Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


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The fan is good but I definitely need a stronger one or another one. I got lucky with these genetics I think, either that or they just listened to my every word :p
I have some white rhino I would like to do next time but I have a bad feeling about those seeds for some rereason

thank you for the compliments on the ladies, I'm very happy with them so far as well. I may look into adding something to their nutes for flowering as right now I'm usin the 3 step line from holland industry


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, never really kept track when I was using soil as I would just move pots in and out of bud room as needed. Jeez I hope its close to stat times as I am on my second last jar as of today, times a runnin out as they say......lol. The girls are starting to come along nicely but some branches have past the reflector as of yesterday.... :-( I'm still thinking I've got at least 30-40 days and they have been 12/12 for 23 days, the stats say around 60 days. Not sure whats going to happen when I start tying them down tonight to get them under light, hopefully not alot of stress. The thing that has impressed me so far is the WR seems to be very stable, not a real difference in the appearence of the different plants. Different pheno types have been a big issue with me and seeds. These are probably the nicest plants uniformity wise that I have grown (from seed). The work load has increased a bit as they are drinking about 20 Litres every 2 days and its a bitch trying to get the water stabalized being hard as shit!! Extensive notes have helped make additions of additives a bit easier though, christ I feel like I should be putting on a white smock every time I go in the room. Soil did have some real advantages as far as water and walk!!!! It will be interesting too compare the different strains that we have currently growing as I am still searching for that mega couch lock strain that puts me down for about an hour, but is done in 50 days..... :clap:.


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I think I should get ready to start drilling holes into the sides of the buckets to tie them apart a little to allow light through as much as possible, I don't think they will stress really 'less you tie em way out of the way they were originally growing

where did you get your WR from? I'd like to work with it but the seeds I have came from bag and I tried to germ a few but none popped as they are old so I feel like if I do get some to sprout they will just be male anyways :s

I do love to go with soil, lot less complicate and easy for materials. Everything has its advantages though.
Im not sure how the sweet god will turn out but it should be pretty close to what you're looking for an has a short flower time;5-7 weeks I believe it was. I'll post some pics of them soon an ill be sure to add pics of the close to finished product as well as finished product so you can see what she's all about. Then once she's been tested by me and a few of my friends I'll add a report as well :)


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Well I fear mine are going to need a bit of high stress training. Should have started awhile ago but who knew..lol. I really dont like to train as I have found that with some strains it slows them down a bit but these ones require some drastic measures. The seeds came from serious seeds and bought locally at the "seed store". I am going to get another pack when these are done so I can try cloning them and see how they do and if it will be worth while. I have decided to increase the number and reduce the size of net pots in my next tray as I am only going to veg for 2 weeks so will need to do a SOG setup to keep quantity up. I figure i will be able to do 12 net pots in each tray. The Mataro is now stretching a bit also and I did change to 2700 t-5's yesterday. If your pails have lips on them you can make up little wire hooks with the strings attached or yes drill holes...lol. I will also be buying another strain from Kanabia to try but not sure what yet. It's pretty cool to deal with them, if u have an issue you can email the owner directly and response time is fast, I have talked to him a few times, the first was re: his auto that was not an auto lol. And now that I've got a handle on this hydro stuff I will never go back to soil as there is no more bugs ( i had bugs lol) and alot cleaner room, Also no late night trips emptying dirt around the yard so no one would notice.... :-(. And growth well jeezus its amazing. I look forward to your report as far as mine goes I have a real hard time telling if pot is real good or just ok as I make oil with most of mine but the girlfriend is the vapour Queen!!!!


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I've actually never noticed a drastic growth stunt in training but I've always done a very low stress training, almost as though it hasn't been trained at all.
Veg for two weeks? That's quite a short time but with good methods, lights and hydro you'll still get them to a pretty nice and workable size.
I have never done sog but I'd imagine with a bunch of smaller plants you will still be able to achieve your goals, especially with some tlc for them :)
I think I'm going to try some more strains from bcbd. I actually go through the same process as you did with serious seeds; bought from the bank and then I myself purchase from a store.
I really want to try something with a nice dark colour to it, or a bright colour. Rock bud looked great and so did black domina but there's a few others I will definitely try before that. My only issue is how long I can convince my fiancé that this is ok lol. She is a total good girl, doesn't smoke or drink or anything like that. I am just lucky that I am extremely persuasive and can get people to do what I want lol. Every one of my female friends say I have very seductive eyes and I gues that could be part of it, as well as the smooth, calm and well spoken linguistic skills haha.

