The Airforce dumped a lot of soldiers bodies in a VA landfill.

the military is in the business of killing people. always has been. would YOU trust a hitman?

none of you are shocked by any of this are you?

and who is it that is joining these organizations other then the people themselves?
im shocked, i atleast thought that those who died for their cause would have dignity.
the military is in the business of killing people. always has been. would YOU trust a hitman?

none of you are shocked by any of this are you?

and who is it that is joining these organizations other then the people themselves?
I was in the military and helped SAVE hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. Sure, a few "eggs" were broken in the process, but I sleep pretty good at night these days.;-):sleep:
you base your will to live on the policies of whoever is president?


no, however i base my will to live in this country based off the policies of whatever regime is holding ground, as far as loyalty to the republic that once was, the dream that is the constitution, living for a purpose greater than myself, i would never expect the likes of you to understand. you never served you dont get it, you shouldnt even try to, you'll just fail miserably. the last thing this thread needs is you shitting all over it like you do with everything else. however it figures if anyone could find a reason to argue for the dumping of soldiers in landfills it would be you. you have no sense of loyalty, respect, duty, honor, integrity, personal courage, or selflessness.. so find somewhere else to flame, someone else to dump your opinions and half understood observations. just keep it to yourself for once.
Yea well I hope that does not pass,,,So the Republican House passed it?,,,and senator from SC is a Dick,,,Kinnda like Gingrinch who want's to expand the Patriot act even more!
yeah, i saw that too... maybe it wasnt at altitude yet and just a few feet off the ground... i doubt the irannys will be smart enough to use it, but they have said they will send it to china for inspection...

Maybey it was a "GIFT" and they did it like this so the public doesn't get mad
if that were the case there would have never been any news report on the matter.

Thats the whole point to show the public oh we didn't want this to happen what do we do now. helps them prove they dint want it when blabbing mouths finally let it leak.
no, however i base my will to live in this country based off the policies of whatever regime is holding ground, as far as loyalty to the republic that once was, the dream that is the constitution, living for a purpose greater than myself, i would never expect the likes of you to understand. you never served you dont get it, you shouldnt even try to, you'll just fail miserably. the last thing this thread needs is you shitting all over it like you do with everything else.

why would i want to serve?

is whatever is happening in iraq or afghanistan worth my life? is it even worth my time?

fuck, is it even worth my attention?

you served in iraq from what you have told me. was whatever the hell you did in iraq a "purpose greater than yourself"? what was even the purpose of all of it?

however it figures if anyone could find a reason to argue for the dumping of soldiers in landfills it would be you. you have no sense of loyalty, respect, duty, honor, integrity, personal courage, or selflessness.. so find somewhere else to flame, someone else to dump your opinions and half understood observations. just keep it to yourself for once.

asking a question is "flaming" now?


i never even commented about the dumping of soldiers, that is your fucking assumption.

i simply wanted to know why you said that you base your will to live on the policies of the president. apparently it was exaggerated hyperbole, much like most of what you mouth fart onto us.
i can't believe how much crap showed up on this post. i read that article last night and it made my stomach turn. i almost got sick. i did two tours during the time the remains were being thrown out with the garbage. how does this turn into a political shit talk extravaganza?? people need to take responsibility for themselves. the president is a face. that is all. he has nothing to do with the decision to dispose of remains in a land fill. how could people even make that connection?
The fake fact that we care Iran has nukes.... we tried to stop Korea and that dint work. Maybe now they have it and we are bribing them not to use it against Israel.
Hmmm. :? Care to elaborate? Are you saying Iran doesn't have a nuclear program or that their program is further along than we are being told? I totally agree we can't stop any country bent on getting their hands on nukes. We MAY be able to slow them down a bit, but we can't stop the inevitable.:cry:
it wasn't until just recently that gays could even openly serve in the military.

who raw?


the military is the dirtiest of them all, AND they have all the guns.