Spicysativa's Cheese Quake Grow


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone? Quick update. I selected my favorite 4 and transplanted into 7 gallon Smart Pots filled with about 50% super soil. Lagging on the picture updates... Let's see if I can find some time...


Well-Known Member
Getting a little bit of crispness in the leaf tips, mostly on the lower leaves. I ended up playing it a little safe with the super soil, so hopefully they will find their stride soon. I mixed 50/50 Roots Organic and Super Soil, and used that for the transplant. Since Smart Pots are so short, I couldn't really layer it like most folks do. That ends up being 2.5 gallons of super soil per plant (or about 35% of the 7-gal volume). I also left some room in case I need to top dress.


Active Member
Looking good man. Subbed for the ride. Sprouted a few CQ's myself recently. Good vibes to your grow :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks, man!
They're looking good. The super soil burned them a little at first, but they seem to be finding their stride. I definitely dig the mainlining so far. Instead of an semi-trained jungle of who knows how many primaries and secondaries, I've got 32 distinct colas-to-be :).


Active Member
I'm going to try the method as well, when they're old enough. I have a really small space to work in so I don't want them to get too big ya know?


Well-Known Member
Not a lot of space for a 600w... are you going to top/fim/lst your plants to get more colas/yield? I'd highly recommend it for that space if you want the kind of yields your 600w is capable of delivering :) I grew 16 plants in that size space before under a 600w single cola :)


Active Member
My space is pretty small too so I'm def going to top the CQ's for a few colas and maybe try to mainline.... however I want to ease into that process by experimenting with each strain as I go, to see how large they get. I don't want to outgrow my space. Space is my biggest issue, and I want to learn how to maintain plant size so that I can always have some that are getting ready to finish when the new ones start.... and overlap the timeframes so I have a harvest every month. It's just my own experimentation until I get the entire process down.

I'll post my CQ's progress here from time to time, with Spicysativa's permission. Stay green :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got a good plan :) IMO, unless you are growing SOG or LST'ing... top early, and top often :) Especially early. :) You're welcome to post up in my thread if spicey isn't down for that as well :) the more the merrier


Well-Known Member
What's up Nerds? Update time. Day 47 of veg. Lookin nice :bigjoint:

You might notice the toasted lower leaves, but it looks like they've adjusted. Another 7-10 days or so til 12/12.

Group Shot.jpgTop 2.jpgTop Shot.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sensei - I'm down with anyone and everyone posting up in my thread. It doesn't even have to be on topic, as long as we keep it positive.


Well-Known Member
It's looking like I have at least 2 different phenotypes, possibly 3 or 4... 2 of them are a little taller, 2 are super compact. I've got clones from the 4 I'm flowering, and the 2 I culled. So far one has shown roots, and of course it's one of the ones I didn't keep around. I'm still deciding whether I wwant to keep the clones from plants I tossed. It'd be a shame to miss out on something good, but space is tight.


Well-Known Member
My rule is always make room.... you'd kick yourself if you missed something good :) The only reason not to make room is for plants that are sickly problem plants. If they're healthy, grow'em :)


Well-Known Member
Back with a quick update. This ones more just for my own record keeping, but I thought I'd share it here anyway.

-Looks like I got neary 100% of my clones to root this time around. For only being my second attempt at cloning, I'd say it went well :)

-The 2 shorter plants continue to lag a bit behind the taller 2, but look healthy. One of the shorter ones seems to be a little more nutrient sensitive; it's still got some minor claw, but seems to be growing out of it.. Based on my research, Querkle is very slow to veg, so I assume these 2 are likely more Querkle dominant.

-The 2 taller ones look nearly identical to each other. They have slightly longer internodes, and slightly lighter green color. Nice, vigorous growth. By process of elimination, I believe these 2 are more Cheese dominant.

- Stem rubs smell great, but it's too early to describe the aroma.

I'll update this post tonight with the plant #'s I've assigned to my 4 Cheese Quakes, and also hopefully some updated pictures. For now, I am stuck at work....

Hopefully after I post pictures you folks who have grown Cheese Quake can come play the "Guess that Pheno" game. :)