The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

Watching this experiment with peeeked interest. Funny people freak out about human pee but are fine using bat shit, fishshit, rabbit shit.....
I know how it sounds too but youre dead on. I would think my own sterile urine diluted down surely cant be nastier than guano, fish shit, cow shit , chicken shit and all the other ,"normal" things people use as organic ferts. I shall not be using MY shit cause ,well, i aint ready to be that green yet. plus i like being married. But even these "shits" which have been used for thousands of years cant be as bad as all the heavy metals and other carcinogenic chemicals that are in alot of bottled nutes. Alot of it comes from China and their quality control on shit like that is , less than satisfactory. Hell some of that shit was probably mixed up in the same factory that made bath salts (the cathinone drug type not the bath and bodyworks type). But yeah out of the 2 things im fertilizing those test plants with, the piss is alot less gross to me. I could contemplate drinking my pee if i was in survival situation. I cannot comprehend getting Dr Earth in my mouth without gagging. But plants are factories. They only see nutrients not nasty.
Yellow Dream -

“ PEEnelope “
aka Yellow Dream seems to be pushing along. However, i think my Kelp / Pee mixture may have been a bit high on her. She is still heavy in the pot so i will not add anything for at least a day or two. She us slightly darker than pics , so i think there is slight excess.

So to temper it , i will do a simple pee / water instead of worm ewc or kelp. I will just let her come around and exhaust what excess may be happening.

Terminal point has a slight yellowing but there is new growth and not hanging on that issue.

Trying not to PISS HER OFF :mrgreen:

perhaps dilute your ratio a bit? 4:1 or 5:1?
are you certain it's nute burn?

the rest of the plant looks healthy... is it a sativa strain? i have seen some sativas kick out some new growth super yellow like that, ends up going nice dark green as the leaves mature, but it is an odd enough color to where you ~think~ there is some nute burn going on...

don't forget your viteys!
perhaps dilute your ratio a bit? 4:1 or 5:1?
are you certain it's nute burn?

the rest of the plant looks healthy... is it a sativa strain? i have seen some sativas kick out some new growth super yellow like that, ends up going nice dark green as the leaves mature, but it is an odd enough color to where you ~think~ there is some nute burn going on...

don't forget your viteys!
You sure you are talking about Peenelope? Shes a pretty lass. Now whizz widow is more like the mistreated golden shower loving be-atch that was described. Only my older growth looks bad now, but i think the nitrogen at this point in flower may be a little much. I think the P.I.S.S. method may work better for vegging photos unless you balance out your PK to N ratio by amending with more of those. I was honestly going to start over with those plants but I couldnt resist joining @Budzbuddha experiment. I had 2 volunteers and im always up for learning more. So far the results speak for themselves. I wonder if drinking milk and eating rolaids would make me piss calmag lol. If this experiment shows that pee dramatically increases terp production or something then wont be long before the nute companies are selling bottled pee. Wait,? I think some of that stuff may already be. Hey! My AN/GH/FF unicorn pee is just human piss with glitter! :)
perhaps dilute your ratio a bit? 4:1 or 5:1?
are you certain it's nute burn?

the rest of the plant looks healthy... is it a sativa strain? i have seen some sativas kick out some new growth super yellow like that, ends up going nice dark green as the leaves mature, but it is an odd enough color to where you ~think~ there is some nute burn going on...

don't forget your viteys!


Here is where i might have “ goofed “ - kelloggs is a Kelp and Fish Fertilizer - i should have paid more attention and got a KELP ONLY amendment.

The fish fertilizer part bumped the nitrogen up … hence my darker color . Not end of the world since a simple pee / water ( nothing else ) will help plant work thru it.

I will source a proper KELP additive and make another brew for flower later.

