definitely switch the light cycle as well to a 18/6.

Are there any microbe products you'd recommend?
Awesome advice. Thank you! I'll definitely try my best to get it transferred.

have bamboo sticks on hand at the ready to support when transfering

well maybe not its so small im thinking it was bigger...when its bigger have sticks at he ready for support
use cal/mag at about 2-3ml per gal. for a maintenance dose...that is all you need most times.

get a quality ppm meter and ph probe get ph drops as well if the ph probe goes crazy reading on you check with the drops to make sure before you start adding ph up and down to your water when the actual problem is the probe ...
Any brand of PPM Meter you'd recommend?