Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


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My tent actually has holes in the side for ventilation etc so as long as I hook it up right I'll be good to go.

I was actually thinking of getting more strawberry cough from Dutch as I am almost positive that is where this one is from.. I guess I'm lucky it don't grow balls on me cause I stressed her the fuck out lol.
What issues are you having with the mataro? Still the ph?


Well-Known Member
I've had terrible luck with DP seeds, but it could have been me not knowing what i was doing lol. I've got the PH under control but still have one plant that is showing alot of yellow oddly enough its the biggest plant lol. Im not really going to stress about it as the other 4 are doing ok. Hows the hand?


Active Member
I haven't done many grows with breeders products but luckily I haven't had any bad luck.
I actually read about that in the plant problem section; it was something to do with that particular plant need more feed than the others because it is the biggest and that's what made me think of it when you said it was the largest.
The hand is coming along nicely actually, thanks for asking!
i had my first physio appointment today for it and the next one is next week so I will see what kind of progress is made. They gave me a bunch of things I can do to get it back to normal as quick as possible. I also now have a removable cast so I can wash it and let the skin air out lol. It was starting to smell like my hockey equipment after a game! Gross!
i smoked once just after it was broken and they reset the bones cause the cast was so tight that it was causing intense discomfort. My buddy had just got some beauty bubba kush... Insane how much the smoke helped with the pain! Hopefully your new smoke will help with your pain as much as this helped me.. To bad I couldn't send some over to ya cause it is some powerful stuff. My buddy just had surgery on his shoulder for a torn rotator cuff and this stuff helped him a great deal.. I'm starting to think that this critical will over power almost everything that's been around here, if not everything cause it is definitely the most frosty stuff I've seen in ages lol.


Well-Known Member
Ya well they didnt have any critical!!! Sold out!!! They did have some kushes but none from barney's, I am going to see how long it takes to get it in. I bought a portable vaporizer today so I don't need to find a way to inhale the oil now lol. I guess I'll make some hash........wooohooo! Its even easier to make than the oil and mucho safer lol. I took a drum humidifier and wrapped the drum in silk screen and covered the ends with sheet metal fill it with bud and turn it on, a week later there is hash in the tray..... :-). Your critical would be a great bud for that BTW those big crystals falling off. The feeding may be an issue with the Mataro but again Im seeing 3 different phenos I think, with some really cristally and some with hardly any and then the yellow one with lots of crystal lol. This WR is like the most energetic pot I've smoked in a while but I' seem to have gotten a lot more pain lately, I have been working alot lately though so that makes it worse. Its cold and Im the service manager for a heating and cooling company that cant find enough guys. Fuck I turn 52 in a week and fallen apart like a walmart shirt lol. Glad to hear u can scratch your hand now, gets itchy huh lol. I think I might head to Ottawa next week and see if I can get the critical there, we'll see, I do have 5 White Domina and 5 Pato#1 seeds so I may just start those. Do you fish? I keep a boat at Darlington in the summer for salmon. salmon.jpgAlways lookin for people to split the gas!! And if you dont mind the captain getting a little high even better!! :).


Active Member
No critical?! That is a shame, I'd love to see what you can do with these girls cause they could do much more than what I have let them do I'm sure. I had no idea you can make hash like that! How does it turn out? I'm pretty interested actually cause there's a lot of people who would prefer hash here as its easier on their lungs.
Cold weather, extra work and back pain... I think you need that trip to Florida for the winter! Some good fishing down there! I am always up for fishing! Have landed some beauties so far; favourites so far are pike and sailfish. Have or had the lake simcoe record for pike but that was quite a few years ago now so I don't know if it still stands. I also brought in a large sailfish when I was younger. Bout 8' or so... What a hell of a fight!
That fish in that picture is a beast! Must have been an exciting fight!
My fiancé isn't much into fishing.. She's watched jaws and piranha a few to many times I think lol. I've just been going alone lately so some good company would be awesome! If the captain decides to smoke that's all good by me!

