the chitown sourkush thread

yea chi brocks a pussy but this jds cain fight goin b a good one...both dangerous in different aspects of the sport...both ko capabilities...gonna be interesting this is the type of fight my mmoney stays in my wallet and my mouth closed until the results...def npot goin miss that matchup....btw im debating wur i should move to i been considering colorado but my wife not likin that too i might just move bac to vt.. If i go to vt i will def. Get my cargivers lisence asap...but i dont wanna b a caregiver i want my own i aint tryna grow for moms i wanna grow for me...i kno i can get my records from drs out there to get my card but ahhh decisions decisions lol!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dos santos all day nukka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND PLEASE cain has tko power at best.......




thats damn near ready howak
yea iam drying some stuff out for a buddy then kit will be the sourkush turn maybe monday heres a video of outlawzarz sourshark harvest check out his channel on youtube i made this video for him today [youtube]ljf3VlnHyyM&feature=feedu[/youtube]
i havent grown or smoked any of them yet but ima guess the sk x bubba
Compared to sour power and sour shark?I would have thought sour shark being with the g.w.s. but that sk x bubba does sound real good.I look forward to seeing you or howak growing it.
The sour power grows like a mmonster though.That looks like a big yeilder..
ou gon be lookin way forward to see chi's pics. lol.. and howak wassup mayne? my girl just found my damn journal.. smilin from ear to ear mane. and watchin bloodsport.
ou gon be lookin way forward to see chi's pics. lol.. and howak wassup mayne? my girl just found my damn journal.. smilin from ear to ear mane. and watchin bloodsport.
I just want to see the that strain grown out.ghs bubba kush and sour kush sounds like it will have to get alot of views.Glad everything is bck on for ya.