The forbidden TRUTH

so if you get rid of the ego [if it is even possible] how would one decide which instinct to act upon ? animalistic or human

It is simple to rid oneself of ego, it happens each time we lose consciousness. Our ego is our individual sense of self, and it is a magical gift that only sentient creatures can enjoy. It is the driving force behind all art, industry, and progress of humanity. We experience suffering through it, certainly, but we also experience all of our joy, love, earned pride, sense of awe, and ecstasy through it as well. We experience everything via the ego. If people would like an easy path to losing it, a full frontal lobotomy would do nicely. I don't know why some want to rid themselves of it when that feat is accomplished each night as we sleep, and will be gone forever when we perish. I guess the human experience too difficult for some...
It is simple to rid oneself of ego, it happens each time we lose consciousness. Our ego is our individual sense of self, and it is a magical gift that only sentient creatures can enjoy. It is the driving force behind all art, industry, and progress of humanity. We experience suffering through it, certainly, but we also experience all of our joy, love, earned pride, sense of awe, and ecstasy through it as well. We experience everything via the ego. If people would like an easy path to losing it, a full frontal lobotomy would do nicely. I don't know why some want to rid themselves of it when that feat is accomplished each night as we sleep, and will be gone forever when we perish. I guess the human experience too difficult for some...

I think a lot of times when that 'losing the ego' thing is brought up it is not qualified so much. The ego is necessary, as you point out, but in the scriptural sense it is about learning to use it properly. I think it could well be the fuel that drives character development (soul / sol / sun - actually sol means seul, which means alone, which means that its 'yours'. It speaks to the uniqueness we each have. There is a reference there to the sun and how it is self-sustained.) You mention art. Character development is 9/10 times the result of having dimmed the brightness of that 'fallen star' getting into the atmosphere. The 'rising one' has been balanced to attain darma, which is not a debt you have to pay while living, it is in large percent a result of conscious effort. With a negative ego things are too 'easy', gravity works like that, eh? :)

A step further - you experience life according to what your soul needs. It has the 'mission' for itself in terms of refining of consciousness, you are the witness (or, actor, etc. etc.)
i also wish i could read them scrolls,are they available in english to the public to buy? from what ive read, jesus's bloodline may still be alive today and his decendants are the kings and queens of england,true or false who seems the roman catholic church has the truth locked in the vatican away from the public,,why lie to us? what is the truth and why is it so important to keep from us??? its the lies that make so many of us wonder why so much was edited out of the bible and as for satin,lucifer what ever u may want to call it, he was a watcher along with many others cast out why? for enlightening humans of the truth? since when is the truth evil?

The myths in the bible and other religions are mostly based upon hallucinogenic mushrooms and cannabis. Many of the characters and gods are on one level personifications of the sun, planets and stars and on an even higher level personifications of the magical plants. The forbidden fruit of the Old Testament becomes the Jesus of the New Testament, put his magic mushroom spirit in your body/temple and take a trip to heaven/outer space, so easy even the cavemen could do it. The truth is something you take and really that's all it takes, you don't need any religion, god, etc.

This is the biggest secret of the various religions and esoteric groups, what the ancients were doing were using hallucinogenic mushrooms and marijuana to induce an out of body, transcendental mystical experience. Inside your brain is a gland called the pineal gland which produces and regulates the drug DMT. Normally we only get a big dose of the DMT when we're born and when we die and a bit when we sleep, but if you trick it into releasing it while you're alive you'll experience what people who die experience, then you'll see the truth for yourself and you'll really be "born again." The first time I achieved this I understood the end goal of all religions and was a little sick to my stomach afterwards but felt like I had just won the lottery. Then I knew how to do it again too, and for a few years I lived like a monk or a reclusive rock star and went further and further, to infinity and beyond. I consider this one of the most important periods in my life and man it showed me so much.

The only Christian group I've seen practicing anything close to what's found in the bible is the Native American church who eat Peyote as the holy sacrament, the flesh of Christ.