Plant is fine just got a little heavy with a nitrogen source. She still loves the PEE.
You sure you are talking about Peenelope? Shes a pretty lass. Now whizz widow is more like the mistreated golden shower loving be-atch that was described. Only my older growth looks bad now, but i think the nitrogen at this point in flower may be a little much. I think the P.I.S.S. method may work better for vegging photos unless you balance out your PK to N ratio by amending with more of those. I was honestly going to start over with those plants but I couldnt resist joining @Budzbuddha experiment. I had 2 volunteers and im always up for learning more. So far the results speak for themselves. I wonder if drinking milk and eating rolaids would make me piss calmag lol. If this experiment shows that pee dramatically increases terp production or something then wont be long before the nute companies are selling bottled pee. Wait,? I think some of that stuff may already be. Hey! My AN/GH/FF unicorn pee is just human piss with glitter! :)

the whole thing about the waste in your pee is basically 2 things:
1. the things your body can't absorb in food/supplements will be removed from your body through kidneys and subsequently out thru your pee.
2. the things your body needs to expel as waste (bacterium, lactic acids from muscles, cellular waste, etc...)

drinking milk is good for you. easily absorbed calcium in proper format for your body. you probably won't have much calcium excess as waste drinking milk. the multivitamins work better as the molecules aren't as easily absorbed by your body (hence the concentrated amounts, the manufacturers know you won't be able to absorb the entire dose - that's why they are "supplements" to a proper diet.) and a LARGE percentage gets removed thru pee. though the molecules of the vitamins may not be the ideal format for the human body, after passing thru the body, it is in a good state for breakdown in soil and subsequent absorption thru plants root system (not sure about foliar spray, so don't quote me on that, but if you're already doing pee foliar spray without adverse effects, i would say give it a shot and keep an eye on it..
might be that buildup on the leaves might be problematic if concentrations are high? that's my thoughts on it. maybe more dilution required for foliar?

you can get magnesium into soil far easier with a tablespoon of epsom salts... though i don't think you should sprinkle that on your popcorn and eat it... o_O

again, if it's about making fert with your body, skip the rolaids and do the multivitamins. you'll get much more bang for the buck that way.
calcium, magnesium, iron, b, c, d, e vitamins, zinc, copper, potassium, silicon, manganese, phosphorous... pick up a bottle and read the supplement facts. everything you're looking for in a good fert is in the multivitamins. ESPECIALLY the "trace minerals".

i would also think you'll get pretty constipated drinking milk and munching rolaids. :O
don't advise.
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Introducing - “ PEE nelope “ ( Durban Poison x Purple Punch )

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She will be my test subject for this pee experiment. She is in a fresh , precharged mix of mild potting soil.
She is getting water only for right now until a couple of node sets grow in. Then , she will be on a water / piss dilute at a rate of 1:3 part pee to water to test . I will also base my “ pee blessing “ on time between wet / dry to judge how far apart to give it a golden shower.

Light is a 150 watt led currently and will be solo from other garden plants I have.

Fill free to add your own Pee Pot Plants to show and grow !
your bang on dude alot of organic farmers use pee for there veg, look at horse manure for roses, cow dung for veg patch etc etc
the whole thing about the waste in your pee is basically 2 things:
1. the things your body can't absorb in food/supplements will be removed from your body through kidneys and subsequently out thru your pee.
2. the things your body needs to expel as waste (bacterium, lactic acids from muscles, cellular waste, etc...)

drinking milk is good for you. easily absorbed calcium in proper format for your body. you probably won't have much calcium excess as waste drinking milk. the multivitamins work better as the molecules aren't as easily absorbed by your body (hence the concentrated amounts, the manufacturers know you won't be able to absorb the entire dose - that's why they are "supplements" to a proper diet.) and a LARGE percentage gets removed thru pee. though the molecules of the vitamins may not be the ideal format for the human body, after passing thru the body, it is in a good state for breakdown in soil and subsequent absorption thru plants root system (not sure about foliar spray, so don't quote me on that, but if you're already doing pee foliar spray without adverse effects, i would say give it a shot and keep an eye on it..
might be that buildup on the leaves might be problematic if concentrations are high? that's my thoughts on it. maybe more dilution required for foliar?

you can get magnesium into soil far easier with a tablespoon of epsom salts... though i don't think you should sprinkle that on your popcorn and eat it... o_O

again, if it's about making fert with your body, skip the rolaids and do the multivitamins. you'll get much more bang for the buck that way.
calcium, magnesium, iron, b, c, d, e vitamins, zinc, copper, potassium, silicon, manganese, phosphorous... pick up a bottle and read the supplement facts. everything you're looking for in a good fert is in the multivitamins. ESPECIALLY the "trace minerals".

i would also think you'll get pretty constipated drinking milk and munching rolaids. :O
don't advise.