My hand was insanely itchy! I stuck a long knife up the end of the cast and my fiancé thought I was nuts.. Than thought I was going to try and cut the cast off haha


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What process do you use to make oil? Have you heard of a pollen extractor? It makes some nice honey oil and its good to go in 24 hours but it would require some DIY tube to make a lot at once!
basically you just have a long tube like a PVC pipe and a cap on both ends. One end had a single hole and the other has a filter on the inside with multiple little holes on the cap. Stick a can of butane on the side with the single hole and run it straight through. Use one more can of butane and have it all run into a Pyrex pan. Within about an hour the majority of the butane has evaporated. After 24 hours 99% of it is gone, that's when you heat the pan very slightly and allow the rest of the trapped butane to bubble out.
Im sure it isn't the best way but it is quick, easy and looks gorgeous. Not bad smoke at all either, definitely worth a try. I've never used good herbs to do it that way either and the product came out with a definite pass! I bet if you used prime herbs the stuff would be amazing.
Oh and the bud doesn't need to be fully broken up but it does help cause the butane should run through most of that to bring off the thc


Well-Known Member
oiltube.jpg Like this lol! And it takes about 1 hr from start to finish if in a hurry. Use a vacume pump to boil off any remaining butane residue. I have been making the stuff for a long time, years and years actually! I have only had one bad experience and that was when I first started and was in a hurry as I was headed for the dominican the next day and wanted to take a vial with me. Damn near burnt my house down, scary shit!!! And yes I love to fish for sailfish, I go to Guatemala every other year to fish for them, its one of the best places in the world for them. The largest so far was a 143Lbs on fly rod, pretty cool. I was born in St. Petersburg Florida lol. This is a pic of the WR and is starting to crystal up nicely I think I'll wait a bit lol. dec1bud2.jpg


Active Member
That's exactly what in talking about! It works well aye?I lost my pipe but there a headshop around here I can buy them at for fairly cheap so I might make some after this crop with the trim and small buds.
I definitely know what you mean about it bring dangerous the first time! For some stupid reason my buddy and I put it in a coffee pot and lit the entire thing on fire.. With all of the butane in it! That fire lasted a few minutes but luckily I was outside when we did it lmao.
I haven't been to many exotic places for fishing but landed a nice cuda in Jamaica.. What a hell of a fish!
I'd love to do some tuna fishing though or marlin, either of those would be a lot of fun and a great battle.
I think mine was around the 140lb mark as well; I was young and my dad thought I wouldn't be able to land it so he bet me a grand and said if I got it in the boat we would get it put up on the wall.. What an expensive fishing trip that was for him :p
I'm guessing you've done a fair share of tarpon fishing in Florida than huh? Never hooked one but I hear they are a good fight as well.
Those ladies are putting on some frost and they are nice thick buds! I bet that will be some nice smoke! You have much longer till they come down?
My sweet god is starting to pack on major weight now, I've had to put some posts up for a few side branches cause they are leaning over like crazy. One of the buds is like a foot long and a few inches around.. They haven't put on a lot of frost yet but I can they are about to. It's a shame I had issues with them cause I almost don't want to use the rest of the seeds I have with them for my next grow.. I likely still will though cause I want to see their full potential. If I didn't mess them up they would be done very soon as its almost at week 6.. They strawberry looks like she will have about 2 weeks left though and the critical is about the same but she looks white more than green lol. I think I got the kush pheno cause I've seen people on here with much much fatter buds than mine but significantly less frost. I have a few more seeds of them though so I'll toss them in for next round as well. Only going to let them get just under a foot tall before I flip them though cause I'll be doing more plants but less height.


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fuck im getting frustrated trying to find a good fan and filter for under 300.. all the ones im finding arent good quality in one way or another so im just gonna suck it up and spend the money at the damn hydro shop :s


Active Member
I solved my smell issues for a few days! I took a box and put some bounce sheets in it and like 15 sheets on each end and put it into an exhaust hole in the tent... Smells amazing in here lol!
I also opened another vent hole at the top of the tent and put my fan there facing inwards... Hell of a lot of airflow going in now lol.


Well-Known Member
Watch the pot dont start to smell like it LOL. I had a buddy purolat a package to me on the east coast after an unfortunate incedent with a bag of weed that the girlfriend was incharge of (happy maid!!!!). He wrapped bag in a bounce sheet and fuck me!!! I smoked summer morning dew bounce for 3 days. But the story doesnt end there!!! Then she washes my jeans and guess whats in the pocket??? We packed our shit and drove home in 14 hrs lol. I couldnt believe the shit lol. I cant believe the trichs on your shit!!!!


Active Member
Oh god I hope it doesn't smell like snuggle or whatever the hell it is lol. Would really hope the cure process would kill that out! Though it is just about 10 sheets on the end of an empty box so I don't believe it will take over the herb smell from that; I hope not anyways!
You had some summer morning dew bud in your pocket? Lol!
My worst experience was a buddy leaving his stuff in his mothers house.. A full lb of decent buds, left it in the closet and that stuff took on the smell of moth balls! I couldn't handle it. One puff and I threw out the entire joint and let him deal with the destroyed buds lol.
Thanks man, I'm liking this stuff a lot. I'm hoping my dry and cure go well so I can really bring out the flavours, especially in the strawberry cough :)
I was able to pop in one more feeding cause they will have enough time to flush it out especially with the amount of water I'm giving them lately.. Bout 9L every other day so 2.25L each girl every second day.
I'm hoping there's enough co2 in the place that the fan sucks in to add a bit to them, if nothing else they will at least have more airflow lol.
The critical kush is getting heavy, I think if they put on more weight which is very likely, I'll need to stake almost every bloody branch! Ridiculous.
The sweet god is getting to that point now too, some of her buds are giants.
I just passed week 6 of 12/12 so hopefully they'll be good to go soon; I am dying to try these out.

By the way, I was reading through the smoke report section, have you seen the report on mataro blue?


Well-Known Member
I may have to install a scrubber also lol. My shed is getting really dank smelling within about 30 feet!!!! I run the extraction fan on temp so it never comes on now when lights are out. I may have to do a recirc thing with a damper and just scrubb air continuously and vent outside when temp rises, fuck more shit to build lol. And I'm sure you'll be fine but that bounce stuff is strong. Buddies used it for loads across the river........:roll:.......... back in the day lol. I did read the report but got all fucked up with the dates lol the plants were really nice though, never got to the actually how it was part. Did he say it was good?? So I've started to take down the whole WR grow yesterday and some today, its gonna take awhile lol there's a lot there!!! I can never tell how much so we'll see when its dry. I guess about 8 oz! And if I read the report right, his plants were a bit ahead of mine bud wise.......:-(.


Active Member
Yeah seems like you should get a filter as well lol. These damn girls huh? :p
He said it was strong smoke but the taste was unbelievable, I also believe there was something about being a big fan of kannabia.
Good luck with the trimming! That's going to take a heck of a bit of time and patience to clean up. How long do you cure for?
I think my girls are behind as well which is nuts.. I know the sweet god is but there isn't even half the hairs changed colours so I don't think they'll be done in two weeks like I was hoping..
I might go for one of those super short flowering time strains next grow lol. I've seen ones with like 45 day times and still good thc content so I might throw some in and see what I can do with them... Every other set up I'll do short flowering times and long flowering times to even things out about, maybe.