Anyways, inducing the big quantum leap is not something to be taken lightly, because once the DMT is released and your consciousness separates from your mind and body anything can happen but it's not something that should be feared either. One must respect the "Jesus" and I don't consider hallucinogens or even marijuana party drugs but holy sacraments, the gods themselves. :-) In the bible myths though it seems like the mushroom they're using is the Fly Agaric, which can be toxic if not dried and even slightly toxic if dried. So what they would do is the village shaman/medicine man would eat the hallucinogenic mushrooms, then the villagers would drink his psychedelic piss after the shaman's liver and kidney's had filtered out the toxins... This kind of stuff is key to understanding the myths of Jesus, Dionysus, Bacchus etc. Now go read the story about where Jesus gives the lady at the well a drink of his "living waters" that show her what life is all about. lmao

Also these myths were never about worshiping anything but about realizing one's own divinity mainly via psychedelic enlightenment, which throughout history institutions like Churches and Governments have been totally against. If you realize that you are a god, a divine being in your own right, you'll realize that they are no god over you and they don't want the commoners thinking they're as godly as they think they are. What the plants showed me was that this world is an illusion that we're subconsciously manifesting and our subconscious mind is an extraterrestrial entity and though we're all individuals on a conscious level, we all share the same subconscious. This is the mystery of I AM, there are no gods where I AM. :-)

If you're interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls, check out the work of Dr. John Marco Allegro who was the only agnostic on the team that deciphered them. It has been awhile since I've looked into the Essenes but they were basically a mushroom based belief system too, their name I believe is where we end up with the word Essence... the same thing as soul/sol, the leader of the Essenes, Philos I believe his name was (likely a mythological figure as well) held the secrets of the enlightening medicine, which like the Jesus Juice and the Soma of the Rg Veda was made out of hallucinogenic mushrooms. These religions have hidden the real knowledge/gnosis from the masses and have portrayed them to be the opposite of what they really are.

The Catholic (and probably the Protestant churches as well) have destroyed, hidden and locked the truth away for the last 1,700 years but there's still more than enough knowledge out there to figure this stuff out on your own. It's all right in their own myths (that they mostly borrowed,) their artwork (borrowed the themes of a lot of this too!,) their traditions, etc. If you really want to understand myths like those found in the bible I'd suggest studying the arcane subjects that they originated from like Astrotheology, shamanism, the ancient Egyptian and Greek mysteries, Gnosticism, esoteric symbolism, Zoroastrianism, numerology and gematria, Kaballah, Greek philosophy, Rg Veda Hinduism, etc. etc. I also like the work of Carl Jung, Mark Twain, Aleister Crowley, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson and most of the great acid rock bands and bands like Tool that still put this knowledge out there often in a subtle manner. :-)

Also when I say it's a myth I don't mean that in a bad way, there's great knowledge to be found within the myth if one can apply it but religions are what keep people from finding this knowledge rather than dispensing it. The first step though is probably admitting to yourself that it's all a myth and there's really no big boogey man up in the sky that's going to send us to hell... in fact if you look at every other spiritual system and even the old testament, hell is this world, the god people worship is the god of hell, the creator of this material prison which is really nothing more than a personification of an authoritarian type government figure which in the old days were the churches. The witch hunts were all about killing off the people using the magical plants, when they came to the Americas and found people using the holy mushroom they instituted a death penalty for anyone caught using it. The church, governments, the united nations have been trying to keep the power from the people since their inception.

I've already written a book but could go on for weeks about this stuff, like I said, I spent a few years tripping and studying spirituality. I can also show you that this is the type of spirituality that this country itself was founded upon, the freedom for every man and woman (at least white people back then) to be able to eat from the tree of knowledge/gnosis and realize their full potential. But that sure didn't last long!

Here's a great link too... enjoy...

And don't think I'm down on you for being a Christian either, I'm not, I was once a Christian too, I was brought up going to Sunday School every week with my grandma, baptized, the whole deal. I really don't care what anyone's religion is, I've got my own :-) Peace out...
It is simple to rid oneself of ego, it happens each time we lose consciousness. Our ego is our individual sense of self, and it is a magical gift that only sentient creatures can enjoy. It is the driving force behind all art, industry, and progress of humanity. We experience suffering through it, certainly, but we also experience all of our joy, love, earned pride, sense of awe, and ecstasy through it as well. We experience everything via the ego. If people would like an easy path to losing it, a full frontal lobotomy would do nicely. I don't know why some want to rid themselves of it when that feat is accomplished each night as we sleep, and will be gone forever when we perish. I guess the human experience too difficult for some...
The ego is not necessary for art or industry and all though it was a necessary stage in our evolution it actually greatly impedes humanities progress, the human mind is much more efficient with out the constant bitching and nagging. When you play violin it is not your ego, the music comes from your experience and an alert and Presently focuses Attention, the mind is calm and you are able to truly enjoy what you are doing. You may find that sometimes you have a hard time focusing and this has a negative impact on the music. Your work too can allow you to focus and free yourself of the ego, and everybody knows how difficult work can be when those little thoughts just won't shut up, " is it time to go home yet" "I hate my job", that is the voice of the ego, trust me I work much more efficiently without the ego, a much greater quality goes into everything I do and I get much much more done.

