The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.

On face value looks like unemployment was up, tax revenue down, entitlements up. More outflow than income. Hence the massive debt increase.

Oh really?!?

Unemployment up, during a recession? Who would have guessed!? And I suppose the millions of people going on government assistance because the economy tanked took a toll on those safety nets or "entitlements" as you like to call them.

Tax revenue down, and no surplus to fall back on? Why was tax revenue so low during the height of the economic boom? Could it possibly be the impossibly stupid regressive tax code? What happened to lower taxes = more revenue (which we are trying again with Trump)? How about a $6 Trillion dollar unwinnable war based on lies? "Overseas interventions" continued past 2008, btw, still costing us.

Obama cut the deficit by 2/3 just four years after the collapse.
Oh really?!?

Unemployment up, during a recession? Who would have guessed!? And I suppose the millions of people going on government assistance because the economy tanked took a toll on those safety nets or "entitlements" as you like to call them.

Tax revenue down, and no surplus to fall back on? Why was tax revenue so low during the height of the economic boom? Could it possibly be the impossibly stupid regressive tax code? What happened to lower taxes = more revenue (which we are trying again with Trump)? How about a $6 Trillion dollar unwinnable war based on lies? That resulting wars continued past 2008, btw, still costing us.

Obama cut the deficit by 2/3 just four years after the collapse.

Obama cut the deficit. Ok. His first budget in 10 was a $1.5Trillion deficit, the largest ever.

His real claim to economic fame is the doubling of the debt. That took skill.
He damn near doubled the national debt to $19Trillion today.
Add in the weakest and meekest recovery in modern times (poorer then Reagans).
Toss in 94 million people out of work.
Thanks Obama.
Obama cut the deficit. Ok. His first budget in 10 was a $1.5Trillion deficit, the largest ever.

His real claim to economic fame is the doubling of the debt. That took skill.
He damn near doubled the national debt to $19Trillion today.
Add in the weakest and meekest recovery in modern times (poorer then Reagans).
Toss in 94 million people out of work.
Thanks Obama.

Do you understand that the deficit is the difference betweem revenue and spending? His first budget reflected the fact that revenue was low and spending was high to keep people afloat. The bailouts, continued tax breaks, and stimulus package were further expenses aimed to turn the economy around. In combination with the fed kicking in with QE, and many other economic variables, the economy recovered enough, and spending was controlled enough, to bring the deficit down a Trillion dollars.
Do you understand that the deficit is the difference betweem revenue and spending? His first budget reflected the fact that revenue was low and spending was high to keep people afloat. The bailouts, continued tax breaks, and stimulus package were expenses aimed to turn the economy around. In combination with the fed kicking in with QE, and many other economic variables, the economy recovered enough, and spending was controlled enough, to bring the deficit down a Trillion dollars.

Truth is, every left liberal I've mentioned DEBT to on this site has begun conversing about defecit.
Truth is, every left liberal I've mentioned DEBT to on this site has begun conversing about defecit.

What's your point?

And are you really blaming the recession and the results of the recession, including the massive deficit increase and job loss, on Obama?
Truth is, every left liberal I've mentioned DEBT to on this site has begun conversing about defecit.
It's the same way that a republican's actions always extend far beyond their presidency but democrats actions always seem to be limited to the term.
Not exactly equitable, but convenient!
It's the same way that a republican's actions always extend far beyond their presidency but democrats actions always seem to be limited to the term.
Not exactly equitable, but convenient!

So why blame Obama, shouldn't you be blaming Clinton for signing the law sponsored by Republican congressman in the 90s?
What's your point?

And are you really blaming the recession and the results of the recession, including the massive deficit increase and job loss, on Obama?

Point is simple.

During Obamas terms the debt, not deficit, rose. Toxically. From $10Trillion in 09 to $19Trillion today.

During Obamas terms his combined budget deficits were $6Trillion of the total $9Trillion increase. Saying he shrunk the deficit is factual but deceptive. His total combined defecits added $6Trillion to an already $10Trillion debt.

His recovery was abysmal compared with others.

94 million people are out of work.

The point- His economic legacy is atrocious.
Point is simple.

During Obamas terms the debt, not deficit, rose. Toxically. From $10Trillion in 09 to $19Trillion today.

During Obamas terms his combined budget deficits were $6Trillion of the total $9Trillion increase. Saying he shrunk the deficit is factual but deceptive. His total combined defecits added $6Trillion to an already $10Trillion debt.

His recovery was abysmal compared with others.

94 million people are out of work.

The point- His economic legacy is atrocious.

Give me the links for the 94 million number and the argument of what he could have done differently.

How do you think he could have avoided the bulk of the increase, which was a result of the economy he inherited?
So why blame Obama, shouldn't you be blaming Clinton for signing the law sponsored by Republican congressman in the 90s?
I have never said that the republicans are less corrupt than the democrats. It doesn't matter which side of a coin is up, it's still a coin.
Clint'n did some nasty things while in office (that being one) and was still able to surf the new wave of technology's stimulus to the economy FTW.
Shrub did horribly stupid things too. So did Obummer. So did Nixon and LBJ.
Don't you think it's time to stop the ping-pong of bipartisan favoritism?

