Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

An American Prayer-Inspired by J Morrison.
Dear Lord......
I want to move to Kansas.
I want to own a gun.
When someone asks for spare change.
I will shoot that that Fuckin Bum.

Cause guns are for the Righteous-to keep Americans free.
From Low-life ,useless ,Felons.
Who stink of Rum and wee.

And if youre poor in America-You know its your own fault.
So praise the lord -Ask him nice-He might just give you one.

Cause guns are cool and macho-And you know that Gods a HE.
Yeah,FUCKING bless America.!The Land of INSANITY.

PS.Say a prayer for the unknown soldier-Who died on foreign soil .Just so Precedent Bush and Co.-
Could control the price of oil. Amen.(Words by SB)


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All foods with deep purple colors have special antioxidants that are know preventatives of cancer. Getting your pH up with baking soda is another great remedy. Apparently fungal issues arise from too acidic of an environment in our bodies (promoting cancer cells) and simply raising the pH can kill the fungus among us!

I'll be using my PH pen like a thermometer from now on. just not in the rectum.:mrgreen:
You need to make the clothes removeable! So your art can be racy or conservative!

Everybody knows Jack Daniels is what you drink with corn flakes!

Thanks for making me smile today SB!

Fuck man ,you must live in some nice climate.SHIT.Nuffin but blue skys-Thanks for your comments.
what you growing there?Try Pure sativa Durban Poison .I did some by dutch passion and it was DYNAMITE.some of the strongest weed i ever smoked-finishes very early too.
ChEERS@DST(.I remember the days)-Not much going on HERE while THE MATRIARCH is away doing stuff.So im keeping my fingers busy doing abit of doodling.I tried out some other forums in the past..DR Trichome is the only one who can pull a crowd and hold it together.Some of those nerds sitiing behind pooters got nuffin better to do all day than make shitty comments .

Naturally,I do other stuff too.Domestic chores mostly.Yawn.(Injured out of my job) remember when my missus was breast feeding-each one was was the size of a soccer ball-she gave me a taste once-put me off milk for life.EYUK.
Good Luck -Hope youre getting plenty of wishes.
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ChEERS@DST(.I remember the days)-Not much going on HERE while THE MATRIARCH is away doing stuff.So im keeping my fingers busy doing abit of doodling.I tried out some other forums in the past..DR Trichome is the only one who can pull a crowd and hold it together.Some of those nerds sitiing behind pooters got nuffin better to do all day than make shitty comments .

Naturally,I do other stuff too.Domestic chores mostly.Yawn.(Injured out of my job) remember when my missus was breast feeding-each one was was the size of a soccer ball-she gave me a taste once-put me off milk for life.EYUK.
Good Luck -Hope youre getting plenty of wishes.
I was just telling my biz partner about a documentary I watched on UK TV about the trading of breast milk on line. Seems as though body builders and also parents who are unable to breast feed buy it. Problem being none of it is sterilised and often comes mixed with formula....totally shadey.
I've had to drink it a couple of times at airport security checks. Like I am going to bring my baby on board a plane then blow it up with breast milk.....mind bloody boggles at some of the insanity these days.
To add to the art. This is a Margot Hattingh (SA artist) that we have hung in our living area. It's called Woman with fishes and is done on perspex. We had it shipped up from Cape Town. Along with a load of crates of wine (fuk me I'll never ship wine again. What a PITA that was with customs blah).

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