The Tea Party Downgrade

You want me to research your position for you?
What "conservative papers" may or may not say doesn't answer the question " if it was the gridlock, how is it that only one side is to blame?"
If your going to blame a political party I don't understand How can you blame anyone but the democrats and republicans for this?

and whoever said their using internet explorer download firefox or chrome then all your problems will instantly go away.
Proud to be a teabagger

You can blame me I love what the teaparty does and will support them before any politician.

@ londonfog: you sound like odumbass I have extra money but I am not paying extra taxes unless the government makes me.LMFAO


It sure beats the george soros plan odumbass muslim is trying to put in place.
Def not a teabagger but made my money out of it. Saw the this coming a mile away and bet against the us market. Suprised more people didn't do the same. That was some easy money. Before you hate, remember what I did is essentially free market capitalism - don't be a commie!

Newaitit, please turn the channel from fox news. At least see what others are broadcasting for a minute and weigh the agendas of each station and their respective political backers.
Def not a teabagger but made my money out of it. Saw the this coming a mile away and bet against the us market. Suprised more people didn't do the same. That was some easy money. Before you hate, remember what I did is essentially free market capitalism - don't be a commie!

Newaitit, please turn the channel from fox news. At least see what others are broadcasting for a minute and weigh the agendas of each station and their respective political backers.

But sir I don't see Fox calling the down grade the teapartys fault like the MSM. I didn't have a thing to do with the down grade but its my fault. LMAO

People can laugh their asses off but Glen Beck had it right obama is a puppet for george soros and he wants to destroy America. Why would you raise the debt limit when you are borrowing 43 cent on every dollar you spend? Spend a trillion dollars more than you take in? There is a answer some where and this administration has not idea what it is.
So our fearless leader goes out to raise moneyfor his reelection. Fuck the debt I got to get reelected.

Maybe we can make him the debt reducer he can raise money to reduce the debt. LOL
Teabaggers are crazy people who use their religion & beliefs as an excuse that their sane human beings. theirs a Show on HBO about superheros, reminds me of the teabaggers. Wanting to do something, wanting to be significant / important.. but it'll always be in their head.
& honestly I think what goes on in office is above your head.. you saying Beck was right for that 1 reason is very sheltered asif you Actually know how politics or government works. Nieve of you
But sir I don't see Fox calling the down grade the teapartys fault like the MSM. I didn't have a thing to do with the down grade but its my fault. LMAO

People can laugh their asses off but Glen Beck had it right obama is a puppet for george soros and he wants to destroy America. Why would you raise the debt limit when you are borrowing 43 cent on every dollar you spend? Spend a trillion dollars more than you take in? There is a answer some where and this administration has not idea what it is.
So our fearless leader goes out to raise moneyfor his reelection. Fuck the debt I got to get reelected.

Maybe we can make him the debt reducer he can raise money to reduce the debt. LOL


We have lowered our long-term sovereign credit rating on the United
States of America to 'AA+' from 'AAA' and affirmed the 'A-1+' short-term

We have also removed both the short- and long-term ratings from
CreditWatch negative.

The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan
that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of
what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's
medium-term debt dynamics.

More broadly, the downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness,
stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political
institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic
challenges to a degree more than we envisioned when we assigned a
negative outlook to the rating on April 18, 2011.

Since then, we have changed our view of the difficulties in bridging the
gulf between the political parties over fiscal policy, which makes us
pessimistic about the capacity of Congress and the Administration to be
able to leverage their agreement this week into a broader fiscal
consolidation plan that stabilizes the government's debt dynamics any
time soon.

The outlook on the long-term rating is negative. We could lower the
long-term rating to 'AA' within the next two years if we see that less
reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new
fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government
debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case.

you do realize how childish this is right?

we are out of money. the gig is up and everyone knows it.....except the left of course. stunning
We are out of money & everyone knows it, Yet we will still be here years from now talking on RIU with little change im sure. So crazy is crazy, people need to Stop Pretending they Know how the cogs turn in this country.. I respect the fact some of you may watch "News". I highly Doubt any of you can predict where the country is actually going, Aside from making little guessing and repeating what you heard on talk radio. Ill be here growing plants in MY Home years from now. Screw what keeps the TeaBaggers up @ night and dressing funny.
you do realize how childish this is right?

we are out of money. the gig is up and everyone knows it.....except the left of course. stunning
Teabaggers are crazy people who use their religion & beliefs as an excuse that their sane human beings. theirs a Show on HBO about superheros, reminds me of the teabaggers. Wanting to do something, wanting to be significant / important.. but it'll always be in their head.

what is the penalty for someone pretending to be totally retarded on the internet?

be careful raw, i am sure the penalty is severe.
Even worse, half these ppl are not pretending. They really are young white sheltered religious flakes. Take that how you'd like but remember that theirs a good chance its true. I have the Quotes by these RIU members saying Christianity is Right, and all other religions are Damned.. this happened yesterday. So if you wanna Defend something such as religion I hope you've done some research. So until you say some BS crap, you wont be SwagCheck'd by a Troll God.
what is the penalty for someone pretending to be totally retarded on the internet?

be careful raw, i am sure the penalty is severe.
We are out of money & everyone knows it, Yet we will still be here years from now talking on RIU with little change im sure. So crazy is crazy, people need to Stop Pretending they Know how the cogs turn in this country.. I respect the fact some of you may watch "News". I highly Doubt any of you can predict where the country is actually going, Aside from making little guessing and repeating what you heard on talk radio. Ill be here growing plants in MY Home years from now. Screw what keeps the TeaBaggers up @ night and dressing funny.

when you say, we will still be here, do you mean like the roman empire here? you may want to pick up a book about how former great empires fell.