Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


Well-Known Member
Hell that looks like my christmas wish list lol. I tried to get Critical and was told can't get it, there's a great pic of it in the centerfold of this months high times BTW. I am going with the white domina and pato 1 I guess :-(. lol. I think the pineapple is a longish one but pretty. Actually I like any of Barney's stuff. You should have a look at Romulan also lol so many ehhh? The final tally from the WR is 410 grams from 6 plants and about 2-3 ounces of primo shake. Thats great that you worked it out with your partner its tough. I was married for 20 years to almost the day! But been with the same girl now for 6 years and she's great. She's cleaning out res's and pots tomorrow lol. The Blue got moved under the big light and seems real happy but gonna be hard to beat the last grow :-O. And as far as hydro I would reccommend it for anyone with limited room as well.


Active Member
Sorry to hear there's no critical available for you! I have 2 fem seeds left which would only be good for a grow if you cloned it lol. Pm me if you want.
I just tried looking for that pic in hightimes on the net but no luck; might have to go pick that copy up lol.
I've actually never heard of the pato before you mentioned it. I just recently heard of the romulan.. There's a ridiculous amount of strains to pick and its way to hard so I think I'm going to put em all on paper and draw from a hat, that way I don't have to keep picking and going back and forth lol.
This is my first time using anything from Barney's and I will definitely be back at some point lol, extremely happy with this stuff so far.
Well I guess you got a lot more than the 8 zips you were thinking aye? Lol! Lots of oil and maybe with some of the shake you can make a batch of brownies for the fun of it. I got stupid wrecked from brownies once! I used one batch of brownie mix and 2 ounces of Durban poison.. I didn't know it took a while to kick in, so I ate two and a half brownies.. I couldn't even stand up or stop laughing! I was extremely wrecked but it was a hell of a lot of fun lmao.
Working things out with women is never easy!
Sorry to hear about the split but glad you're happy now and have a good one!


Active Member
Hey you ever try iso oil? Does it taste alright? I'm thinking it will produce more than the other way we talked about.. And what would be. Good filter to get out the extra chunks? How do you make yours if/when you ever have done this way?


Well-Known Member
Yes I was pleasantly surprised by the amount, more than I have ever got from 6 plants inside! And dont be sorry about the split it was the best thing to happen for both of us, well at least me lol. Although I did lose 1/2 a house and condo in florida out of it, that was sad lol. As for the ISO oil, if thats isopropel alcohol then yes lol (i'm fifty remeber lol) I've made it by the gallons lol. I used coffee filters to strain it. I hate the shit lol. Takes long time to soak the shit then strain it and boil it. I think its more dangerous to make than BHO IMO. And yes it probably does give more but not as potent and not as tasty. I found a pot of it in my garage last month that would be like 15 years old jeez...lol. Good luck with the choice and you should clone that shit! I am not going to worry about the critical for a bit as I have the other seeds to try but these pheno's are driving me nuts, with only 6 plants going I need them all to be the same lol. I guess I'll try cloning the next grow but its a lot of work IMO for mostly smallish plants, but again could be my growing, skills or lack of!!


Active Member
Women are good in court! They can put on the tears in the blink of an eye. My father has always made me promise that I make any woman I marry to sign a pre nup. I'm very lucky to come from a family with lots of money and his way of saying it was simple.. He didn't work his ass off to give any woman I marry, half. No arguments there lol. He's had some bad luck with some women who seemed nice and really they were just good at acting.
I guess that's why they say "love is grand... But divorce is a hundred grand" lol.

I was just reading late last night about the ISO oil cause I remember a friend making it and figured the bad taste was cause he messed it up as he isn't the smartest guy around haha.
I will definitely stick with the butane method though, thank you for the advice! :)

If you want one of the two critical kush seeds lemme know, even if cloning doesn't work out at least there will still be one lol. I'm going to try and clone it next time as well since its such a gorgeous strain.. Wish I had another strawberry cough seed though! I had traded with a buddy years ago and he sent me it so I don't know for sure what breeder it's from :'(
You can take clones to a good size; I've worked with them once my buddy who has his card.. I think it was called master pearl. It was definitely good smoke but the plants were bushy as hell! At 2 feet tall they were like 3-4 feet wide! I had only two of them and they produced close to 7 ounces!

Id say you got some damn good growing skills! Not many can pull off great looking WR like that on their first hydro grow!
I'm hoping for 4-5 ounces on these 4 girls but who knows what will come about since these bloody sweet god girls gave me such issues! Some of their bigger buds are friggin giants though so I'm thinking 4-5 ounce goal will be hit.