Peace, Bliss and Love is what remains when the mind stops chattering, "what the ego calls love is really an addictive clinging" Tolle. True love is completely selfless, it comes from your true essential nature, the egos love can turn into hate in the blink of an eye, that's because it much prefers conflict, it equates peace with boredom, we'll no you can't be bored and be at peace. The ego craves war, it craves power, and sooner or later the egos of the superpowers will lead us back into world war, maybe it is a necessary evil, or perhaps there is another way for us to survive, to evolve past the ego, to abandon the insanity of the ego.

Yes the human experience is too much for many many people, consider yourself lucky that you were not born with a mind of extreme suffering, it is not their fault there is no free will imo.
What book are you reading may I ask. I assure you it is possible to transcend the ego and find true self awareness which will bring peace and understanding into your life. No it is not easy, the ego is a clever little devil, it takes years of practice, you must give great "Attention" to enlightenment.

Always be Aware of Space

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal

If you understand this then you are now in Paradise

Sounds so simple doesn’t it, but no that little bugger in your head will continue to grasp your Attention and thus your Will until it finally runs out of momentum, then the ego begins to lose its grip on you, mine has taken 7 years and it's still not dead.
ill get back to you on the name of the book, its in my deer blind and i read wile hunting, ill think of it. i also read robots rebellion, and a pale whit horse, both books i recomend to people who believe the truth is being hidden from us.
i dont know what happend as a kid i took karate and could sit and clear my mind, meditate and in those times of peace i could feel THE PRESENCE OF A CONCIENCE bigger than years later, i can not put my mind at rest, even in prayer my thoughts are interupted by other things, i miss that bigger than self feeling that moment of peace..a few years back i had died for a minute,true story, during that time once again i felt completly at peace, loved, fullfilled, then i was ripped back here!! i wonder why i cant meditate and feel that presence anymore,,have i gone off track? i also wonder if i died again if i would return to that peacefull place or have i sence then done somthing so wrong that i would go somewere else? i believe in God however i also believe God may be that higher concience, that knows everything, feels everything, and ispure peace and fullfillment.. i wonder if getting rid of the ego would allow me access to that lost peacfullness?
The myths in the bible and other religions are mostly based upon hallucinogenic mushrooms and cannabis. Many of the characters and gods are on one level personifications of the sun, planets and stars and on an even higher level personifications of the magical plants. The forbidden fruit of the Old Testament becomes the Jesus of the New Testament, put his magic mushroom spirit in your body/temple and take a trip to heaven/outer space, so easy even the cavemen could do it. The truth is something you take and really that's all it takes, you don't need any religion, god, etc.

This is the biggest secret of the various religions and esoteric groups, what the ancients were doing were using hallucinogenic mushrooms and marijuana to induce an out of body, transcendental mystical experience. Inside your brain is a gland called the pineal gland which produces and regulates the drug DMT. Normally we only get a big dose of the DMT when we're born and when we die and a bit when we sleep, but if you trick it into releasing it while you're alive you'll experience what people who die experience, then you'll see the truth for yourself and you'll really be "born again." The first time I achieved this I understood the end goal of all religions and was a little sick to my stomach afterwards but felt like I had just won the lottery. Then I knew how to do it again too, and for a few years I lived like a monk or a reclusive rock star and went further and further, to infinity and beyond. I consider this one of the most important periods in my life and man it showed me so much.

The only Christian group I've seen practicing anything close to what's found in the bible is the Native American church who eat Peyote as the holy sacrament, the flesh of Christ.

