The Great San Pedro Cactus Hunt

Skuxx..I'm terrified of low heights..4000ft..I'm ok with ..I'm fine with dying as I've done it a few times..I just don't want someone to have to wipe my ass or make my dinner in a blender...
I would never take lsd unless it was a last option, and EXTREMELY cheap...........////".././8/&3$.!$/$2$!!! maybe I got some bad shit from Silk Road, but fuck the body load on that shit....
How many times have you done it? Lsd (real,uncut,pure lsd) is great! If you get some fluff ask anyone,the next day you're chipper like you didn't even smoke the night before...impurities and concentration is the defining factors...bodyload is at a minimum..I've actually done wind sprints till I puked body load then!

I urge you to find the ewww whee and give it another go...but to each their own!
I was going to take tea and go see the Christmas lights in the city...(there is a nice drive for it)...but now I am going to take LSD instead...some nice coffee ...smoke a joint ....and enjoy the lights (passenger of course)

its true... I took LSD years ago and it was a little hang over to it...sore neck and legs during the trip... then I tried Fluff recently... no hangover and my body felt nothing but euphoria.
Yeah.. body load from LSD> Musta been shitty, or not LSD. Mescaline and shrooms have a way harsher body load than LSD.
I have not noticed anything like a body load on mescaline...shrooms hit me in the legs for some reason...the LSD i took in 2001 gave me a sore neck and fluff there is like 0 hang over
The liquid I took last night had a little tension to it but it was a good day today..little tired/hazy ness but no extreme hangover like some garbage acid I've had in the past...
I wanna ship the kids of to grandmas and get puddled and watch the christmas tree dance..
The liquid I took last night had a little tension to it but it was a good day today..little tired/hazy ness but no extreme hangover like some garbage acid I've had in the past...
I wanna ship the kids of to grandmas and get puddled and watch the christmas tree dance..

Exactly. I only have a 36'' plastic christmas tree on a little table... but it's got cool lights so I want to see it get interesting :bigjoint:
I have not noticed anything like a body load on mescaline...shrooms hit me in the legs for some reason...the LSD i took in 2001 gave me a sore neck and fluff there is like 0 hang over

the mesc load comes from the other alcaloids and not the pure substance. Peyote is one of the worst. gack.
Ya, I still would take a San Pedro hangover or a shroom or a acid hangover VS a alcohol hangover.
I don't find psychedelics give me a 'hangover'..I'm just a little crispy,tired,and don't wanna do much..hangover implies miserably ill/sick in my're right rather be crispy than hungover from alcohol..
Ya, I still would take a San Pedro hangover or a shroom or a acid hangover VS a alcohol hangover.

you and me both. Trouble is, you gotta take enough peyote to get there and the hangover from that quantity is inevitable. Alcohol can deliver a desired effect without the inevitable.
Mesc HCl seems pretty smooth to me, i like it more than shrooms, did some with some shrooms the other day and watched cloud atlas, a pretty epic movie to watch trippin
Id love to get more aquainted to mr mescalito..I've only met him 2'd be awesome to have enough to experiment with like you..little shrooms..maybe some 2cb..some mescaline..
I never done 2cb, but RCs never sit well with me.. I like to make my drugs too just feel better knowing exactly what it is

2c-b I think is almost a wonder drug I love the added to something if you ask me....

On its own I have had to many times with intense the time the nausea is done...the visuals are gone....not always but more often then not

Def. something to experiment with though