Stones Journal

Yeah...about that. I had to move my oscars from my old tank to my buddies tank with his 1 red belly. He ate 1 of the oscars (the oscars were twice the size of the red bellies) within the first 10 minutes...chewed his head clean off. Then the 2 fish lived happily ever after....for about a month. hahaha

i kept mine almost overfed really .... i was a fanatic about growing them big since they was in a 125 and the reds and the Oscars all grew up in the same tank...maybe i was just lucky lol :blsmoke:
i kept mine almost overfed really .... i was a fanatic about growing them big since they was in a 125 and the reds and the Oscars all grew up in the same tank...maybe i was just lucky lol :blsmoke:

Haha...yeah, they seemed to be fine...buddies actually when they'd corner little feeder fish. But then my buddy went away for a weekend...and they didn't get fed. Bye bye jose (name of the oscar).:blsmoke:
Before the red bellies i had a true alligator gar that grew to 3+ feet in that tank, he was getting so big I released him in my local lake. He was the COOLEST fish i have ever had. I made a few vids of him eating huge koe fish. Ill try and dig them up later and post it tonight. You guys would get a kick out of it. The red bellies are alright they are just so skiddish, my son wanted them and i tryed to talk him out of it ( I wanted a silver aerowana that the lfs had) but he got them anyways. They eat mostly shrimp and cut fish hardly any feeder fish, keeps them healthy. Every once in a while we will throw a dozen feeders in and watch the destruction. LOL.
ahhhh dont jinks me I hope they dont herm, I would be so pissed off if they did. Maybe it was from a fall harvest outside last year...
I read a tut one time on "how to pick the best bag seeds" and the guy insisted he would only grow seeds from bags that were fully seeded for exacly that reason. Hermies, as we all know, can be genetic or stressed induced and if it is genetic then you may get hermies and if it is stress related you will probably be fine or maybe just get plants that can't handle a lot of stress. Probably NBD. It's not like this is a commercial pull and from my standpoint seedy buds that I grow myself are shit tons better than anything I can ever find to buy.

I have a method for flowering males in my main flower cab that keeps the girls safe so if you get a hermie I may be able to help you protect the rest of your crop.

I read a tut one time on "how to pick the best bag seeds" and the guy insisted he would only grow seeds from bags that were fully seeded for exacly that reason. Hermies, as we all know, can be genetic or stressed induced and if it is genetic then you may get hermies and if it is stress related you will probably be fine or maybe just get plants that can't handle a lot of stress. Probably NBD. It's not like this is a commercial pull and from my standpoint seedy buds that I grow myself are shit tons better than anything I can ever find to buy.

I have a method for flowering males in my main flower cab that keeps the girls safe so if you get a hermie I may be able to help you protect the rest of your crop.


Yeah ill be hittin you up in the next couple of weeks if one hermies. Im just letting these plants grow the way they want to grow and not stress them at all. I have zero light leaks and been slowing introducing nutes, so that should help my chances some.
4 weeks today, already have gone through one gallon of half nutes going full schedule from fox farm next week. Here are some pics.


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Top Kolas are starting to really form up SS! They are looking real good! I think we are like PD, we are all gonna be harvesting at the same time! That little box of yours really did well!
Top Kolas are starting to really form up SS! They are looking real good! I think we are like PD, we are all gonna be harvesting at the same time! That little box of yours really did well!

yeah i think yours are a little further ahead than mine but we should be about the same time. Thanks guys!! im really enjoying the grow..
Remote monitoring still workig great. I can monitor it anywhere.


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Snapping some pictures, thought this one was pretty cool.


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21 seeds in my last half I got, definatly some mexican schwag weed. Do these seeds look decent?

Mexican Oahakan x Hash Plant ?? maybe? It has a shit hash taste.


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those seeds look great to me. you said it was swagg but it must have been at least "decent" for you to want to save the seeds. 20 seeds in a half oz she got fucked real good haha. but thats a lot of energy going into making those seeds, gotta expect a much better product if you make sure all that energy goes into pure buds!
those seeds look great to me. you said it was swagg but it must have been at least "decent" for you to want to save the seeds. 20 seeds in a half oz she got fucked real good haha. but thats a lot of energy going into making those seeds, gotta expect a much better product if you make sure all that energy goes into pure buds!

Well the only reason i kept them is because they looked good. You can never really tell if weed is good when its been pressed and shipped for months and then in someones crotch for a day or two... you know. But mexican sativa usually has a good high, which i can see the potential in this bag i got.
Well the only reason i kept them is because they looked good. You can never really tell if weed is good when its been pressed and shipped for months and then in someones crotch for a day or two... you know. But mexican sativa usually has a good high, which i can see the potential in this bag i got.

the seeds never denote the quality of the weed your smoking...the weed your smoking is what someone else fukt up for you....plant the seeds ... then make the decision if its really crap or if it is clone worthy :) ... jut my opinion ... grown some killer bag seed in my days tho :weed: