Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


Active Member
Oh and that's at day 30 of flower, today is day 32 and I've heard some people pull theirs around day 50 as they've been finishing early.. My strawberry cough will definitely take the full 65 days or more as she is putting on more weight then I expected lately. The sweet god. Yup. Still sick. Gotta be something wrong with them and now that the toolbar is back I can post in the sick plant section and see what might be going on.


Well-Known Member
I think all of the white family has a bit of stretch lol. Holy fucking cold!!!! -7 this morning and shed at 60F that'll bring out the blue lol. That kush is really nice I like the stuff from Barny's, I may try that, looks like you could make some really nice hash with the sugar leaves. How many days at 12, how much did you pay, and how tall, Im ever so concerned about that now lol!!! Im sure you've awnsered all of these things before but I forget lol. Oh and BTW the WR is really good, more of a head thing lol, and really speedy like makes you want to do something but just cant get up to do it lol. That may be due to the early pulling, I am pulling it all this week as some of the triches are amber.


Active Member
I paid 65$ for 5 fem seeds so not killer at all actually. It's impressive stuff and I'm quite sure I'll use the other seeds in my next grow. I am now at day 33 of 12/12. I flipped her around 2.5 feet and I'd say she is about 3.5 feet now so not bad. The girl is very easy going and can take things very well. She recovered fully from the light burn actually and none of the others did. Was surprised to see buds coming back in that spot lol.

I have read that all those white strains stretch a bit but I don't remember where I read that so don't quote me on it lol. How was the taste of the smoke?
I am excited to taste these girls I have but that will be the only time I smoke till next harvest. I don't really smoke, I grow and give 95% of it to friends or friends parents who need it for medical reasons and either can't afford it or can't get good smoke from anyone reliable/ trust worthy.


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So I read that my sweet god girls may have a N problem so I'm going to dump like 4L of water on her and see if that helps a little cause those bitches need to start producing lol.


Well-Known Member
Jeez I smoke alot I guess lol. Actually since I quit cigerettes 2 weeks ago Ive been smoking alot more as I dont know how to smoke my oil now lol. Used to just drop it on heater but cant seem to replicate that and IVE TRIED EVERYTHING !!! All other ways make me cough out a lung lol. Crack pipe and ashes is next I guess lol. I dont smoke joints at work only because of the smell and with the oil I can do a nice little drop and feel great for few hours. I have real bad issues with my back and have been on oxi's for 7 years now and its a bitch, thanks doc! The pot doesn't take the pain away but I think it helps the pills work better. I know most people have to up there perscription but I have lowered mine by more than half since the accident so all good. $65 is great, I will check them out and if I like what I see, I will get the girlfriend to buy them next week. I will probably start them end of next week as I will have to wash and disenfect all the res's and trays (the girl friend does that lol). It'll be interesting to see how they do in water!!! I have done a few kushes in soil never in water. Thanks for the info! The WR doesnt taste like much yet as it was still kinda green and no cure to speak of, and no flush. I am flushing out the girls as we speak so we'll see. Its kinda nice as the white domina had a dieselly lemon kinda thing, Im not good at the taste test I smoked cigs for 35 years...lots lol.


Active Member
I actually quit cigs for about a year and worked out a lot.. Then I broke my hand and now I'm smoking again.. A pack a day, brutal. I'm just so bored not working lol.
Your girl helps with the grow?? Mine helped once.. She moved the bottom of the plant out if the way while I added more soil lol.

If you have a bong you can put oil on a zig zag and smoke that way, it's not to harsh but it works and will get you extra baked :p


Well-Known Member
Dude, get this book called The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by allan car. I smoked for 20 years and read this book and it mind fucked me into quiting without me even realizing it. 4 other people I gave a book too quit too! I am also off work with a herniated disc in my back so I can sympathize with you on the boredom thing. Those plants are looking tasty my friend!


Active Member
I've actually been recommended that book before! My good friend loved it and quit after about 15 years of smoking as well.. Made it three years and then had a bad split with his wife and went back to smoking :s.
sorry to hear about your back, those are the worst injuries. I can definitely see the herbs helping those pills though because the pills do thin your blood a bit I believe and the herbs will increase your heart rate. I bet quitting smoking cigs helps a bit too as they tighten up the blood vessels and don't allow everything to circulate as well as it should.