Pee Foliar is a known fungicide and pest remedy.
Using urine and ash to control crop pests and diseases …

Pests and diseases cause substantial economic loss to crop farmers. Other than reducing yield and lowering harvest quality, pest and disease control increases production costs in terms of buying the chemicals to control them. Besides chemicals being expensive and not readily available, they also have adverse effects on the environment, humans and non-target organisms if not used properly. As such, farmers prefer to use locally available materials (traditional methods) to mitigate pests and diseases which are cheaper, environmentally friendly, easily available and less harmful to humans and non-target organisms.

As one of the traditional practices in Uganda, farmers use ash and urine to control a wide range of crop pests and diseases. Below is a description of how different farmers apply this practice.

1. Preparation
  • Farmers use different preparation procedures for different crops, pests and diseases.
  • Dilution and storage of urine are two key steps that a farmer needs to keep note of when using this practice.
  • However, urine can also be used with or without dilution.
1.1 Dilution
  • Dilution is done to reduce the concentration of nitrogenous compounds in the urine that could burn the young plant tissues.
  • Farmers have invented different dilution levels for different crops and application techniques.
  • The dilution levels vary between approximately 2:1 (two parts urine to one part water) to 1:4 (one part urine to four parts water).
  • A dilution level of 1:1 (one part of urine to one part of water) was found to be the most common practice among the farmers met by members of Grameen Foundation Community Knowledge Worker Network in Uganda.
1.2 Storage
  • In most preparations, farmers store urine for varying durations ranging from one day to three weeks before or after adding other ingredients.
  • Storing urine is important to reduce the risk of spreading diseases caused by microorganisms that may be in the urine (see recommendations in chapter “Health concerns”).
  • It is important to note that diluting the urine before storage lowers its concentration and therefore increases the chances of survival of microorganisms.
  • Whether stored before or after adding other ingredients, urine must be stored in closed containers to avoid loss of ammonia and entry of pathogens.
  • Diluted urine if kept open would also act as a breeding place for mosquitoes.
  • Urine should also be kept out of reach of children and domestic animals to reduce chances of disease spread.
1.3 Filtering
  • Before application, the ash and urine preparation may need to be filtered depending on the application procedure to be used.
  • When using a spraying pump, the mixture should be passed through a porous bucket to remove big ash particles and then later through a fine filter or mesh cloth that will allow only the liquid to pass through.
  • This is to avoid blocking the nozzle of the spraying pump and depositing ash particles on harvestable plant parts.
  • The residue obtained after filtering can be incorporated in the soil around the plants as it is rich in nutrients like potassium and nitrogen.
2. Areas of application
  • This practice has been applied successfully by farmers from Masindi, Kapchorwa, Mukono, Buikwe and Nwoya districts.
  • The Masindi district is located in Western Uganda.
    • The district lies in a mid-altitude region experiencing a bimodal rainfall pattern.
    • It is an area of high agriculture potential growing both seasonal and perennial crops the major ones being finger millet, cassava, sorghum, bean, maize, banana, coffee, sunflower and a wide range of vegetable like tomatoes, water melon, onions and cabbage.
  • The Kapchorwa district is located in Eastern Uganda and lies in high altitude regions experiencing a bimodal rainfall pattern and cold conditions in most seasons of the year.
    • Kapchorwa is one area where agriculture is fairly commercialized due to the highly fertile soils and all year round favourable climate.
    • Major crop grown in the area include Arabica coffee, banana, maize, bean, wheat, millet, rice, barley, potato, tomato, cabbage, passion fruit and onions.
  • The Mukono and Buikwe districts are located in Central Uganda.
    • The districts are located in the Lake Victoria region with Buikwe being bordered by the lake.
    • Owing to the good climate, weather and location close to Kampala, the major business centre in the country, agriculture in this area is fairly commercialized with a wide range of seasonal and perennial crops.
    • The major crops in the area include banana, Robusta coffee, maize, beans, cassava, sweet potato, fruit trees, vegetable including, tomato and cabbage.
  • The Nwoya district is located in northern Uganda in a more-less dry region.
