the chitown sourkush thread

how can i get these sk seeds? ....i also have some sk and bubba ima gonna try to get pics soon
I dont think you can get the chitown sour kush but all the other knockoff sour kushes you can get online.Chitown sour kush is discontinued until further notice.The only thing you can do is see the chitown sour kush in action.Trust me i wish i had it too.:wall::cuss:
i have a 250watt hps and a 96watt cmh thinkin bout gettin a ballast for it...idk wat imma do for a ballast though becuase u cant get the digi ones here...they hand u a big black with wires and a non-electrician like me is like uhhhhh? wondering if i get one of those ballasts i could strip a power cord and wire it to the ballast to plug into the wall?? u think that would work>....also here the bill is more exspenisive so it might be around $80-100 u think that b noticable?
i have a 250watt hps and a 96watt cmh thinkin bout gettin a ballast for it...idk wat imma do for a ballast though becuase u cant get the digi ones here...they hand u a big black with wires and a non-electrician like me is like uhhhhh? wondering if i get one of those ballasts i could strip a power cord and wire it to the ballast to plug into the wall?? u think that would work>....also here the bill is more exspenisive so it might be around $80-100 u think that b noticable?

do you use the 250 watt?If so how much is your bill with that?
no i dont use im using cfls...cuz i donno how much its gonna be on my electrical bill as its already 1k a im not to sure bout using the cmh or hps...tryna find all that out now
time to start my day with a SK with sweet god cookie :D

this time I added nutmeg, cinnemon, and walnuts to help with the flavor (and it did.)

they're pretty effective, not as mindblowing as my last batch (1 cookie gave me a whitey.) but this is perfect to the point where 1 cookie gives me a NICE high that is perfect.
time to start my day with a SK with sweet god cookie :D

this time I added nutmeg, cinnemon, and walnuts to help with the flavor (and it did.)

they're pretty effective, not as mindblowing as my last batch (1 cookie gave me a whitey.) but this is perfect to the point where 1 cookie gives me a NICE high that is perfect.

Sounds like you be baking up every morning.I cant wait to do my own cookins and brownies..Sounds deelish
no i dont use im using cfls...cuz i donno how much its gonna be on my electrical bill as its already 1k a im not to sure bout using the cmh or hps...tryna find all that out now

Whats the total cfl wattage you are using?If its 250 or 400 it wont be much of a difference as its the same wattage.
how the fuck is your electric. bill a stack??????? do you live in an arcade??? a 250 watt light wont bring up your bill hardly any.. i know because ive grown with one for years all stealthy...its great for a 2 x 2 area.... ive pulled has much has half a pound from a single harvest of 8 plants
threw the breaking down of elbows i have found 2 more sk beans!!!!! they big ass hell and tiger stripey!!!! from outdoor diesel sk.... one was from my bubba sk i grew outside this year and had been saving.....