Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Thank you for the suggestions.:razz: I will purchase some Flora Nova Veg Formula as it might be the Nitrogen lacking.
In the past I have been quite successful just using my Flora Nova Bloom and Biotanicare Cal mag supplement the entire grow with no issues.
I am giving 5 ml of Cal Mag per gallon so don't think its lack of that. My tap water has Zero PPMs and ph has never been something of concern for me in the past as Flora Nova nutes have ph buffers.. .the only thing I concern with ph'ing are my rockwool cubes.

Tuff Luck again with this, first rebound grow. after all my problems with powdery mildew last grow.And taking a break and sulfur burning my studio many times.

Growing use to be so easy for me, I'm not sure what has happened. I guess ive lost my touch, Not since I'm moved back here have things really taking a bad luck turn. :(
I don't think Its in my best interest to ever allow a strange clone into my life again, the potential of it carrying Powdery Mildew is too much of a risk. Sulfur Burning stinks to high heaven:spew:
lost your touch-i dont think so.Spider the thing-robert the bruce etc.If at first you dont succeed....blah blah blah.
dude,dont have a sense of humour failure.something i learnt in the army-when things go wrong,sing a silly song.
also some Zen wisdom.Seek- and you will not find. Or Try so hard everything goes to shit.
You really need a veg formula for starters.Formulex is awesome shit for babies.

Hey wassup doc.your not your usual perky self-Try a dash of wee/rainwater start at 5% wee. .those plants will green up in no time.
Also watch for fungus knats when using coco.
Cheer up matey!
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I had to shake the shit out of my FloraNova Bloom to get everything to mix in from the bottom of the bottle.
How old is the bottle.Stuff in theres turning to crystal giving you an inferior product.Some shops must have stock for years-hardly ever display a sell-by date.
@AmberTrichomes .I know you will want to zap my balls with your radiation machine for saying so-I think its a simple
N def.Nitrogen is the main NPK ingredient in Veg formulas.If you are just using Bloom from go then your plant aint getting enuf
N.I know you will throw the wee solution back in my face.Also my balls are ready for zapping.

That might be it Mohican! I really haven't been shaking it very well , just taking what I need off the top with my syringe, and its New, well newly opened. and you know that Product is super thick, and lots of stuff ends up crystalizing at the bottom I know very well. but haven't been shaking enough.
They don't put expiration dates on the product. When I bought it a month ago and asked how old hey told me they have a good turn over so it wasn't old. but who knows.
mother nature, usually drops a few hundred seeds to ensure some success.plants in the himalya occur in stands or groups 20 feet across.i guess some get eaten by birds.some must fall in wee cracks in the ground and are able to put down a tap root.
i like to work wif clones-just cos you know its gonna be just like moma.
i also gott a few in perlite soil mix.i water them with rainwater.fert for the soil plants is Human wee at a ratio of 1:10 wee to rainwater.
plants always look green and lush and i have no need to flush (joke).
If you grow outside.Try this formula.Free and Chem-free.Plants look great too.

Btw. Amber dont worry about the green on your hydroton.just ignore wont bother the plants.Its just algae.
Sometimes i take plants that have cloned/ germed and grown in half litre pots with soil.gently wash the soil away in rainwater-then
transfer to hydro.Point is.The plants will look after themselves untill you are ready to move them on.
I have a passive exhaust on the box i use for HPS.Heat rises, so i give it an escape route through some aliminium ducting 4 inch tube.
With my new hydro systems in gonna phase out soil in favour of higher yields.

KISS is the best policy.KISS and Respect.
Some dude posted a pic on your old OUTSIDER ART .Over on icmag.Looks like a surrealist.Might be good to get that
thread going again, seeing as they cant seperate art from pornography on this website.

KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE.......:confused:.
@supreme: thanks for your advice. That's another thing I loved about Amsterdam, recycling. I found out that the sewage system actually goes to farmlands and the pee and pooh goes directly to the farmlands to be used for farming. That's brilliant! Although I am not ready to try this myself yet, but great idea.
Thank you for the suggestions.:razz: I will purchase some Flora Nova Veg Formula as it might be the Nitrogen lacking.
In the past I have been quite successful just using my Flora Nova Bloom and Biotanicare Cal mag supplement the entire grow with no issues.
I am giving 5 ml of Cal Mag per gallon so don't think its lack of that. My tap water has Zero PPMs and ph has never been something of concern for me in the past as Flora Nova nutes have ph buffers.. .the only thing I concern with ph'ing are my rockwool cubes.

Tuff Luck again with this, first rebound grow. after all my problems with powdery mildew last grow.And taking a break and sulfur burning my studio many times.

Growing use to be so easy for me, I'm not sure what has happened. I guess ive lost my touch, Not since I'm moved back here have things really taking a bad luck turn. :(
I don't think Its in my best interest to ever allow a strange clone into my life again, the potential of it carrying Powdery Mildew is too much of a risk. Sulfur Burning stinks to high heaven:spew:
High Doc,I am glad to report that I found the missing germed seed, IT POPPED UP OVERNIGHT BECAUSE I PLUGGED IN ALL OF THE LIGHTS AND POOF I HAVE A SPROUT! I am keeping everything moist and warm so worse case I will have two plants, the one I found this morning and the one I planted yesterday. Thanks again for helping me out.
that's great news Uni! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!:-P

Remember that lump I had under my armpit . been there for like 2 months and hurt real bad waking me up at nite. well it aint there anymore.
it moved up to the inside of my nose,, and make one of my neck lymph nodes swollen.

@supreme bean , look how fun it is to be a yoga instructor!!!!!!!!!!!:razz:
you can transfer you positive energy and karma. feel that energy.
ENCOURAGEMENT..boom boom boom
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that's great news Uni! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!:-P

Remember that lump I had under my armpit . been there for like 2 months and hurt real bad waking me up at nite. well it aint there anymore.
it moved up to the inside of my nose,, and make one of my neck lymph nodes swollen.

@supreme bean , look how fun it is to be a yoga instructor!!!!!!!!!!!:razz:
you can transfer you positive energy and karma. feel that energy.
ENCOURAGEMENT..boom boom boom
I'm not sure how to respond to that other than please get that looked at asap. Cancer can be very hard to kill and very unprodictable. If your doctor claims that "she got it all" then please get a second opinion with test results to back up their claim. Good luck and keep us informed and by all means let me know if I can help in any way at all.
Eat some purple beets and drink concord grape juice until you get in to see a doctor. And of course, eat lots of greens :weed:
Can a exception be made with your health insurance company about the grace period before they will let you see a doctor or can you go to a county hospital that works on a sliding scale? Cancer can be cured if you treat it in time. If you wait that will make it harder to treat and you will more than likely have to endure a much more aggressive and somewhat tramatic procedure. Please don't wait very much longer as this condition is time sensitive.
that's great news Uni! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!:-P

Remember that lump I had under my armpit . been there for like 2 months and hurt real bad waking me up at nite. well it aint there anymore.
it moved up to the inside of my nose,, and make one of my neck lymph nodes swollen.

@supreme bean , look how fun it is to be a yoga instructor!!!!!!!!!!!:razz:
you can transfer you positive energy and karma. feel that energy.
ENCOURAGEMENT..boom boom boom

Feel the Karma-Boom Boom Boom-Great instructor.Fucking great vid.give me more.