    • Due to the climate of the area, it is dominated by seasonal crops the major ones including maize, cotton, tobacco, simsim (sesame), finger millet, sorghum, Beans, cassava and sunflower.
2.1 Important notes
  • The preparation and application procedures described above are according to the farmer’s practices.
    • It is important that when any of the above practices is applied in a new environment or on a new crop, a test is conducted on a few plants.
    • They need to be observed for at least a day before large scale application is done.
  • Applying too much urine can burn the plant.
    • This can be very common when undiluted urine is used during the dry season or applied on young plant tissues.
    • To avoid this, an interval of at least one week should be left between subsequent applications of undiluted urine preparations especially during the dry season.
  • In case the problem in question is not solved by a single application, the farmer may apply subsequent applications.
    • Care should be taken to ensure that the urine applied is not excessive to burn the plant (see the previous bullet point).
  • When spraying these preparations, it is important to ensure thorough wetting of the plant especially the infested parts.
    • Extra attention should be given to the lower leaf surfaces since these are a hiding place for most pest.
  • Because urine is a mixture of different salts, its continuous application especially in dry areas or during the dry season may lead to accumulation of these salts in the plant root zone.
    • To avoid this, urine application in arid areas or during the dry season should be followed by application of plain water to dilute the salts.
    • During the rainy season, allowing one rain between two subsequent applications is advised.
  • Complementing these preparations with different insect repellent plants such as Mexican marigold, onions, pepper may increase their effectiveness.
    • Farmers may try adding different types and quantities of these plants and apply which ever works well in their environment.
2.2 Other advantages of urine and ash to plants
  • Urine and ash are rich in several plant nutrients.
    • Urine is specifically a rich nitrogen source while ash is a rich potassium source.
    • Both of these nutrients are important for proper plant growth.
    • On top of preventing/controlling pests and diseases, applying this preparation helps to boost soil fertility.
    • The improved plant vigor as a result of the improved soil fertility to some extend explains the action of this concoction.
2.3 Health concerns
  • Urine especially if collected from humans can be a source of diseases such as Schistosomiasis and typhoid.
  • Storing the urine for at least one week reduces the risk of disease spread.
  • To reduce this risk further, the following safety precautions should be taken when handling and using urine preparations.
    • Wear rubber gloves when handling urine.
    • Wash hands and all equipment used with soap and water after handling urine.
    • When using human urine, observe a one month withdraw period from the time of last application to harvesting (if urine is applied on the harvestable parts).
    • All urine should be stored in covered containers out of reach of children and domestic animals.
    • Never pour urine or water used to wash its containers in streams, swamps and other water sources.
    • Use of human urine collected from different household or public places should be avoided as much as possible since this can increase the risk of disease transmission.
2.4 Areas of further research
  • There is need for scientific experimentation on these concoctions to come up with the most effective application rates and possibility of using the idea to a wide range of crops.

Table 1. Preparation and application of urine and ash preparations by farmers in Uganda
PurposePreparation procedureApplication procedureArea of applicationControlling aphids on passion fruit . Keep urine in a covered container under shade for three days. Add one half litre cup for every 2 litres of urine and keep the mixture covered for three more days. Filter well before application.

Spray the mixture on infested plant parts as soon as the pest is seen. Repeat the application after 14 days.

Keep urine in a covered container under shade for three days. Add one half litre cup for every 2 litres of urine and keep the mixture covered for three more days. Filter well before application.

Spray the crop 14 days after germination and a second spray 28 days from the first spray.

Keep urine in a covered container under shade for three days.

Add one half litre cup for every 2 litres of urine and keep the mixture covered for three more days. Filter well before application.Spray four to six weeks after planting. Repeat the application every 7 to 14 days.

