Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Hi DST.Nice to have a chat with someone.Im not sure what HTML class means.However i used to make Sculptures in stone.British Limestone and Itaiian marble.I will download an example at the end.I did it on and off for fifteen years.My other duties,such as
as parenting and property development.Trained in bricklaying and plastering-plus a stint as a decorator in New zealand.
Has given me an identity crisis.
People who ask me -what do you do-I Just look at them and say"What do i do when?"
At 7am i take a shit-then its breakfast.Brush my teeth ,then its time to dink some human milk(Pasturised).Maybe, i will nod at the er er.WHAT DO I FUCKING DO?What does anyone fucking do.
Probably consume more of our fair share of the worlds resources-and wonder why there so many fucking wars.and What the fuck would happen if religion was banned in favour of common sense.

My first Art Teacher was from SA.She trained at the slade when she was just !5.Thers not a single example of her work
on the internet.She committed suicide before the WWW was invented-Anyway,she was both great and evil.Sort of a
bad witch.Her intelligence scared people-plus she was a beautiful man-eater with no heart.Fuck i miss her-My people
from another planet-forever lost in the world of pussies.Who have done nothing-seen less than nothing.RIP.Joan Broadly.
Artist and eater of mens hearts.HAHA.rock on.BTW I will check out your SA artist.Wish i could find ,
someone who knew Joan Best wishes DST, and to your family.

sculpturde 002.JPG
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The HTML class thing is something my phone done when trying to paste a link to the Margot Hattingh site....stoopid phone.
The sculpture is really very nice SB. Impressive.
When people ask me what I do i tend to tell them about the IT recruitment thing first. If they are 420 friendly types I may disclose the seed company thing, but never discuss my own growing for sure.
My wife grew up in Grahamstown in SA which has a pretty famous Art scene and festival every year. Her Dad was an Art teacher and still dables and sells his own art as well. My wife went to study fine art at Uni but ended up going into advertising. I was always more on the Technical drawing side of things and almost went into architecture....kind of wish I had. Funny how life's road has many twists and turns and often culdesacs that you have to deal with.
Its like i say to Amber Trichome.Im only here by default.The sum total of all my failures.Abit, like some ZEN i picked up.
Seek and you will not find! My Dad studied Art History and now is a successful novelist for Christians-THE most un-christlike
person on the planet.Thats irony for you.
I was offered a job at the Post Office when i left the army-turned it down to study ART.
I lacked foresight-Like all young people.
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Its like i say to Amber Trichome.Im only here by default.The sum total of all my failures.Abit, like some ZEN i picked up.
Seek and you will not find! My Dad studied Art History and now is a successful novelist for Christians-THE most un-christlike
person on the planet.Thats irony for you.
I was offered a job at the Post Office when i left the army-turned it down to study ART.
I lacked foresight-Like A LOT OFyoung people.
Fixed that for you.
Erm. Sorry SB. No news back on that front yet. Reminders will be sent in the New Year at some point.

I was meaning that a lot of youngsters given the right guidance don't lack foresight.
Here's the Xmas card we just got from my father in law down in SA.
Family Xmas Card.jpg
It's something he painted while hiking the Coast to Coast in the UK this year.
Man.I live on the UK coastal path.Right next to it.Its one of the only countries thats got a path going all the way round.Its a fucking long walk.
He could have popped in and had a cuppa.
I got torn Knee cartlidges-One was made worse by an operation.These days i dont do too much walking.yeasterday went to dartmoor.
took a few pics of my wife naked in 8 celcius with a 50 mph wind.(no,not really).
Your dad in law did well-send him greetings from Mountbatten in Devon.He may remember it.

Anyway.this be Dartmoor -this be.018.JPG
Where you from DST.Im from London.I think where you were brought up has alot to do your innate personality.Thats why ,
i wanted to raise my kids in devon.I lived a charmed childhood of petty vandalism and violence.At least Drugs were virtually non-existent
then for young people.I was reading about Honour Oak estate where i grew up for a while.Seems life there has got worse-most people are scared to leave thier flats at night.Mostly Gang culture has taken over.No doubt hard drugs are the local currency .
Still, at least it not Syria.
Best Wishes.

BTW.Im concerned about DR A.Trichome.She had a serious op a while back-which she combined with moving house-You heard anything from her?
@DST.If he did the Coast To Coast.That may have been In devon.Its the only county with two seperate coastlines.My wife and son keep
saying there gonna cycle it.I guess its about 120 miles.I once cycled from Cambridge to Carmarthen (wales).thats about 300 miles.
My next bike ride will be in holland-maybe 5 miles down the coast at Zandvort.With smoke breaks every mile or so.
The official Coast to Coast as its called is in the North Of England (through Lake District, Yorkshire, Pennines? I guess). So popping in for tea may have ben awkward :)

And interesting that you have knee issues. I have had 4 operations on my knee and it's now home to arthritis as well as lots of space where they completely removed my ACL, Medial ligament, and shaved meniscus over the various operations. What joy to have a weather reading/barometer knee!!! I still hike, train at least twice a week (which is based on Muay Thai training) and find that if I don't train my knee gets worse (it's all about building your muscles up). It does ache after walks but I refuse to sit and be a couch dweller when there is so much to see in the world.

I am from the East coast of Scotland but also lived in the Far East when I was young.
I really cant be bothered with any more ops.I recently met a plumber who had the same shaved meniscus op 6 times-and. still they couldnt get it right.They offered me an op on a torn shoulder tendon recently.I declined the offer.Im active enough,I mostly ignore the knee pain.
However,the Tendonitis get aggravated if i do too much.
I can still cycle,which is a blessing.
Im sure you have enjoyed reading about it.
Hope your right about the DAT.