Anyways, inducing the big quantum leap is not something to be taken lightly, because once the DMT is released and your consciousness separates from your mind and body anything can happen but it's not something that should be feared either. One must respect the "Jesus" and I don't consider hallucinogens or even marijuana party drugs but holy sacraments, the gods themselves. :-) In the bible myths though it seems like the mushroom they're using is the Fly Agaric, which can be toxic if not dried and even slightly toxic if dried. So what they would do is the village shaman/medicine man would eat the hallucinogenic mushrooms, then the villagers would drink his psychedelic piss after the shaman's liver and kidney's had filtered out the toxins... This kind of stuff is key to understanding the myths of Jesus, Dionysus, Bacchus etc. Now go read the story about where Jesus gives the lady at the well a drink of his "living waters" that show her what life is all about. lmao

Also these myths were never about worshiping anything but about realizing one's own divinity mainly via psychedelic enlightenment, which throughout history institutions like Churches and Governments have been totally against. If you realize that you are a god, a divine being in your own right, you'll realize that they are no god over you and they don't want the commoners thinking they're as godly as they think they are. What the plants showed me was that this world is an illusion that we're subconsciously manifesting and our subconscious mind is an extraterrestrial entity and though we're all individuals on a conscious level, we all share the same subconscious. This is the mystery of I AM, there are no gods where I AM. :-)

If you're interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls, check out the work of Dr. John Marco Allegro who was the only agnostic on the team that deciphered them. It has been awhile since I've looked into the Essenes but they were basically a mushroom based belief system too, their name I believe is where we end up with the word Essence... the same thing as soul/sol, the leader of the Essenes, Philos I believe his name was (likely a mythological figure as well) held the secrets of the enlightening medicine, which like the Jesus Juice and the Soma of the Rg Veda was made out of hallucinogenic mushrooms. These religions have hidden the real knowledge/gnosis from the masses and have portrayed them to be the opposite of what they really are.

The Catholic (and probably the Protestant churches as well) have destroyed, hidden and locked the truth away for the last 1,700 years but there's still more than enough knowledge out there to figure this stuff out on your own. It's all right in their own myths (that they mostly borrowed,) their artwork (borrowed the themes of a lot of this too!,) their traditions, etc. If you really want to understand myths like those found in the bible I'd suggest studying the arcane subjects that they originated from like Astrotheology, shamanism, the ancient Egyptian and Greek mysteries, Gnosticism, esoteric symbolism, Zoroastrianism, numerology and gematria, Kaballah, Greek philosophy, Rg Veda Hinduism, etc. etc. I also like the work of Carl Jung, Mark Twain, Aleister Crowley, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson and most of the great acid rock bands and bands like Tool that still put this knowledge out there often in a subtle manner. :-)

Also when I say it's a myth I don't mean that in a bad way, there's great knowledge to be found within the myth if one can apply it but religions are what keep people from finding this knowledge rather than dispensing it. The first step though is probably admitting to yourself that it's all a myth and there's really no big boogey man up in the sky that's going to send us to hell... in fact if you look at every other spiritual system and even the old testament, hell is this world, the god people worship is the god of hell, the creator of this material prison which is really nothing more than a personification of an authoritarian type government figure which in the old days were the churches. The witch hunts were all about killing off the people using the magical plants, when they came to the Americas and found people using the holy mushroom they instituted a death penalty for anyone caught using it. The church, governments, the united nations have been trying to keep the power from the people since their inception.

I've already written a book but could go on for weeks about this stuff, like I said, I spent a few years tripping and studying spirituality. I can also show you that this is the type of spirituality that this country itself was founded upon, the freedom for every man and woman (at least white people back then) to be able to eat from the tree of knowledge/gnosis and realize their full potential. But that sure didn't last long!

Here's a great link too... enjoy...

And don't think I'm down on you for being a Christian either, I'm not, I was once a Christian too, I was brought up going to Sunday School every week with my grandma, baptized, the whole deal. I really don't care what anyone's religion is, I've got my own :-) Peace out...

