It's the end of something I enjoyed, but much of life is like that. All good things come to an end. As far as the industry being harsh or whatever there's been some innovation which is good, and there have been decisions I've made, some of which were mistakes. I dabbled in DIY parts. I got into the pin fin game late. I purchased a load of pre-built cases and while they are good products it wasn't the best business move, partly due to timing and the pricing changes that happened early '17 and perhaps partly because they looked like cheap Chinese lamps when they weren't. And of course, there were things I didn't do and other people did, and I'm happy for the guys who have succeeded this year.
On the plus side, I have other things to focus on next year. Also, not having a blue ribbon maybe I will get more involved in debate and product discussion

Saying whatever came to mind didn't generally seem appropriate as an advertiser. I was here for several years before starting a business so I'll probably continue to be active here.
I appreciate all the kind words.