Still cannot get roots with aerocloner.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Just adding my two cents. I run a DWC style 5gal bucket system with 11 sights. I fill it up to about an inch under the cuttings. I use filtered tap water, I run a GE "under the sink" sediment filter with a quick connect for the faucet. I don't PH the water, and I add 2ml/L of Sensi-grow Part and A and B, the advanced nutrients PH perfect line. And just top off with filtered tap water till ready for transplant. In the past, I only used plain water but I had time to experiment 2 cycles ago and seemed to have roots show a few days before they did in plain water. In plain water 13-15 days to root, with the advanced nutrients 10-13 days. I just run a 30 gal aquarium air pump 24hrs and have had no problems what so ever. Oh and I have the air pump outside the tent right in front of the intake vent so it stays a little cooler then it would in the tent under the lights. Hope this helps!

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I'd rather em take 20 days than even consider the possibility of a.n. nutes entering my grow space...but to each their own...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have always built my own aero cloners. For me I leave lights on 24-7 and run the misters 24/7 also. I tried cyling but got much better results this way. I keep the water ph at 5.0 to 5.5. I use clonex gel make sure I have good air pump in water to keep it O2 rich.I mix a small amount of weak bllom time feed in the water as well in the mister bottle as this promotes root production nitrogen can be added lightly as its not used to stimulate root growth just leaf growth. I also found keeping the res water around 70-72 is best and I like to build a dome out of pvc and clear plastic. Aero roots should be full on it 5-9 days max.


Well-Known Member
I've never used a dome and tbh,your post is the first I've read regarding this topic and the use of one resulting in positive outcome...


Well-Known Member
I also don't see how you can increse o2 saturation beyond a certain point using an air pump..the body of water is being divide thousands of times a min,shot into the air,totally getting infuse with air...maybe to keep the air in the res fresh or moved around more?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I always dome my clones weather in aero,bubbler,rockwool, or rapid rooters always have better result. The air stone helps unless your running true aeroponics ie not the little red plastic sprinkler heads most use. If your using true high pressure atomized aero misters similar to what stores mist their produce with then yes it will be aerated to saturation but I am assuming most have not spent the grand or so to set it up for cloning. I have a few dozen post here on different aero setups and systems over the last 7 or so years. It goes into more depth in those.

The domes allow me to keep a nice humidy war climate which helps induce root growth.. You can do what works for you but for me this is how I have settled on doing it with an average 98% success


Well-Known Member
You can get the same results,without 100 bottles or $1000 bucks..
They should be named "a.m."...advance marketing...
Nothing is wrong with them,this is 'MURICA after all...just my 2cents...


Well-Known Member
Ok so made some minor adjustments(switched from a 3gal bucket to a 5gal so sprayers aren't so close and new neoprenes) and trying again with the r/o water and cal/mag. I'll update again in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
You can get the same results,without 100 bottles or $1000 bucks..
They should be named "a.m."...advance marketing...
Nothing is wrong with them,this is 'MURICA after all...just my 2cents...
after almost 14 years of using AN I just switched over to "Jacks" 3 weeks ago and loving the results so far. I'm even still in the dialling in stage but already getting way better results than before. Wish it wouldn't of taken so long for me to figure that out but better late than never I suppose.
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Well-Known Member
So things seem to be working better than before but some still are getting the mushy stem then dropping. Been a tough one to figure out but i'll get it eventually.


Well-Known Member
So things seem to be working better than before but some still are getting the mushy stem then dropping. Been a tough one to figure out but i'll get it eventually.
I have been doing great w my cloner than today noticed several have the mushy stem issue. I cleaned the cloner 5 days ago with soapy water and rinsed and dried it completely. What is the cause of this? My temps should be good and I'm using clear res.....