i tripped alot,,,,alot,, and laughed and had fun, but never found enlightenment or an out of body expierience..i also dont believe thousands of years ago people wouldv took the time to carve a myth into copper and hide it in the hills,, it must have been truly important or real to them to do this...also it seems the more we find today the more we find that what was said had happend as w/ the great floood,,also a old city radioactive like it had a nuclear blast thousnds of years ago, people lying were they were burnt to a crisp in a time we believe didnt even have steel or swords,,... also weve found many old buildings hundreds of feet under the ocean which proves humanity had buildings before the last ice age,,,at a time our scientists believe humans werent even around yet..can it be we have been here much longer? with the dinosaurs? before them even,, just lost over time,,its plausable to believe we arnt the first humans there may have been 4-10 extinctions then we return?? am i to believe an extinction event occured and we survived wile everything else died? or after the extinction we were replaced here again?
It is simple to rid oneself of ego, it happens each time we lose consciousness. Our ego is our individual sense of self, and it is a magical gift that only sentient creatures can enjoy. It is the driving force behind all art, industry, and progress of humanity. We experience suffering through it, certainly, but we also experience all of our joy, love, earned pride, sense of awe, and ecstasy through it as well. We experience everything via the ego. If people would like an easy path to losing it, a full frontal lobotomy would do nicely. I don't know why some want to rid themselves of it when that feat is accomplished each night as we sleep, and will be gone forever when we perish. I guess the human experience too difficult for some...
which may be the reason people who are deeply depressed sleep alot
The ego is not necessary for art or industry and all though it was a necessary stage in our evolution it actually greatly impedes humanities progress, the human mind is much more efficient with out the constant bitching and nagging.

I've posted this psychological definition from Webster's -

psychology : a part of the mind that senses and adapts to the real world
the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality

It is not possible for the human mind to do any conscious action without the ego, it is necessary for us to even relate to the outside world/objective reality. We're not speaking of your new age, Tolleian ideas, we are speaking of facts. You are simply making shit up with absolutely no support, so you cannot be taken seriously...

When you play violin it is not your ego, the music comes from your experience and an alert and Presently focuses Attention, the mind is calm and you are able to truly enjoy what you are doing. You may find that sometimes you have a hard time focusing and this has a negative impact on the music.

Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. Most of my actions while performing music is muscle memory, for which the ego is absolutely vital to acquire else I couldn't even pick up the instrument or know what to practice. Even with the aid of muscle memory, musicians must consciously monitor and what they are producing to phrase, listen and blend their sound with others, etc.. The ego is obviously vital to this process...

Your work too can allow you to focus and free yourself of the ego, and everybody knows how difficult work can be when those little thoughts just won't shut up, " is it time to go home yet" "I hate my job", that is the voice of the ego, trust me I work much more efficiently without the ego, a much greater quality goes into everything I do and I get much much more done.

You are misusing terms. One can may be able to train oneself to calm their internal dialog to an extent, but that is not ridding oneself of ego. That would simply be calming your internal dialog, which would also ironically be done via the ego. Since the ego is the part of the mind that senses and integrate everything around you, without it you couldn't perform any conscious action. The only time that you lose your ego is when you are sleeping, unconscious or dead. You must learn proper terminology or you will continue to confuse yourself and others...

Peace, Bliss and Love is what remains when the mind stops chattering, "what the ego calls love is really an addictive clinging" Tolle. True love is completely selfless, it comes from your true essential nature, the egos love can turn into hate in the blink of an eye, that's because it much prefers conflict, it equates peace with boredom, we'll no you can't be bored and be at peace. The ego craves war, it craves power, and sooner or later the egos of the superpowers will lead us back into world war, maybe it is a necessary evil, or perhaps there is another way for us to survive, to evolve past the ego, to abandon the insanity of the ego.

You are simply making shit up, you can't support any of it. Perhaps YOUR psyche prefers negativity to positivity, mine does not. This is also true for all of the people I choose to associate with. If one has a personality or psyche that craves negativity, I agree that that person should curb their destructive urges, but the ego would be necessary to accomplish this. What you, and Tolle, seem not to understand is that just because you say things it does not make them true. You've demonstrated that you are not interested in learning about reality, you are interested in attempting to make reality bend into your preconceived notions of it. You show a desperate need to cling to your pet ideas and have them be true, even at the expense of ignoring reality and the evidence presented to you that they are erroneous. If you want to truly learn about science, psychology, and our cosmos, look towards the experts in these fields instead of an uneducated or undereducated losers out to spread misinformation to further their own agendas. Like Tolle. You are not succeeding in bending reality to conform to your ideas, you are simply fooling yourself that you are. In the process you have lost your credibility and are wasting your time. Instead of futilely attempting to rid yourself of necessary ego, why not use that effort to analyze where your fear and desperation are stemming from?

