The Ex-Girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
Had a long passionate kiss with my ex girl. During the kiss she cried & said she missed being in love. What should I do? If I tried getting back with her how should I go about waterworks & her missing me. I'm bad with like girl signals. :roll:

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Had a long passionate kiss with my ex girl. During the kiss she cried & said she missed being in love. What should I do? If I tried getting back with her how should I go about waterworks & her missing me. I'm bad with like girl signals. :roll:
i really dont understand what your asking. why would there be all the waterworks and her missing you if you get back together with her?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
sounds to me she wants to get back together with you. a passionate kiss and crying cause she misses being in love. the question is do you want to get back together with her?


Well-Known Member
haha your a wise man Cream8. But I don't know she's cool but I wouldnt mind being with her again. I need a blunt & cold ass Dr. Pepper. How are every1s plants? Fuck this relationship stuff. 4give me I was stoned last nite when I posted this 1. But I tripd out so I hada tell som1.


Well-Known Member
hey man get rid of her when women start actin like that they dont kon what they want and end up takin the piss of ya i speak from experience!

Top 44

Well-Known Member
Just from personal experience, it never worked out for me getting back together with an ex. There was a reason you split up in the first place, which you tend to forget about when your lonely and bummed out, but you remember really quickly once your back together...


Well-Known Member
yeah true. That's what mom said it's best to leave loose ends untied because the kntt couldn't handle the pressure so we untied it therefore we embrace the loose ends for what they are & move on. Good shit u guys though.


Well-Known Member
we split just due to all he arguements but then later after she got with one of my homeboys. Ex homeboy now after I beat his ass. But she was my girl for like 2years. Known her for like 4years though.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
danrasta and 44 speak the truth. women function based on emotion not logic most the time. ask any women what they think they want out of life and then ask them the same question 2 weeks later you will get the picture. its our job to try to be logical while still feeling emotion. peace...


Well-Known Member
how old are you? if your under 25 you shouldnt even have a steady girlfriend...find 'em fuck 'em and forget em...its the scumbag american way.


Well-Known Member
hey man get rid of her when women start actin like that they dont kon what they want and end up takin the piss of ya i speak from experience!
Definatley gonna agree with DanRasta here, I just got outta a 2 year not to long ago and I lived the life with this girl, lied in 2 diffrent appartments together and shit, the whole life and love experience, RUN like hell man, cuz more than half this relationship was only there on my sympathy for her, few tears and I melted like butter, Love the girl all you want man, just dont get back with her, you'll regret it. My ex-bitch cheated on me 4 fukn times and shed a tear, and then all was forgotten, listen to me Im a wise fool, but wise none the less. (when it comes to women, that is)


Well-Known Member
LMAO Update: Just broke another girls heart, had no past with this one, but not what Im lookin for right now, did get a couple good lays outta it though, and she's pretty down about just keepin the fuck buddy thing going, LMAO gots 2 now, should I start a third or not? opinions?


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck yeah. True that. They do cry for stuff. I wouldn't mind tapping that 1more time. Haha. True shit she said it too. I mess with too many girls & she doesn't trust me at all so fuck her fake ass tears. Smoke 1 & put on a porn. I've never seen pamela Anderson shed a tear.