I remember the first time I heard about the debt. People were freaking out it was going to be over $1T (1982) under Reagan (who grew gov't immensely) and now ~35 yrs. later of the 241 years we've been a country, the debt is just shy of 20 X's that.

That's an additional ~$.625T for every year since it first hit $1T.
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Give me the links for the 94 million number and the argument of what he could have done differently.

How do you think he could have avoided the bulk of the increase, which was a result of the economy he inherited?

I can't give you links to back up the 94million unemployed claim. I'm glad for that too. U6 puts it near 19 million. That's Google. Still tragic but not unreal. Perhaps in my Trump zeal I've parroted some bullshit #. My fault and mistake.
He did inherit a recession, the Great Recession to be fair.
Like most before and probably all to follow, outflow exceeds income. That can't continue. Like a household, you can't spend what you don't have.
Looking at all presidents by their term debt increases can be seen. Is all that debt attributable to them. Certainly not. But, in term definitions a clear picture emerges. I am still downing his economic legacy, it's not good imo, perhaps could have been even worse too.
What's your point?

And are you really blaming the recession and the results of the recession, including the massive deficit increase and job loss, on Obama?
why not, obama wants to take credit for literally EVERyTHING good that happened during his term. clearly you've never been in a position of influence or power, because you also get the blame for the bad shit too. don't like it, don't do the job.
Point is simple.

During Obamas terms the debt, not deficit, rose. Toxically. From $10Trillion in 09 to $19Trillion today.

During Obamas terms his combined budget deficits were $6Trillion of the total $9Trillion increase. Saying he shrunk the deficit is factual but deceptive. His total combined defecits added $6Trillion to an already $10Trillion debt.

His recovery was abysmal compared with others.

94 million people are out of work.

The point- His economic legacy is atrocious.
You're so fucking dumb.

94 millipn would give us an unemployment rate of over 29%.
I have never said that the republicans are less corrupt than the democrats. It doesn't matter which side of a coin is up, it's still a coin.
Clint'n did some nasty things while in office (that being one) and was still able to surf the new wave of technology's stimulus to the economy FTW.
Shrub did horribly stupid things too. So did Obummer. So did Nixon and LBJ.
Don't you think it's time to stop the ping-pong of bipartisan favoritism?

I remember the first time I heard about the debt. People were freaking out it was going to be over $1T (1982) under Reagan (who grew gov't immensely) and now ~35 yrs. later of the 241 years we've been a country, the debt is just shy of 20 X's that.

That's an additional ~$.625T for every year since it first hit $1T.

How can you talk the issues without assigning blame to the individuals that created the problem? Knowing the actors helps gain a better understanding. My point isn't to make Obama look perfect, but not to falsely demonize him either.
So when is a liberal going to grow a pair of balls big enough to defend the explosion of privately held/household debt under Obama? We're over pre-crash levels, plus healthcare and tuition are inflating at an average of 30% annually. So what gives? Bush's fault? Public debt is almost meaningless when you can wizard money into existence through the fed, even the interest service is paid with imaginary money, it's almost irrelevant. Private debt stymies economies and destroys consumer solvency, it's never been higher and interest for savers has never been lower. What's the Obama defense?

As soon as you can produce the evidence that proves Obama is to blame for it. D and R have both been taking us down that road for a long time.
I can't give you links to back up the 94million unemployed claim. I'm glad for that too. U6 puts it near 19 million. That's Google. Still tragic but not unreal. Perhaps in my Trump zeal I've parroted some bullshit #. My fault and mistake.
He did inherit a recession, the Great Recession to be fair.
Like most before and probably all to follow, outflow exceeds income. That can't continue. Like a household, you can't spend what you don't have.
Looking at all presidents by their term debt increases can be seen. Is all that debt attributable to them. Certainly not. But, in term definitions a clear picture emerges. I am still downing his economic legacy, it's not good imo, perhaps could have been even worse too.

OK thanks for being reasonable. I agree with you that any deficit is bad, but from a practical perspective it seems very difficult for any president and even the Congress to change the budget because of the way it is set up and the many interests in Washington. I wish Obama would have focused more on that issue. Also, I agree that the recovery isn't as good as Obama makes it sound, but it wasn't as horrible as many people on the right make it sound. IMO the recovery was never going to get us back to where we were because a lot of good paying jobs weren't coming back, and the economic gains of the recovery were ill distributed.
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why not, obama wants to take credit for literally EVERyTHING good that happened during his term. clearly you've never been in a position of influence or power, because you also get the blame for the bad shit too. don't like it, don't do the job.
you can provide the most concrete of proof, they'll either ignore it or call you a faggot racist homophobe misogynist.

You having a bad day? It seems more reasonable to me to place credit and blame where they belong. Let Obama and Trump toot their own horn, we the people's job is to hold them accountable to doing what is right for the entire public. We can't give up on reasoning and sifting through the bullshit despite the polarized media.
That might be marginally employed, self-employed under the poverty line, and underemployed. That actually sounds close.

He said "unemployed", this word means a specific thing.