Yes the human experience is too much for many many people, consider yourself lucky that you were not born with a mind of extreme suffering, it is not their fault there is no free will imo.

I am fortunate in many ways. I have my challenges, but no actual problems. By the way, I haven't seen any testimonials from anyone who has benefited from your teachings, do you think they may stop by soon?
I've posted this psychological definition from Webster's -

psychology : a part of the mind that senses and adapts to the real world
the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality

It is not possible for the human mind to do any conscious action without the ego, it is necessary for us to even relate to the outside world/objective reality. We're not speaking of your new age, Tolleian ideas, we are speaking of facts. You are simply making shit up with absolutely no support, so you cannot be taken seriously...

Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. Most of my actions while performing music is muscle memory, for which the ego is absolutely vital to acquire else I couldn't even pick up the instrument or know what to practice. Even with the aid of muscle memory, musicians must consciously monitor and what they are producing to phrase, listen and blend their sound with others, etc.. The ego is obviously vital to this process...

You are misusing terms. One can may be able to train oneself to calm their internal dialog to an extent, but that is not ridding oneself of ego. That would simply be calming your internal dialog, which would also ironically be done via the ego. Since the ego is the part of the mind that senses and integrate everything around you, without it you couldn't perform any conscious action. The only time that you lose your ego is when you are sleeping, unconscious or dead. You must learn proper terminology or you will continue to confuse yourself and others...

You are simply making shit up, you can't support any of it. Perhaps YOUR psyche prefers negativity to positivity, mine does not. This is also true for all of the people I choose to associate with. If one has a personality or psyche that craves negativity, I agree that that person should curb their destructive urges, but the ego would be necessary to accomplish this. What you, and Tolle, seem not to understand is that just because you say things it does not make them true. You've demonstrated that you are not interested in learning about reality, you are interested in attempting to make reality bend into your preconceived notions of it. You show a desperate need to cling to your pet ideas and have them be true, even at the expense of ignoring reality and the evidence presented to you that they are erroneous. If you want to truly learn about science, psychology, and our cosmos, look towards the experts in these fields instead of an uneducated or undereducated losers out to spread misinformation to further their own agendas. Like Tolle. You are not succeeding in bending reality to conform to your ideas, you are simply fooling yourself that you are. In the process you have lost your credibility and are wasting your time. Instead of futilely attempting to rid yourself of necessary ego, why not use that effort to analyze where your fear and desperation are stemming from?

I am fortunate in many ways. I have my challenges, but no actual problems. By the way, I haven't seen any testimonials from anyone who has benefited from your teachings, do you think they may stop by soon?
Yes I am so desperate and afraid, I am only fooling myself I am not actually at peace. Oh brother, open your fucking eyes lol!!!
You are literally trapped in logic. "The vast majority of people do not inhabit a living universe but a conceptualized one" Tolle

It's ok Mr. Durden, nothing is important.
i tripped alot,,,,alot,, and laughed and had fun, but never found enlightenment or an out of body expierience..

I tripped a lot as a teenager and never had any profound spiritual experiences from it, I did learn how to play guitar very well and very quickly though around that time and I have to give all the credit to the LSD, weed and mushrooms I consumed at the time. Later on in life after some deep studying of the bible and the artwork and myths of other religions I saw that it was all about the psychedelic experience. The first time I had the big OBE, I had taken a half hit of LSD and was checking out Buddhist art online, I started feeling like I needed to go lay down, I cocooned myself beneath the covers in a dark room and discovered that I could see underneath them, but a different type of vision, it was like I was in a native american sweat lodge with the hole in the roof and my consciousness separated from my mind and body and it pulled me through it, I became a star in outer space floating in a sea of knowledge for about 30 minutes.

After that I figured out how to induce the OBE. Setting... alone, dark room, 4 hours into an LSD or a healthy dose of mushrooms, smoke a joint, maybe a cig too, then smoke a one hit of 20x salvia divinorum extract (the divine), lay down and don't get up for the next 30 minutes, with a minute you'll be on your way out of this world and on to other dimensions. Hallucinogens like LSD and mushrooms will usually get you up there but usually don't induce a top level experience alone. The salvia divinorum and even pot can act as the second stage rocket booster to get you where man wants to go. :-)

This is the Great Work of man, the Great Work of the Kaballah, 66, which is why there are 66 books in the Bible, assumption of one's true spiritual form, pure consciousness, pure energy. If you look at the Tree of the Kaballah below, Jesus is on the cross, Tipareth, the Sun. It's possible for one to go far beyond the sun and do even greater things. :-)

Yes I am so desperate and afraid, I am only fooling myself I am not actually at peace. Oh brother, open your fucking eyes lol!!!
You are literally trapped in logic. "The vast majority of people do not inhabit a living universe but a conceptualized one" Tolle

It's ok Mr. Durden, nothing is important.

