the chitown sourkush thread

how the fuck is your electric. bill a stack??????? do you live in an arcade??? a 250 watt light wont bring up your bill hardly any.. i know because ive grown with one for years all stealthy...its great for a 2 x 2 area.... ive pulled has much has half a pound from a single harvest of 8 plants

thats pretty impressive... if I'm ever in a shitty point in my life that I have to grow indoors I'll do this.... hope to god that day NEVER comes...
thats pretty impressive... if I'm ever in a shitty point in my life that I have to grow indoors I'll do this.... hope to god that day NEVER comes...

i never pulled less then 5 ounces... and that was only with 2 plants but they was kinda beastly all trained proper
how much for da 10 pc. chitown.. j/p
congrats on that

edit: lol, did u see ben henderson get kicked in the face off the cage on some ninja shit last night, i was goin for him but that kick was brutal.
how much for da 10 pc. chitown.. j/p
congrats on that

edit: lol, did u see ben henderson get kicked in the face off the cage on some ninja shit last night, i was goin for him but that kick was brutal.

lol smooth get knock da fuck out......

man im still waiting for a date for the dos santos/velasquez fight...... thats gonna be epic
i have a pretty big sized house and theres 7 of us...and cuz of wur i live its more expensive neway...but it all kinda works out cuz u get paid nice
lol, u think cain aint been train'n hard? but jds do have that killer instinct when he fights.

im sure cain has been trainning real hard he is a cardio freak...... he lacks one hit k.o. power.. he is more like a punches in bunches puncher... his form is no were has good has jds.. the only good flurry i ever seen him land was on a washed up big nog.... he has only been in mma/professional fighting for 1.5 years.... jds hits waaaaay harder, has a granite chin, and has crazy cat like take down defense.... REMINDS ME ALOT OF A PRIME CHUCK LIDDEL BUT MUCH BIGGER, with better form on his punches... my mans uppercuts start from his toes and leaves threw his fist.... everytime he hits his victem anywere all you hear is a loud ass thud..... cain is gonna want this fight to be on the ground on top of jds and hitting him from the top.... jds wants to knock cain out on his feet....

you guys think what cain did to brock was impressive??? brock is a big pussy

cain is a glorifed ass wrestler... div one elite...

jds=unbeaten 18-0 brazillian kickboxing champ, 12-1 in m.m.a. decorated bjj champ in brazil despite not even being a blackbelt yet........ has the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better trainning camp to... comeon man... spider silva, machida, big nog, lil nog, jose aldo, mark munoz, ect ect
veg them big like you did last time!!!!!! mayb give them a lil hps light if ya can, or some window outdoor sun when its not soo cold
man ima be giving up alot moving to colorado.... ima be far has hell from my family, my girl, my folkks, everybody.... but i guess its all worth it to follow a dream huh??? has of right now i dont plan on making this a long ass thing like least 1 year but maybe 2... but who knows.... maybe when im out there i will wanna die there and be burried there..... told my girl she could come with to live, but she wont elave her family.... bitter/sweet situation
man ima be giving up alot moving to colorado.... ima be far has hell from my family, my girl, my folkks, everybody.... but i guess its all worth it to follow a dream huh??? has of right now i dont plan on making this a long ass thing like least 1 year but maybe 2... but who knows.... maybe when im out there i will wanna die there and be burried there..... told my girl she could come with to live, but she wont elave her family.... bitter/sweet situation
its worth it for the dream bro......

maybe one day she'll realize you got it right by moving and hse'll come along, if not then she's just not a part of the big picture bro.
its worth it for the dream bro......

maybe one day she'll realize you got it right by moving and hse'll come along, if not then she's just not a part of the big picture bro.

i was just informed that price is no option... i will have a state of the fucking art grow room......... i dont know my area yet, or am in between a vented and a sealed room....
i was just informed that price is no option... i will have a state of the fucking art grow room......... i dont know my area yet, or am in between a vented and a sealed room....

hmm, sealed sounds nice but ridiculously harder...

btw I"m stoned as fuck on an SK x sweet god edible :D effective cookies indeed
yea chi brocks a pussy but this jds cain fight goin b a good one...both dangerous in different aspects of the sport...both KO capabilities...gonna be interesting this is the type of fight my mmoney stays in my wallet and my mouth closed until the results...def npot goin miss that matchup....btw im debating wur i should move to i been considering colorado but my wife not likin that too i might just move bac to VT.. if i go to VT i will def. get my cargivers lisence asap...but i dont wanna b a caregiver i want my own i aint tryna grow for moms i wanna grow for me...i kno i can get my records from drs out there to get my card but ahhh decisions decisions lol!