Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


Active Member
For some reason one of the sweet god girls has much less budding than the other. Not exactly sure why or if its just a different pheno than the other since they say bud times are 6-8 weeks and I have one on each side of that spectrum but I don't like it at all lol. Stupid thing makes me anxious when I look at how under developed it is compared to her sister.
Worst of all... The strawberry cough reached up for the lights and burned a bit. Fml. The critical kush almost did too but her injury was very minimal... I need a new fan though ASAP.. If these girls keep filling in their buds like they have been they won't sustain themselves to well


Well-Known Member
Looking good! I have been real busy at work (got cold!!!) so haven't spent as much time with the girls but still growing and still budding. I am changing res every 7-8 days as they are using water at an amazing rate. Humidity is going to be an issue now but i really dont want to have an extraction fan and heater on at the same time. My hydro bill is now about $450.00 a month...jeezus. I hung a 4 set of t5's by the end in front of the door to get some light below the canopy. And I did start up the CO2 yesterday but still have some kinks to work out with controller as I am trying to do a bunch af stuff with basically furnace shit. To bad about the light burn, I have kinda lost hope and know that I'll lose some to heat...lol. There is a great photo of the SC in this months high times BTW. And some good SOG stuff also. My mataro is doing ok and are about 12" and just starting to bud. And yes I can see two phenos as well, that is an issue with Kannabia as there can be two or three phenos per pack and yes it sucks. I grew out some LA confidential and one out of five was kickass rest not so good.


Active Member
They won't recover from that light burn huh? That's a bit depressing :(

At 450 a month I wouldn't want to run anything else either! Mine is at about 80$ a month so no complaints here lol. I haven't even had to turn the heat on actually.. In fact I've still been sleeping with all the windows open haha.

I was thinking of tossing in the t5 as well; nice and low so they get the bottoms of the girls nice and full as the tips will be.
I am hoping the two phenos will be good.. I've never heard of a "bad" pheno of the sweet god but maybe one of them will be the cup winner.. Lets cross our fingers :p

I will definitely look at the shot of the cough as soon as I can find a copy, most places don't sell the magazine anymore.
Hope you can post some pics of your ladies soon. Always nice to see other people's hard work :)
Let me know if you see any really noticeable improvements with the co2. Since you've brought it up I keep thinking about it and have stopped myself from going to the shop multiple times lol.


Active Member
By the looks of my strawberry cough.. It doesn't seem sativa dominant. The leaves are actually quite thick so it might have some different results than the more common cough I keep reading about :s


Well-Known Member
It is now around -6c at night here so heat is needed, I do heat the house with wood pellets and a heat pump but still real expensive in Ontario for power. The shed only has electric heat which due to lights being off through day is needed. My plants get burnt all the time and really only affects the leafs the light touch so not a huge deal. but still a concern. The white russian still has another 3-4 weeks to go so I am thinking I am going to have a real good harvest if all goes well. Lots of buds and actually filling in nicely. It took awhile but trichomes are also starting to swell. As far as the CO2 goes I dont know if it helps or not in my setup as I have never done a comparison but it is expensive to get started and the gas is kinda pricey for the general public. A CO2 monitor and controller is my next purchase after I get water to shed and RO filter. bud11-10-3.jpg bud11-10-4.jpg As u can see it's getting quite full in the room, i just reach in and hit the button to take pics as the tops are well above the door and going everywhere.....lol.


Active Member
It's pretty chilly here at nights but I like the cold when I sleep. I'm pretty close to Toronto so I get some of the heat from the lakes.
That first pic you took is great! Those are some nice buds bro! That's a damn good job! You should definitely keep a little bit to smoke in a paper... Get a good taste of it.
The mataro blue has a good backing of genetics,I wasn't seeing the history of it before but last night it was put down and that seems like it will be very strong stuff with a great flavoured.
You definitely made a good choice to go with that and judging by the second picture you made another good decision to go with the t5s along the sides :p

What week are you at now?
I'm barely passed week 2.. Ugh.. 6 more weeks for most stuff but hey at least it'll be around for New Years after its cured etc


