The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.

It says a lot about the moral compass of the economy, profits >> people. This fosters an environment which has allowed fleecing of America's assets in exchange for the profits of some.

There's no limit. If the money supply were jingling in Betty and Joe's pockets this wouldn't be a problem. Where's the money supply at though? On some computers.
There's no limit. If the money supply were jingling in Betty and Joe's pockets this wouldn't be a problem. Where's the money supply at though? On some computers.
I'm not sure either of us are following what the other are saying here.

I was alluding to the callous nature of those who profit off of those who don't get paid enough to make it.
The punch looked weak.
Most liberal offenses are but remember that socialism birthed both nazis and communist russia.
I'm not sure either of us are following what the other are saying here.
I was alluding to the callous nature of those who profit off of those who don't get paid enough to make it.

I THINK he's alluding to the nature of fiat currency and how silver and gold value is pretty stable as they can't be manufactured.
But "our" gov't script is a debt written into existence that has to be paid back w/ interest and the only way to pay the interest is to get more debt (money).

But I could be wrong about his aim.
Sure but I'm not sure why it's relevant to what I was getting at... anyhoo, "I owe you a dollar" is what the paper says when I hand it to you, I'll stick to growing silver on sticks :weed:
The current trend extends through Obama and Clinton, my dude. Wealth inequality has increased exponentially over the past 8 years, and let's be realistic about who Hillary aligned herself with.
Hillary? Didn't she lose an election recently? Before then she was secretary of state, not labor. Obama was prez. You expected Obama to reverse 40 years of Republican caused economic hardships with an obstructive Congess?

The trend in wealth inequality is unchanged from the Bush years. You claim about this is wrong. Not saying I'd give high marks to Obama but he was the one stuck with the great recession and an obstructive congress. Bush inherited a robust economy, a budget surplus and had a cooperative congress for most of his term. Why aren't you carping about his flaccid performance in this arena.

Trump is planning to do exactly what Bush jr did. He's even inheriting a trend of lower deficits and growth in real income. He'll take credit for that, for sure. Until he fucks it all up by doing the same old trickle down economic shit that his other GOP predecessors did with the same results they had.
President Obama had 2 years with the 111th, and was able to secure the highest award for "peace" while conducting wars every day for 8 years (miraculous feat), if he could pull that off he had a shot, right?
Sure but I'm not sure why it's relevant to what I was getting at... anyhoo, "I owe you a dollar" is what the paper says when I hand it to you, I'll stick to growing silver on sticks :weed:

You can have $100,000's of dollars in the bank and still be destitute.
Look at Venezuela right now w/ hyperinflation.

Inflation "steals" more and more of your fiat money by making it worth less and less by the time it gets to you.

If there is a dollar to signify the worth of everything in the world right now and the Federal Reserve dumps a few trillion more into the economy tomorrow, the banks that get the money can use it to buy things at todays prices but by the time it gets to you most people selling things know that when the Fed did that it didn't also print a cache of materials or services to give that money value and they want more money for the same thing the banks got because they now know money is worth-less.

More money, same amount of things to use it to value, ergo it takes more money to buy the same thing (inflation).

This is really a subject worthy of it's own thread.
The punch looked weak.
LOL good comeback

Did you see the video of the good people of Anaheim breaking up a KKK rally? This didn't end well for the guy in the KKK shirt.

Yup...the representative used the same numbers furnished by the same people that give us employment numbers.

You're going to spend the next 4 years wailing about how the Dumph presidency is lying to us yet gov't numbers are beyond reproach now.

Even the polifact article you post says:
Lee said 60 percent of people receiving food stamps are working. She should’ve specified that she meant 60 percent of the pool of recipients expected to work. Her figure’s a little high, but anywhere from about 42 to 58percent is a reasonable summary of the report’s findings and more recent data available. We rate her statement Mostly True.
But they are also using the same numbers that she had and couldn't even come to the same conclusion.

Let's get back to your welshing nature.
Did you, or did you not bet your membership with other members here that if Hitlery lost you would leave?

now i've got you arguing against the same fact checkers yo cited earlier today.

you really are a pathetic waste of life and bandwidth.