I do worry about what to do with my soil as well but I'm thinking I'll put it into large garbage bags and toss them in the dumpster bins at the warehouse.. Might be my safest and best bet because people in this area seem to be quite nosey.

What's your bud to oil ratio and how do you make yours? I've actually been looming for a good way to make some nice oil.
Vaps are very intense huh? My buddy only smokes through a vaporizer and it doesn't take much to get him completely ripped. I had one a while back and didn't know much about them.. I smoked a gram within 20 minutes my first time using one and I could hardly move lol.


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I checked on my girls a little while ago; they are looking great and the extra shot of sulfur really boosted the sweet god girls. The only thing I'm not liking about the three strains going is how different they are. The sweet gods like lots of sulfur, the strawberry cough likes minimal feelings but liked more during the early veg stages and the critical kush seems to like lots of everything lol.
I would love to work with some blueberry but honestly I've heard they are extremely finicky and I'm always worried about what company to get some from because I would like a true blueberry taste to it and it not just be the name lol. I love the sweet tasting buds but I've always found that the high is much different than that of the other varieties.


Well-Known Member
The strain of blue that I had outside was an original Dutch passion strain that was kept going from 5 mothers that showed the best traits, before they died in a power failure in the winter, they were 8 years old! The plants were real nice but not huge and were also prone to bud rot if the fall was rainy. They also took a bit of time to finish off and pulled around the first of october. It did sell well though! I gave a buddy some White Domina clones this spring and they were done the last week of August which is amazing. He dropped off a jar tonight so I'll try it later. The different strains growing at the same time can be an issue when one strain is a foot taller, lighting becomes a bitch lol. I see the little WR clone is stretching above the mataro as we speak. As far as the 2 week veg, I let the WR veg for 3 weeks and now look lol. I was worried 3 weeks was way to short! I'll post a pic of my extractor later but it's nothing special just basically a tube with a valve and a hole. If I run an ounce of bud through i will get about 4 grams of kick ass oil which lasts me about 2 weeks. I do use the vaporizor at home and oil when out and about. And yes the vapor also kicks ass but I get immune to pot real quick and have to keep switching strains every few days, thats why I grow a few different ones at the same time lol. I bought some dp blue two years ago and half the seeds were a bust and the other half hermed, but could have been me, I may have done something wrong! havnt had good luck with any of the recent Dutch Passion grows.


Well-Known Member
So it happened!! My worst fear I broke a girl in half ...... :roll:.......... I tied her back up but fear she wont survive. I have to move the whole set out of the bud room and put them under 8 t5's tonight as they are getting way to big for the room and the one 400. So if growing White Russian be prepared for some massive stretch and bud room growth.


Active Member
Let me know what you think ofthe white domina and hopefully the black domina will be nice too.
I thought the critical kush was going to be the dwarf of the bunch but she's almost the tallest now lol. She's grown quite a bit since I flipped them but its not a bad amount of stretch at all. It almost seems perfect actually. Everyday that goes by I notice how finicky the strawberry cough is; just a slight bit of nutes and she got burned.. She doesn't like a lot of food at all during flower for some reason but keep the water coming for all of them! They got 15L of water between them not more than 40 hours ago and they all had dry soil now.

Im really sorry to hear about the broken girl! If you can't salvage her by putting her back together maybe you can take a ton of clones from her and save her that way? Or maybe one giant clone :p
i have always been super cautious about that but these ones have extremely sturdy stem structure so I don't have to worry to much, knock on wood though.
I am going to post some pics of them later, as crazy as it seems you can already tell they are starting to get lots of hairs and I'm betting in a week or two they'll be showing some bud formation pretty clearly :)


Well-Known Member
It's alive!!! lol It seemed to have survived the horrible thing I did to her. I can't believe how fragile the stalks are, not sure if strain or the hydro. The White was kinda ditchy tasting, but in saying that the white that I grew out was nice also the stone was fast and not so furiuos lol. Not sure if we'll be doing the white russian again as I would have to add on another 2 feet of roof to the shed lol. I'll decide after the first vapor session I guess. I had to cut the clone off as it was twice as high as the mataro and almost into the light. good luck with the cough. the white russion is drinking close to 10 gallons a day and likes a higher ec of around 1.3 but mataro is 975. They all like different things I guess, with soil I never actually checked anything, just watered them with a light nute mix no matter what strain I had growing, just lucky I guess.