General pest prevention in potatoes and beansKeep urine in a covered container under shade for three days. Add one half litre cup of ash for every 2 litres of urine and keep the mixture covered for three more days. Filter well before application. Spray when expecting pest attack, especially during the dry season. Filter the mixture well before use. Spray the mixture on the infested plant.A single application can be enough to control the pests.The application should be repeated if a new attack by the same pest occurs.
Let’s play with a few numbers on this to get some idea about the economics; with swine manure it probably costs about $0.02 per gallon to land apply. My math says that 10,000 pigs will make about 4.4 million gallons of manure per year, meaning our manure application cost would be about $88,000, but this swine manure contains about $200,000 worth of fertilizer value based on the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium it contains, making our storage and land application approach a very viable utilization strategy. So what about our human waste? Well in this case since the manure is much more dilute our costs to land apply it are probably a bit cheaper, let’s say $0.005 a gallon. In this case a city of only 550 people with generate the same about of water so it would cost $22,000 to land apply, but it would only contains a little more than 1% of the nutrient value of the swine manure, so it only has a fertilizer value of around $2,500. So in this case this doesn’t seem like a very good approach to managing our human waste since the cost to handle it is more than the fertilizer value it would provide.
the whole thing about the waste in your pee is basically 2 things:
1. the things your body can't absorb in food/supplements will be removed from your body through kidneys and subsequently out thru your pee.
2. the things your body needs to expel as waste (bacterium, lactic acids from muscles, cellular waste, etc...)

drinking milk is good for you. easily absorbed calcium in proper format for your body. you probably won't have much calcium excess as waste drinking milk. the multivitamins work better as the molecules aren't as easily absorbed by your body (hence the concentrated amounts, the manufacturers know you won't be able to absorb the entire dose - that's why they are "supplements" to a proper diet.) and a LARGE percentage gets removed thru pee. though the molecules of the vitamins may not be the ideal format for the human body, after passing thru the body, it is in a good state for breakdown in soil and subsequent absorption thru plants root system (not sure about foliar spray, so don't quote me on that, but if you're already doing pee foliar spray without adverse effects, i would say give it a shot and keep an eye on it..
might be that buildup on the leaves might be problematic if concentrations are high? that's my thoughts on it. maybe more dilution required for foliar?

you can get magnesium into soil far easier with a tablespoon of epsom salts... though i don't think you should sprinkle that on your popcorn and eat it... o_O

again, if it's about making fert with your body, skip the rolaids and do the multivitamins. you'll get much more bang for the buck that way.
calcium, magnesium, iron, b, c, d, e vitamins, zinc, copper, potassium, silicon, manganese, phosphorous... pick up a bottle and read the supplement facts. everything you're looking for in a good fert is in the multivitamins. ESPECIALLY the "trace minerals".

i would also think you'll get pretty constipated drinking milk and munching rolaids. :O
don't advise.
Im appreciative that you took the time to lay out some of the science involved man i am.....however that particular post was just a little potty humor. I have a huge bottle of calmag and a big bag of epsom salts. Course they are a laxative so if you ate too much you end up with butt piss lol. Im interested in the science but like i said before i am trying to stay married. All of BB's "experiments " always seem to end up as dank and its cool joining in the fun. Hey, i wonder if you fill a hempy bucket with really dirty draws is it still hydro or is it now a soil(ed) grow? :)
Im appreciative that you took the time to lay out some of the science involved man i am.....however that particular post was just a little potty humor. I have a huge bottle of calmag and a big bag of epsom salts. Course they are a laxative so if you ate too much you end up with butt piss lol. Im interested in the science but like i said before i am trying to stay married. All of BB's "experiments " always seem to end up as dank and its cool joining in the fun. Hey, i wonder if you fill a hempy bucket with really dirty draws is it still hydro or is it now a soil(ed) grow? :)
apologies. missed the joke. came way late to the conversation.
just trying to help.
The plants in the middle and the one on the middle left seem to enjoy the tea treatment from a few days ago. Today I went ahead and gave the entire tent a urine dilution only. 10 parts urine to one part water.:weed:


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