Well-Known Member
I live in Thousand Island area so me too lol. And yes I will smoke the odd joint, I actually havnt had a smoke in 4 days :-) but have no way to smoke my oil now as I used to just drop it on my heater end of smoke :-). Now I just roll a joint and cover the paper with it lol. I'm in econo mode as I am down to my last jar of not sure what or how good (got labeling all screwed up when packaging, must have been high lol) still got about 5 grams of oil which before would have lasted a month of day time smoking doing dabs but using crap loads now :-(. Girlfriend is the amazing vapor queen though..... jeezus......lol. I actually have to give her a ration of a quarter oz a week now Fuck!! Ya I thought I saw that the Cough was a little longer flower but again it is supposed to be real nice and if that was what I was actually smoking, it is!! I put mine under on Oct. 7 and depending on what they mean as to when it starts its 60 days. I figure another 20-25 days, depends on when I run out really hahaha. And yes the mataro is nice but I think i really stunted them at the first but we'll see, their just starting to flower. The little WR clone is now stretched out over the tray as I have bent and broken its branches to lay down, its crazy!!! Still havnt decided what to do next maybe a shorter flower would be nice. I see that there are a couple of 35 day ones WOW! Dont think it'll be the white, just to big!!! I'll take some pics of the mataro soon but there not big at all, I probably should have vegged them longer but got scared that all the hydro grows were going to get to big lol.


Active Member
3 more weeks for your girls?! Exciting! Keep taking pics and sharing them.. This is the most fun part of the grow expect the actually harvest and smoking part haha.
35 day flower period? Seriously?! I'd like to have some of those cause that is incredibly fast! Think they'll be very good though??

so I'm thinking about y next grow and now in wondering more about amount of plants then the strains cause that can be decided anytime. My tent is 4l x 2h x 4w.. I'm sure I could toss in like 15 smaller potters pretty comfortably in there and have them stay at about 1.5-2' max and likely get a much bigger harvest. What do you think? I made another thread about it but figured I'd ask you here in case you didn't see it.


Well-Known Member
Basically a sea of green grow and yes that is what I am going to do actually. I now run 6-6" net pots in each tray but next tray is going to have 12-4" pots and will try to keep them trained. There are many articles re: this method of grow. My last grow in soil consisted of 27-5 gallon pots but I did let them veg for 4-5 weeks so they were 4 feet tall when done. The reason I believe people do the SOG system is time, keeping veg short = smaller plants, so more are needed to get the quantity up. I know that THC talk forums has many grow diaries of SOG snd you should check it out. Also some strains are better suited for that method. I do believe plant development is alot quicker using hydro and is perfect for SOG. My plants were planted on Sept. 22 from seed so they are only 51 days old and 6 feet tall lol and will be done at around 70 days total I hope. The 35 day strain was in an ad in high times this month Ill get the name next time Im sitting on the can reading it lol. What are you running for a light in the room and would it cover the 4x4 floor area if using the whole space. As far as the pics I will wait a bit untill they start to change to some red in the hairs. I have now broken three more plants and tied them on a horizontal plane as the first plant did really well and has nice buds forming all up the stalk now (not recomended though lol). The main colas are about 8-10 inches long and starting to look real nice. If the smoke is good I will be doing this one again but cant mix strains due to stretch difference.


Active Member
I am definitely going to do a mini sog next time. I'm planning to do 12 at about 2 feet max. I'll flip them around 1ft. I'm not so happy with these girls actually. I let them get to large an now I'm feeling like alot of the bottom growth will be useless :(
not to mention the crowns are getting to hot cause of this fking hps and their stretch.
I'm just going to grab a bunch of fem seeds that should be good an if they stretch then it won't matter cause I highly doubt they'll stretch 3 ft in flower.
One of the sweet gods look like crap. Very little buds so far. The strawberry cough is looking great though and so is the critical as well as the other sweet god.
I have been using the 4 4' t5 for veg but next time I will likely do a 400w mh for veg and 400w hps for flower but well see. I'm quite disappointed right now though.


Well-Known Member
You will be amazed at how much wieght they will pack on nearing the end of thier cycle! The buds actually look real nice and again it amazing how the buds fill in over the next little bit. I have the mataro under the T5's and the other under both and I'm still not convinced the HPS is the better light (I guess it is according to the masses) and yes there is a lot of heat. After Christmas I am buying a ducted fixture to help with that but temps in shed are perfect now. I am havind a real issue with the mattaro tray and PH its all over the place so trying to get handle on that and going to run water to shed this weekend. Into the crawl space I go "shit"!!!


