Germination post 2-20-16
12-12 from seed 16 oz cups
Flowered horizontally in a custom designed holder (working out some bugs with the design)

For stability I flipped my cup and installed a top secret state of the art mesh fabric (girlfriends shorts . she's gonna be pissed) with duct tape accents.
Seed 1. Purple pineberry by secret valley
Seed 2. Bubblegummer by female seeds
Was gonna do a incredible bulk but kinda a waste of such a monster plant.
Soil is a compost perlite mix with castings and quano. 1000 watt hps
Ferts will be all in house no bottle nutes at all. Compost tea consisting powdered egg shells, manure ,gauno, bat and seabird Alaskan fish formula molasses and seaweed extract bubbled for 24 hours. I am absolutely looking forward for the education this grow will give me I believe a 16 oz cup is very unforgiving and this shall be a very interesting grow. With that said Good luck to all...