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Hey do you think a 20x jewelers loupe will work? I just ordered a 30x / 60x loupe in case lol. I know one will work but I think the 20x will be difficult to judge properly but well see


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what mine is. lol I'll check but I think its 60-120 but always use the lowest setting. And finally finished the trim of all of the plants just have all the small popcorn shit to take off when dry. As far as curing I will hang it until it is pretty much dry but not crispy (dont like crispy) and then I put it in mason jars. I let it sit for 4 or five days opening the lid every day for a bit. and then horror of horrors!!! I freeze it! lol, "They" say not to but it's easier that way. I vape and I like it on the moist side so if it is not put in freezer it can go moldy. I always let it breath for a day after I take it out and dry out a bit more due to condensation. Keep in mind this is if I have some, if out its, hang, dry, smoke, lol. Christ even the short ones feel like forever lol. The MB is just staring to bud up nicely but there is one langley fucking mutant pheno lol that is a third as big as the rest, smallish buds, and three leaved fan leaves that are huge and blocking the light.... fucking phenos!!! With dirt not a huge issue but trays are an issue as it is what it is and cann't be moved. I have decided to grow White Domina next as the girlfriend thinks that is one of the best I've had. It'll be cool to compare as I did two soil grows of that. should have her in the pots by next week, gotta clean all the stuff this week.


Active Member
I'm hoping my new loupe will come in soon, I love using them lol.
My 20x wasn't bad at all but with a messed up hand I needed something a bit stronger to balance things out.
I can't wait to get my girls into some jars but I think the sweet god is going to need another 3 weeks for eff sakes. The critical and the strawberry look like they can pull it together and be ready in two weeks but who knows.. I just want them down. Either way though the strawberry cough and critical will be done before the sweet god so those two will have extra cure time :)
This strawberry cough smells ridiculously good right now.. If the taste is as good as it smells its going to be a real treat!!
White domina aye?? I may have to add that to my "to grow" list lol!
How did she taste and look?
are you done growing in soil now? You like the hydro that much or is it just time to switch it up and do that for a while to see if you can perfect those methods as well?


Well-Known Member
Oh no, I am going to stick with the hydro and domina is actually very well suited for hydro. Im just dion what the boss tells me to do lol. If she likes the Domina I'll grow her the Domina. As for the taste it was nice, and yes it was good as everyone who smoked it liked it so I guess its good lol. I have a really hard time telling unless its crap then I know lol. As for hydro I find it easier than soil if all is running smoothly but if there is a problem its a fast one lol. But I think I've got it dialed in somewhat to keep going, besides, the cost of switching over lends to giving it a good go.


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The boss? That's a nice way to put it! I usually call mine the warden lol. It was incredibly difficult to convince her to allow this but we were having a rough patch and she moved to her moms house for 2 weeks till we got things worked out.. I jumped at the opportunity to start getting the materials together lol.. Didn't tell her till she moved back and all I said was "I wasn't sure if I was going to take you back so I started a hobby" lol. Didn't go so bad though cause her mother needs meds that she can't afford.. I told her that I would give her enough of this that she could stop worrying about other meds.. Than I had to convince her mother this was better lol. Took about 15 minutes but was easier than I thought it would be! Now my fiancé will check up on them and water them once in a while :)
I'm going to keep with soil for a bit but I would like to eventually do a full out, real hydro grow. They do grow a lot faster and thicker it seems; I'm guessing its because the nutes are much more accessible but I'm just guessing.
I truly can't decide what to grow next and it's bugging the hell out of me.
These will have a few more weeks to go so I have some more time to decide..

••Kannabia - Citrus••
••DNA - Chocolope••
••Green house - K-train••
••Dutch passion - Mazar••
••Barney's farm - Pineapple chunk••
••Barney's farm - Blue cheese••
••Dinafem - Blue widow ••
••Eva seeds - Papas candy(not big into it but quick flower)••
••Delicious - Cheese candy••
••Delicious - Critical Yumbolt••
••World of seeds - Madness••
••Kannabia - Queso••
••Dinafem - Sweet Deep Grapefruit••
••Paradise - White Berry••

yup, I'm screwed! Way more than I thought I had on my list..