Active Member
I know they'll pack on weight drastically in the next few weeks and the last few weeks they will mature heavily but I still think I would have got a significant amount more had I doubled the plant numbers and reduced the growth size by half. I likely would have been close to harvest by now as well. I shouldn't say I'm disappointed but I'm just not as impressed as I was hoping to be. Oh well. Next time I guess. I'm pretty used to saying next time too.. I am a leaf fan so it kind of goes hand in hand lol.
I think the hps is the better light for mass but I'm not so sure since I've never run 400 watts of fluorescent lights of the right spectrum for flower so it might not be all tht much better really. I do know it gets signicantly hotter in there but the temps are actually perfect the only problem is how much less room I have since I can't let the plants get as close as with the fluorescents.

What might be the problem with the ph? I guess with all the water they're needing you don't have time to let the ph balance naturally before you hook it up to the res feeder aye?


Well-Known Member
The mataro was only vegged for 2 weeks and grant it they went through some stress but the root mass is no where near the WR but again this is all new to me re hydro. they have just started to bud so it will be interesting to see how they do, their about 12" tall with 3 or 4 main shoots. I think I have the PH under control now but had to add about 300ml to get it down to 6ish. I am a leafs fan to if only because I live close to a few of the ex players and grew up beside and went to school with Doug Gilmour but dont watch much so lockout not a huge deal besides we have a losing team here to watch (Frontencs) lol but I think this is the year they go all the way..... oh right thier in a rebuilding mode, bet you've heard that before lol. I have the 400 about 10 inches away from a few of thr buds but have no choice and yes there is some heat stress but a ducted fixture would help alot and I think I will get one after room is empty and I can get in...lol... now I just look from afar haha. I did a side by side comparison last grow and there was not a huge difference in quantity that I noticed. I am going in the crawl space this weekend and running a water line to shed. The line will be a 1/4 inch going to a 400L tub with a humidifier float to keep it filled so that may help and if not Ill put in RO i guess.


Well-Known Member
nov15-1.jpgThese are the girls but not a great pic as I can only reach in to take pic nov15-2.jpg. \you can see the heat stress on the leaves but again not much I can do. The second pic is mataro blue just starting to flower. And in the last thread I said I had done a side by side comparison, that was T5's versus 400 hps and no difference in quantity. That was in soil BTW.


Active Member
Those both look amazing! Some of the buds in the first pic are giants and the second pics look great; very well done! Very impressive, keep it up :).
I just figured out how to make some extra room.. Just enough to stop the heat from killing the growth.. Zip ties lol. It brings the light two inches higher and that is just enough. I'm going to look at a way to tie up the fan from the ceiling so I can have some air blowing on the tops of the girls so that there is less heat on them.

I'm really hoping these girls can keep packing up the trichomes and the weight. I'm going to water them tonight with very minimal nutes and try not to pay to much attention to them for the rest of the weekend so I can see what kind of difference there is over the few days since this upcoming week will be week 4 of 12/12 and I'm hoping to see some big results in the next little while.. I'm also now quite positive the sweet gods won't be done in 6 weeks so I'm sure it'll be 8 weeks. No big deal though. I'm more looking forward to the next grow anyways lol.
Have you noticed any huge differences between vegging with a 400 watt mh and 4 4' t5s?


Well-Known Member
I have never used the HPS for vegging TBH. Always use t5's due to power usage and I do have a Metal halide of which I may try next WR grow to see what it does re: stretch because other than that I am quite happy with results. It must be hard keeping plants lower than 2'. You did say that was all the hieght you had correct? I guess are plants are about the same age re vegging, I did check mine last night with microscope and probably 40% of trichomes are a bit cloudy so not to long now and may do it soon as the heat is starting to effect them. Besides I'm down to half a jar lol.


Active Member
Mine were around 2 feet during veg and now they're about 4 feet I'd say. Maybe 4.5 feet since I have so little room left vertically.
What kind o microscope are you using and where did you get it? I am trying to get my jeweler to order me a loupe so I can check mine soon cause I want to keep an eye on mine and watch the changes