Thank you for the compliment on the girls. I think the sweet god is going to fill in now as well! I dumped a shitload of water on them and it seemed to help a bit already so I'll do them a favour and do the same in another day or two. I just fed the strawberry cough and critical kush for the last time I think.. Might be able to sneak in one more feeding with nutes but most likely it'll just be water and molasses from here on out. The critical kush buds aren't as fat as I was expecting.. They are definitely tight and pine cone shaped though and quite heavy but the strawberry cough just continues to impress me. She's a damn beast with the most beautiful buds of all them by far. Her buds are getting extremely frosty and I'm going to bet they become more covered than the critical! I am really considering doing her again next grow cause she is that good. At first she seemed to finicky and now I'd say she is the most easy going of them all. I do believe the sweet god will pull it together and yield the most though and I do hope so cause the smell I get from her when I touch the stems is by far the most unique I've smelt ever! You could really do great things with them in your system!


Active Member
Oh and I just looked at the strawberry cough.. I'm almost positive she's done putting on weight now as some of her hairs are going this crazy looking gold / orange / pink colour lol. She's going to be one sexy looking lady :)


Well-Known Member
How long has the cough been under 12? And be careful about the fan as it just scrubs the air. Maybe ask some other people in a new thread before you buy. I dont think you would be able to duct it as it has a prop fan and they dont work so well when ducted. Here's a pic of the lower 3' of the WR as the reat is bent all over the top of the room lol.



Active Member
Tomorrow will be week 5 of 12/12. I'm hoping some can come down in the next two weeks but it won't happen lol. As long as the thing takes the smelly air and makes it not smell I'd be happy lol. It will also take some of the humidity and maybe even a slight bit drop in temps so I think it will work out nicely.. For the price I can't really go wrong either.

Man that is a damn forest! How can you get in there to trim or water or anything at all? Lol. That stuff looks like it would work well in scrog set up aye? I've always been interested in scrog but no chance I could do it


Active Member
And here you can see my strawberry cough is much taller than the critical and slightly taller than the sweet god which aren't in this picture cause they are embarrassing but starting to come along... Finally!!!



Well-Known Member
Actually I dont think it will remove the humidity as there is no air change and actually the carbon will stop working quicker in high humidity. But if scrubbing is all u want then yes it should work. Do u have moisture problems? I cann't get in to even see the girls at the back !!! lol....SCROG!!! fuck I'd need a 10' x 10' screen lol and when do u stop running horizontal and start letting it come up' If only I knew then what I know now, like 2 weeks veg., dont switch to HPS so soon and leave MH going 12/12 for a few weeks, all of these things would have helped i think lol. But Im still learning and hydro seems to make things grow a lot bigger a lot faster lol. Yes thank god no watering I can not reach threw the vines to the back pots and yes I was pulling out the dead leaves but stopped that and really there aren't many to speak of.


Active Member
Hmmm. I didn't think about the lack of air change because I was just thinking about the fact that it was taking air out and some humidity would come out. Was just going to have a small fan hooked up to one of the small air holes and have some fresh air taken in. Either way as long as the smell is taken care of I will be happy cause its getting bad now lol. There are so many little factors for scrog and it really makes me lean towards a mini sog set up.
Honestly you would make these ladies real happy, the talent and room you could give them... Damn. This is my first grow back after a few year lay off and these things are looking great so I can only imagine what you could do for them and even what I'll do with them next grow!


Well-Known Member
yes. I'm growing strawberry right now. all of my dutch passion seeds, and the delicious seeds, and the dinafem seeds and the g-13 labs seeds have all germinated. i have some liberty hazes that are really stubborn and won't sprout. although it has only been 3 and a half days.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess you blow the scrubbed air out the tent by just cutting a hole to fit the square outlet of the charcoal fan. Is that what you had planned to do? That would work. And then have passive intake (through holes). That would also help lower O2 levels when lights on. And Happy, I've had seeds that took like a week to pop so good luck. Keep an eye on the DP for balls! Ive had almost every batch hermie on me (few out of the five). I havnt bought DP for a few years now and it could have been me that caused it, but not likely lol. Im still having issues with the Mataro but it is what it is I cant change much now. And me thinks I got real lucky as it is my first hydro grow and I didnt know shit, but am learning!