The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.

you clearly don't know the meaning of the word "great." over the next 4 years, Donald will teach you. be a sponge and soak up some knowledge and experience kid.


he lied to you because he does not respect you, at all.
Buckold seems to think there's only one lying federal office.

He also forgets about the repeal of Glass-Steagall and how once that was done it set up '08 the same way speculation by banks using depositors funds did in '29 which was why it was penned in the first place.
Because, you know, legislation has this magic way of taking time before it can be fully exploited in the fiscal realm.
you mean the system designed to give extra power to slave states?

The constitution's been amended before and provisions are in place to amend it again. Get the twelfth amendment amended/repealed. Oops, forgot, the democrats don't have enough power now. Remember chad from Florida. You poor fukin victims you.
The constitution's been amended before and provisions are in place to amend it again. Get the twelfth amendment amended/repealed. Oops, forgot, the democrats don't have enough power now. Remember chad from Florida. You poor fukin victims you.

deflect from the fact that you are bragging about a mechanism designed to give power to slave states, then steal my own line from me.

thank you for letting me know the victim thing bothers you though, victim.
deflect from the fact that you are bragging about a mechanism designed to give power to slave states, then steal my own line from me.

thank you for letting me know the victim thing bothers you though, victim.

If you wanna advocate for the tyranny of the majority more power to you. We both know our founders intended a limited federal republic.
If you wanna advocate for the tyranny of the majority more power to you. We both know our founders intended a limited federal republic.

and if you wanna advocate for increased power of slave states rather than the will of the people, i only have one word for you.



$9Trillion addition to Debt-Obama.
From $10 Trillion in 09 to $19Trillion today.
Almost doubled it, in two terms.
How is this "good"?
How is none of it Obama's?

Use your fucking brain. What do you think happened to tax revenue and government assistance programs between 2010-2012? Why don't you itemize the budgets for those years and give a graph for tax revenue since 1990. Please, confront us with the facts.
Use your fucking brain. What do you think happened to tax revenue and government assistance programs between 2010-2012? Why don't you itemize the budgets for those years and give a graph for tax revenue since 1990. Please, confront us with the facts.

On face value looks like unemployment was up, tax revenue down, entitlements up. More outflow than income. Hence the massive debt increase.
What are you talking about?
He's gotta love this part as it means the background check to be caddy has less restrictions now.
remember all the stuff trum said he is gonna do on day one?

he decided to take the weekend off instead.