Still no support for your unfounded claims. No need to quote Tolle, I can simply ask any uneducated person what their opinion is. At least it would be a fresh, albeit still ignorant, opinion. An ironic quote from Tolle, as he himself does not grasp objective reality and lives in his own conceptualized version. Perhaps if you would make learning important, you could start climbing out of the muck of your muddled thought process...
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Yes I am so desperate and afraid, I am only fooling myself I am not actually at peace. Oh brother, open your fucking eyes lol!!!
You are literally trapped in logic. "The vast majority of people do not inhabit a living universe but a conceptualized one" Tolle

It's ok Mr. Durden, nothing is important.
new age, dont let it upset u, people whose ego rule them can not even imagine a life w/out it..sad what ego does to us..
That is right there would be no need of an Ego. I don't actually believe in free will, every choice you make is based upon the reasoning of your past experience (logic)
do u believe in reincarnation? some children have been known to remember previous u believe in death our soul lives on? after my expierience i think there is somthing after this life,,something good..but my expierience was brief, as great as it was, i find myself wondering if it was a realistic dream other than death that brought me somewere...if u believe in life after death,, what is ur take on it? is it just the feelings i had, or is it another life? or a place were yoy know all the answers to the questions we had,,,do we become part of the concience being?
did u know einstein and even tesla, 2 of the greatest minds both believed their knowledge came from somwere else,,tesla claimed mars which is why he was refered to as a mad scientist..but i believe both had a way of tapping into that greater concience i spoke of,,like an out of body mind that has all the answers if only we could have access to it..if tesla and einstein could access it why cant all of us? even the sleeping prophet cant think of his name,, had 98% acuracy in healing people and predictions,, he claimed the knowledge came from a higher consciencness..

as for the ego,, i believe its kind of like what yoda says in star wars.. atachment, the shadow of greed that is.."refers to love"
that is why the ego is so hard to be rid of,, to love sombody is to be atached to them you dont want to let them go,that is greed.
to lose someone, mourn them do not, miss them do not, rejoys as they transform into the force..yet when we lose a loved one or friend we grieve but tell ourselves they are in a better place(heaven)
atachment and posetions forebidden, why because they feed the ego correct?
i believe the force is that higher conciencness i talk about,,its all around us,,but how to access it is somthing only the greatest minds have been able to achieve..
did u know einstein and even tesla, 2 of the greatest minds both believed their knowledge came from somwere else,,tesla claimed mars which is why he was refered to as a mad scientist..but i believe both had a way of tapping into that greater concience i spoke of,,like an out of body mind that has all the answers if only we could have access to it..if tesla and einstein could access it why cant all of us? even the sleeping prophet cant think of his name,, had 98% acuracy in healing people and predictions,, he claimed the knowledge came from a higher consciencness..

as for the ego,, i believe its kind of like what yoda says in star wars.. atachment, the shadow of greed that is.."refers to love"
that is why the ego is so hard to be rid of,, to love sombody is to be atached to them you dont want to let them go,that is greed.
to lose someone, mourn them do not, miss them do not, rejoys as they transform into the force..yet when we lose a loved one or friend we grieve but tell ourselves they are in a better place(heaven)
atachment and posetions forebidden, why because they feed the ego correct?
i believe the force is that higher conciencness i talk about,,its all around us,,but how to access it is somthing only the greatest minds have been able to achieve..

This is what I'm talking about, knowledge comes from our subconscious mind which in my experience is an extraterrestrial being that lives outside of the mind and body in an infinite quantum dimension is the best I can describe it. Crowley called this thing LAM which I think is just a play on I AM and the little Alien guy he drew looks remarkably like himself with kind of a dick head. lol Crowley said he channeled some of his biggest works through LAM, which I say was just his subconscious mind. We are the "Alien(s.)" :-)