I have also been thinking of adding another smaller hps light to the tent for next grow but a few people on the site said it likely won't work cause my temps will get way to hot less I go air cooled for that one. My temps are pretty good now, just under 80 but that's not at the canopy so another hps would be rough on the girls if I didn't bump up the airflow big time and add a good exhaust.. With the small area I have for the tent, I may be pushing my luck and since its not hidden anywhere I'm sure my friends would be extremely curious as to what's inside with all that venting and such.. As it stands now they have no idea and don't even know what I do lol. Only once has someone asked and I told them it was for my girls clothes lol. He bought it though but I wouldn't be able to use that excuse next time cause its not like her clothes need to be temperature regulated :p


Well-Known Member
Well I was bright enough that when I split (and lucky) that I had 3 houses, actually 2.5 cause ones a winterized cottage and I was able to keep one and the cottage :). But yes if u can a pre-nup is a wise ideal. Thanks for the offer, thats really cool but I have started germinating the seeds I have so I'm good for about 5-6 weeks and then Im hopin they'll be in and I always wanted to try the vanilla Kush also lol. The Mataro Blue is still the same lol not really doin much I dont think its eating much as the TDS is climbing each day and it should be constant. Either that or their light feeders, and here's were the inexperience comes in lol. Ive added less nutes this time so we'll see whats up. Sorry! What are u running for lights now? I have just a 400 on now and its heating an insulated 8x8 shed to 70f at -5 so heat can be an issue. You can use the light as part of your extraction fan if you hook one end up and just use other end of the fixture as the iintake. Just a thought as I'm not sure what you have set up (I'm sure you've said, but I forget alot on the champix smoking stuff). Oh and I smoked a joint of the WR tonight and thought about you asking what the taste was like...... well its kinda ditch weedy lol. Not that nice actually lol. But it does get you really high, its quite trippy and more of a head thing, its nice!


Active Member
You're running the strains you mentioned before yeah? How's their flowering times and when's the mataro blue expected to be done?
Today is week 7 for my girls but I think there will be at least another two weeks for the strawberry cough and the critical kush. Sucks. Sweet god still has a chance to catch up and finish at the same time since its a fast flowering plant.. We will see though.
Im running a 400 watt hps in flower and 4 4' t5 for veg but I'm thinking next go I'll try a 400 watt mh for veg and see how that works.. Maybe I can run the 400w mh and the t5s on the side and just turn the plants every day or even every other day.. Those t5s do get fairly warm though but I think I can handle that heat much more easily than a 400watt and a 250watt.. But if I flip the girls earlier and they don't stretch a hell of a lot then the heat at the canopy won't be to bad and a fan going across will help a great deal. I'm also thinking of getting a 400cfm fan filter combo from eBay so if I get the extra light than I'll add another fan for intake and maybe that will keep the temps fair?
I didn't know you run a 400 watt as well! You pulled that much weight with that light? Forget 1 gram per watt aye? Lol!

I have actually heard that a lot of the white strains don't have the best taste but I've only tried white rhino and it wasn't bad but I would not pick that as my favourite tasting strains by any means.


Well-Known Member
That is really cool!!! So thats the critical? I cant believe the crystals! Two thumbs up!!! It looks close to fruitation lol.


Active Member
Yessir, that's the critical :). She is a beauty and I think another week and she will be ready to come down, maybe two weeks. The strawberry cough will almost definitely be good to go in a week and the sweet god might have another two weeks as well but now that she is clear of issues she is really starting to put on more solid buds and stopped swelling lol. The critical kush almost needed every bud to be supported! They aren't ridiculously huge buds like the sweet god but they are friggin heavy! Some of the buds might weigh a half ounce.. After they're been dried! Lol. Thank you. I'm quite proud of her, definitely some nice herbs for the first run back.
Tonight I'm likely going to put all of those names in a hat and draw em out to see what the next run will be; than I can research those strains a bit. I will probably do 8 girls, female seeds and all in 1 gallon pots. Slight sog style grow and only veg them till they're about 3/4 of a foot tall.


Active Member
So looks like I'll be doing critical yumbolt along side blue widow! :)
a little worried about the stretch though because I was reading the blue widow will likely stretch to twice its size in flower since she has a stronger sativa side to her and the critical yumbolt is more indica.. Will be interesting to see what happens lol. If I have to much of a difference I'll just have to put the tall girls on the sides of the tent and the smaller girls in the middle..
I'm also thinkin to toss in more critical kush lol. I'd do 3 critical yumbolt, 3 blue widow and 2 critical kush. What do you think?


