Some questions regarding autoflowering seeds


I have some questions about autoflowers.

I live very far north where the summers are short with sunlight pretty much 24/7 and was thinking that an autoflowering plant would be perfect to grow in these conditions.

As far as i understand the autoflowering plants does not rely on the regular 12/12 cycle to flower but rather prefers longer lightcycles (18/6, 20/4). Is this correct?

If the flowering time says 45-50 days, does this mean that the time it takes to grow from sprout to harvest is 45-50 days or are there some type of veggingstage that i don't know about?

If everything that i assume is true, auto's are a miracle for us situated at the above 60 latitude :D


Well-Known Member
Actually with autos its genetically encoded in them how long they will thrive till they start to die. Yes autos yeild better if you have light cycles of 18/6 or 20/4 throughout its growing time. Usually when they give out days for autos it is the window of from the time you germinate the seeds till its demise. If the ruderalis kicks in correctly an auto will flower regardless of what photoperiod you give them. Of course more light hours more surface area and larger root mass will equate to larger yields. 18/6 and 12/12 photoperiod used recommend though 18/6 or 20/4 its entire lifetime.

La Diva Delicious Seeds 51 days start to finish.



Active Member
Because autoflowers have a life span and thats it...what would happen if I was to take an initial clipping of a auto and slap some rooting hormone on the plant and treat it as a clone?

Essentially, it should grow a second plant as if it we a clone of the original. The clipping wouldn't produce as much as the original in the long run.

Also, what would that do to the growth of the initial plant?


Well-Known Member
Because autoflowers have a life span and thats it...what would happen if I was to take an initial clipping of a auto and slap some rooting hormone on the plant and treat it as a clone?

Essentially, it should grow a second plant as if it we a clone of the original. The clipping wouldn't produce as much as the original in the long run.

Also, what would that do to the growth of the initial plant?
well your clipping would be the same age as the mother already ... and you would lose time rooting it, so more then likely you wouldn't get much if anything off the "clone".

happy growing


Well-Known Member
To the assume correctly ... from seed to finish @60 days, for most autos on the market.

happy growing
Autos will finish close to the time indicated by the seed bank start giving flowering nutes as soon as they show sex. They prefer a 20/4 schedule.
if you want to maximize the yield, give light to medium strength veg nutes until vertical growth stops, around 5 weeks, then bloom nutes til they're ready. Then flush for a week or so. Indica strains finish in 10 or so weeks this way. Sativas take 2-3 weeks longer.
Yield should be 2+ oz on avg. using a 2-3 gal container. Ph is critical with these girls due to the compressed life cycle.


Well-Known Member
ph is the same as photo's i try to keep it on the lower end at first 5.8-6.0 then raise it a bit in bloom 6.8 or so