Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

BON VOYAGE Bean!BoN Voyage Friends!!:hug::peace:

I will get the lymph node problem looked at in Cali, thank you all for you support and concern. :hug:

I'm glad you liked the video bean, we thought it was hysterical.:hump: It was the best scene out of that movie called Couples Retreat. :lol:
Been drinkin lots of Grape Juice today Mohican.:cool: and salads and broccoli! thanks for the suggestion. What is it in grape juice and beets that wiil help?

Stay high and Healthy and don't forget to drink your milk, its good for your:joint: Bones!:hump:
All foods with deep purple colors have special antioxidants that are know preventatives of cancer. Getting your pH up with baking soda is another great remedy. Apparently fungal issues arise from too acidic of an environment in our bodies (promoting cancer cells) and simply raising the pH can kill the fungus among us!
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All foods with deep purple colors have special antioxidants that are know preventatives of cancer. Getting your pH up with baking soda is another great remedy. Apparently fungal issues arise from too acidic of an environment in our bodies (promoting cancer cells) and simply raising the pH can kill the fungus among us!
Apple Cider Vinegar (WITH THE MOTHER) Does the Same.I said this ages ago.
Cancer thrives in acidic enviroments-Foods that cause cancer are Acidic.Meat ,sugar,booze.etc.
Live apple cider vinegar and Lemon juice are both acidic but make the body alkaline:o:o.
both can be mixed with water to make them palatable.Baking soda should be consumed an hour before meals -so it dont neutralise stomache acid needed to digest food.
Raw broccoli is good for making farts smell bad,Good for when company is expected:idea:.
What did the toadstool say to the Mushroom?
ANS;You look like a fungi to hang out with.:lol:
Its like, Spot The Difference.Do you remember "Spot the Ball."
It was like a soccer match where there was no ball,and you had to guess where it was.A great
landmark step in human evolution!
Now we play Spot the Jihadi with the Backpack.
that nipple is ABSOLUTELY fabulous SB. it protrudes out like its 3D~ that painting got some serious style man. got that hip afro goin on, that nice necklace, suave pipe, bad ass shades. and and stylin bloomers. lmao I like the small details like the blue nailpolish , the smoke, the reflected light in the sunglasses and the full bowl . and I wont forget to hit the "like"button like in that movie "VACATION". that is a funny dialogue right there.
Hi Doc-Im guessing you are now in funny California>thanks for the comps.i like Lucien freud who died a few years ago.I remember years ago standing in front of one of his canvases at the tate gallery
in london.It is called Model in front of the rags.It really looked like it was gonna step right out of the painting.When you looked up close, it was just really rough lumps and twists of paint.His pics were so honest too-people as they are very fleshy and grotesque.My work is getting more bizarre,White women
with green afros and bionic nipples.Im glad you like it.
I could do with a suitable model,big art studio with big ol sofas an shit to doss about on.loads of drugs
And a darts board with my dad on it.
More mega-nips coming your way soon,started a new one today.its gonna be sexy.cos i find dope sexy
-reaches the parts other herbs do not reach-if you know what i mean.
then theres my mentor and soon to be manager.who is steering me in the right
Odd,computer is behaving today,Last night i nearly used it as a frizbee in thr direction of thr sea.I get like that with that with technology sometimes.Recently i came close to beating-up the auto check-out machine at the super-That stupid robot voice-Please put your bag on the counter.
ME;Its already there robobitch,just do the fucking job before i kick yer screen off.No wonder there a
couple of security dorks always on hand in supermarkets,ready to apply a good beating to anyone
who fucks with machines -that have been put in place so they can sack more people.ha fucking
FYI It was riu that was messing up not your computer. There was a thread posted about it.
Good to know my old pooter,still has some life in it-sometimes it gets taken over by the ghost of
random-nonsense and writes whatever it feels like.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That Looks Like The Movie They Showed Us In The 4th Grade And Everyone Broke Out Laughing When The Narrator Mention The Sperm Would Swim Up The Fallopian Tube Much Like A Salmon Swimming Up Stream To Fertilize An Egg Nestled In The Uterus. Oh hella Yea Baby And I Blurted Out if She Swallowed The Sperm Would Be Swimming Down Stream Taking Much Less Time To Travel To Its Eternal Destination :hump: And On That Note A Big Salute To Mr And Mrs Dst On Their New Arrival :hug:
Congratulations DST and family.I married a career lady who left me at home with two babies and
a bag of ganja-plus some other stuff,nappies, baby food ,ear plugs.I was a good mum.
best wishes dudes.