The 12th planet. Any one ever read it??


Ursus marijanus
OK, SHOW me. I love a good debate!! Believe me I have looked WAAY deeper into this than you have any idea. I all but took up learning cuneiform. I have been to Tikal, Nazca, Giza, and Balbek (amongst many other sites). I have read everything i can get my hands on, on both sides of the argument, and to me, it's the theory that we weren't visited that falls apart.
Imo, part of the trouble is semantic. I maintain that for evidence to be compelling, it must have the capacity to resist reasoned dissent. Speculations about ancient artifacts don't meet that standard. I am *all for* finding truly compelling evidence that we're not alone. It would unify the planet and revive a meaningful space program ... perhaps. But that evidence must be grounded in the natural sciences, not anthropology. Jmo.
cheers 'neer

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The inarguable fact is that there exist structures that defy explanation. Civilizations 5000 years ago knew that there were 9 planets in the solar system (We only recently discovered that fact), had detailed charts for them, had mathematical and astronomical knowledge that rivals ours today. Just these facts alone, with NO reasonable explanation as to HOW this could be, is compelling. SOMETHING or someone built the pyramids and Puma Punku, I certainly cannot accept that it was built by manual labor with hand tools by people with no mathematical knowledge or written language, things that we would be really hard pressed to do today with all our technology. And to say that it WAS done so is ludicrous. I call that compelling in the absence of any other rational theory.
I agree that it must resist REASONABLE dissent. Therein lies the rub. there are no RATIONAL explanations being thrown out there by any credible sources. Everything that we see that suggests extraterrestrials have visited defies all logical explanation.


Ursus marijanus
The inarguable fact is that there exist structures that defy explanation. Civilizations 5000 years ago knew that there were 9 planets in the solar system (We only recently discovered that fact), had detailed charts for them, had mathematical and astronomical knowledge that rivals ours today. Just these facts alone, with NO reasonable explanation as to HOW this could be, is compelling.
We disagree. There is a very rational rebuttal, difficult to controvert: They guessed. Got lucky.
SOMETHING or someone built the pyramids and Puma Punku, I certainly cannot accept that it was built by manual labor with hand tools by people with no mathematical knowledge or written language, things that we would be really hard pressed to do today with all our technology.
We disagree again. I have no trouble accepting it. Modern workers using neolithic andor Bronze Age tools were able, with great effort, to reproduce an Egyptian obelisk and a megalithic feature of the Rapa Nui type.
And to say that it WAS done so is ludicrous.
I do not fear being implicitly called ludicrous. But absent any strong indicators as to how it was done, my default answer will be "the conventional if laborious way".
I call that compelling in the absence of any other rational theory.
I agree that it must resist REASONABLE dissent. Therein lies the rub. there are no RATIONAL explanations being thrown out there.
We appear to disagree about a core premise, i.e. what qualifies as rational. "Consistent with my beliefs", be they mine, yours, anyone's, is a common trap imo.
cheers 'neer


Active Member
Everything is a theory till proven to be true or false and when you think about it god and the bible sound more like fairytales then truth,genesis 7 days to create the universe what a laugh we know better now ,or that the world is only a couple of thousand years old when the rocks on which we stand are million years old,I'm all for ancient aliens but some of that is hard to swallow and as for the planets there are 8 planets as pluto was demoted recently as its not the only object of such size out there and it was a case of demote pluto or add a lot more planets to the solar system.But even if aliens did arrive a long time ago stay a few months do some experiments and take samples there would be no trace of them left behind.The only doubt I have is the huge distances involved but thats getting into a different topic.But just remember every civilization only lasted a finite time and every civilization had thousands of people to control and playing on peoples ignorance has made a small few powerful and its that small few who always had control even now today it happens.Our minds are bombarded today with images,advertising etc like it never was before and thats to keep us from seeing the bigger picture of things.And also the ancient civilizations didn't have laptops to check out the forums at night they had the night sky to look at every night of their lives and so did there father and his father before him thats long enough to notice patterns in the sky if you know what I saying ,That will do pig

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Cannabineer, I like your answer. I don't agree with you at all, but thats the nature of a good debate. You handle yourself well in the face of controversy, without resorting to being base. I applaud that!!!


Ursus marijanus
Cannabineer, I like your answer. I don't agree with you at all, but thats the nature of a good debate. You handle yourself well in the face of controversy, without resorting to being base. I applaud that!!!
I prefer making acid comments to behaving basely. ~big grin~ +rep inbound.
cheers 'neer