Active Member
Awesome! Glad to hear she survived? You tie it up or tape it! I know electrical tape works pretty well to mend it back.
How tall is your grow room now? An extra two feet is a big addition; wish I could add some extra height to mine. 10 gallons a day is insane! That must be hard to keep up with!
I don't check with soil either, it's just as easy to look at them and tell what's up lol.

So I think my next grow will include chocolope and citrus.. I am almost positive I'll do the chocolope but only still thinking about the citrus..
sure does sound good though..
Citrus (Citral x Hindu Kush x Bubblegum) - KANNABIA SEEDS


Active Member
So the strawberry cough and critical kush have stretched out to be taller than the sweet gods. The critical kush was the smallest of all of them and is now pretty close to being the tallest.. Almost out of room now..



Well-Known Member
Nice! Your going to have some nice plants! I on the other hand have vines lol. My grow room is actually a shed that is 10x8x7 high. Raising the roof is not happening lol! I have made up some new trays with 12 net pots in them so will be keeping things a little smaller but it is the WR that has the issues with stretch, the clone is twice the height of the Mataro and I have pinched it twice now. It better be good smoke or it wont be grown again. I would be embarrased to post pics now as it is the saddest looking thing I've grown lol but we'll see what a few more weeks brings. And opps its about 10 gallons every 2 days and as not yet below freezing its not to bad but I have to get water hooked up soon out there. I finally got my controller all put together today so may run CO2 this week. controller.jpg It controls lights, heater, extraction to cool and dehumidify, and hopefully CO. I guess i had better disable extraction when CO2 is on, shit just thought of that lol. oh well whats one more relay! BTW the WR is actually budding nicely will post pics soon.


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Thank you! I'm hoping they stay healthy. I'm nervous about the sweet god, these bloody things look like they are having an issue with something and I keep thinking its sulfur but I don't know. They are good for a day or two after they get the nutes with the sulfur but then they go right back to curling the leaves at the top. Ugh. That is a massive area to grow.. I am actually a little jealous lol. My tent is pretty small but I can get more than what I need out of it so I should just be happy with what I have and try not to want more.

10 gallons every 2 days is still quite a lot but it makes since when they are no longer plants but full out trees lol.

I've never run co2 for plants. Does it make a big difference? I've seen little air canisters with them that don't need to be hooked up to anything, they just "leak" slowly.. Worth trying co2 for the flowering?


Active Member
I'm excited to see the pics of the budding WR. I always think you're talking about white rhino and then remember you saying White Russian. I have white rhino seeds sitting around but none are in use at the moment. Maybe I'll toss them in on the next go but now I'm really thinking I will do the citrus. Everything in the mix is to notch so I'm sure it will come out very nicely


Well-Known Member
I looked at the citrus, nice! I just want to get through this one lol. I was going to move the tray out into the main room as all lights are now at 12 but its too big to get out the door lol. I have no room to train it as it is the whole room!! I should have read some reports as these girls are well known for this but if you can keep them under control and out of the light they are a beutiful sight when finished. I will take some pics tonight to show u the monster. And the reason I use a shed is they take your freakin house here (well they try!!!) and I already lost one to the ex wife not losing this one! They can have the shed lol. Besides its safer this way as my kids are really against the pot thing and better they dont see what dad does for a hobby lol. Thank god they moved out before the indoor grow thing lol. Out doors was great as I just headed out in the boat to go fishing lol I grew in a swamp, it was perfect, except for the bugs, heat, snakes, etc. Does CO2 make a difference? I'm not sure as I have never tried a side by side comparison but yes I do think it does. I dont have a meter that will tell me what the ppm is so I do it by volume and not very accurate I'm sure. My soil grows would be upwards of 25 to 30 pots for the final one in the spring before hot weather shut down so I would imagine the O2 levels were quite high and im sure it helped to lower it some. Besides work pays for some of the gas as i use it for welding, etc. hahaha. Good luck with the plant issue, maybe post a pic in a new post and someone will be able to help. Have you checked the sick plants section :-( ?