Active Member
I think 9 more days for the strawberry cough and she will come down! Christmas Day harvest lol. Critical kush still has lots of white hairs as does the sweet god so maybe another 2.5 weeks for them. Fuck my life. At least the strawberry cough will have more time during the cure process and than when that's gone I'll busy out the sweet god while the critical has about a month to cure I think.. Depending how long it takes for that stuff to disappear lol


Active Member
Ok so my strawberry cough isn't gonna make it...
to Christmas! :p
i think she's coming down this coming weekend so my jewelers loupe better hurry the eff up and get here by Wednesday cause the hairs are starting to retreat into the buds and they are looking very close to being done. The critical kush might actually be ready for Christmas and I didn't really look at the sweet god to much lol


Active Member
Hmm actually after taking a closer look at the critical kush, it might be ready by the weekend as well! It's just the top cola that got burned that doesn't look fully ready.. This goddamn loupe better get hear ASAP cause I'm gonna cancel payment soon if its not


Well-Known Member
Sorry Buster I've been busy lol. After the vines from hell I think I caused alot of the stretch myself :(. I guess night versus day temps is important, try to keep them close, also the HPS caused it to stretch more as I moved it right from 18 under the t5's to 12 under the hps, I guess I should have left it at 18 for a bit with th HPS. Fuck who knew (well lots of people LOL)!! Glad to hear youv'e made the choice, your sure right lol. So I bought some straight battery acid today and gonna make some DIY PH down LOL. If you see my next post in braile things didnt go well lol. You are gonna have a great bunch of smoke when done I think. So what was the total time in the ground for both the cough and critical? I will still grow the critical but will wait til the new year to get them and will drive to the GTA if I have to lol. I really hate going to that town, jeezus. I lived at main and danforth about 30 years ago when I was in school, it's changed!!!! :(.


Active Member
No worries my friend, life is always so busy so I understand. I've been back to work for a few weeks even with the broken hand.. Doing easy stuff but still more than I should lol. Just couldn't stand being home all the time :p
I was just reading not long ago that the switch of spectrum can cause more stretch, interesting read. I'm wondering how much stress will come from mh to hps next run.
I will be honest, I'm not exactly sure that those are the strains that I want to do next run but I've heard a lot of good things about the blue widow and couldn't find anything on the critical yumbolt lol. I've somewhat put it out of my mind though so I am going to do my best to not switch it up when I get to the place to pick up the seeds lol.

I'm thinking the total time was around 100 days but that would have been less if it wasn't for the switch from aerogarden to soil and the nute problems. My loupe actually came in today as I was hoping so I will take a good look tonight and see how they are doing. Now I need to figure out where I will hang dry these girls since I was planning on doing iron the tent but the sweet god will not be done in time.
The GTA is a mess lately! I was actually doing work around pape and danforth a few weeks ago and it's not the same as it was even just 5 years ago. I never really grew up in one area, was moving at least once every other year so I've seen a lot of areas change quite drastically in such a short time. Makes me want to move into the woods that much more lol.
I really think these girls will have some amazing smoke! As long as the harvest goes well at least :p
Today I'll likely go pick up some mason jars and get everything ready to crop but I need to do it late night one night so I was actually kind of hoping they would hang on till the weekend haha. Either way I'm super excited to try these out so them being done sooner isn't a bad thing.
How is your back doing? Going to take some time off for the holidays?


Well-Known Member
Sore and no lol. Off today and then back again. Do get all of next week off but I'm on call (just phone) 24/7 for techs in field Im a tech manager for HVAC company. Lovin this warm weather as not to busy. When its cold all hell breaks loose! Yes I planted 3 White Domina, and 3 Pato 1. So I think i'll only let them veg for a week and then run them under the 400 and T5's so they won't stretch as much and I may scrog them, if I learn how lol. I just hate the thought of cutting the bottom third of my plants leaves off! I think u do that for scrog??


Active Member
Yeah it must not be to busy so far huh? This winter has seemed so different from the typical Canadian winters we've grown used to aye?
I take off the Xmas week till the 6th of January, will be very nice and should allow me to see how my hand is doing at the doctors.
I've never done scrog so I don't know and don't want to give you a guessed answer and ruin your plants lol.
As for running the t5 and the 400, if you don't want to have all that power usage I've heard you can just run the hps for a week before you flip them to flower and the plant will have some time to get used to the spectrum and won't stretch as much.. I've never done this myself, just something I learned on the site so it's yet to be proven personally lol


Well-Known Member
Actually I like using the T5's with the 400. I cant use the 600 until temps are down below zero as it gets to hot in the bud room. The WR really purked up when I added it so I think its a permanet thing now lol. This is a bud from the Mataro matarodec18.jpg, I figure another 2-3 weeks!!!


Active Member
How high do the temps get? How's the WR treating you now that you've had it a week or so?Your mataro wil be done that soon? I didn't realize you had two rooms going.. I'm really jealous lol. I need to get a second tent but I just don't have the room for it.
Those buds look nice man, I'll be looking forward to the smoke report cause I'll have that on my list of things to do in the future for sure.
I snipped a tiny .5 bud from the critical to take a close look, she's about 30% milky so a few more days to go. Strawberry cough is likely the same but I haven't taken anything from her down yet. I'm drying the critical kush now and I'll probably toss that tiny bud in a jar within the next day or so.