The Tea Party Downgrade

When I say "We" I mean god forbid you have a heart attack... but "we" as Americans if you are one.. Will be here, with minor change in a couple years.. Nothing is turning to MadMax, we dont need to invest our life savings in Gold or silver to survive.. all the bs ppl talk about asif they understand it.. I remember 1999, ppl said the year 2k, everything was ENDING.. or "we would be in the future" Im saying RIU and the majority of its members will be here in a few years..
And the crazies who wanna predict prophecy and try to Prove that they "Talk to God" and "God Wants This" will be here too. just as crazy.
But sir I don't see Fox calling the down grade the teapartys fault like the MSM. I didn't have a thing to do with the down grade but its my fault. LMAO

People can laugh their asses off but Glen Beck had it right obama is a puppet for george soros and he wants to destroy America. Why would you raise the debt limit when you are borrowing 43 cent on every dollar you spend? Spend a trillion dollars more than you take in? There is a answer some where and this administration has not idea what it is.
So our fearless leader goes out to raise moneyfor his reelection. Fuck the debt I got to get reelected.

Maybe we can make him the debt reducer he can raise money to reduce the debt. LOL

You're proving my point man. What I said earlier was to listen to both sides of the issue and try to derive the fractions of truth embedded in what has become a highly politicized news market. Of course Fox won't blame the teaparty for this debacle, just as you won't hear MSNBC blame Obama (unless Chris Matthews has had more than his allotted amount of meth for the day). Soros and Murdock are interchangeable figures representing right and left wing manipulated media. If you take the time to research fact from fiction Fox fucks it up (perhaps on purpose) more often than not. Neither is unbiased, and both have taken strides to destroy traditional journalism in America. What we really need is appropriate tax reform.

I made 70k off betting the USA credit rating would drop. Anyone paying attention with the money to invest in this could have seen a sure bet coming 1000 miles away. I bring in over 150 after taxes each year. I am probably the the minority in my tax bracket but I wouldn't mind paying a bit more if I know it's going to the common good. Yes, I have worked hard for what I have but I live comfortably enough and would like to see others have the same opportunities (affordable higher education, proper health care ...) I was fortunate enough to receive.

Before you say tax hikes are a job killer consider this. A man who has over 1m in the bank gets a tax cut. At a conservative investment rate he'll receive roughly 40k in interest each fiscal year. This is above the median income of the average family in the USA. Give him more money it will go into the bank. Tax him and give breaks to the people scrapping the make a living and that money will circulate through the economy. It is a basic principle of economics and very frustrating to watch through the lens of politics.

You really think an American President is hell bent on destroying this country? What possible end game would this achieve (holding my breath and waiting for conspiracy theory). Put down the pipe man.
I am probably the the minority in my tax bracket but I wouldn't mind paying a bit more if I know it's going to the common good. Yes, I have worked hard for what I have but I live comfortably enough and would like to see others have the same opportunities (affordable higher education, proper health care ...) I was fortunate enough to receive.

You really think an American President is hell bent on destroying this country? What possible end game would this achieve (holding my breath and waiting for conspiracy theory). Put down the pipe man.

i call bullshit. you know you can pay more if you want right? the irs does take donations.

willing to bet if your taxes were increased you would do everything possible to get out of paying more. just sayin
You really think an American President is hell bent on destroying this country? What possible end game would this achieve (holding my breath and waiting for conspiracy theory). Put down the pipe man.

Don't need a conspiracy theory, you can hear him say what his goals are. Fundamentally transform America. Read his books, listen to his speeches and of those he elevates as "right thinking individuals". European style Socialism is the end game. It's not hidden, it's no longer in the shadows, it's out in the open for all to see. It is what Obama and progressives like him want for this country. They are true believers.

The only thing that can allow that to happen is...Conservative complacency. Which as it happens, is exactly what you are calling for. Stop worrying, nothing to see here, move along folks.

Not a fucking chance.
Ignorance ! Dont doubt the man would be willing to pay more, thats not the same as donation. let him hold onto his earnings until hes ASKED to pay more.. then we will see his reaction. and hes right, anyone who says a President aka OBAMA is trying to Destroy america has issues @ hand in their personal life / brain chemistry.

^to the man above, a lack of understanding Politics / Government does not mean its a Plan Against America, For a Second will you try to imagine The President Knows Whats Going on, On this Planet. and you do not. He makes decisions that effect whether people live or die on a large scale. Its above your head and all these other peoples heads to PRETEND you know how it works. no offence. just sounds nieve
i call bullshit. you know you can pay more if you want right? the irs does take donations.

willing to bet if your taxes were increased you would do everything possible to get out of paying more. just sayin
i call bullshit. you know you can pay more if you want right? the irs does take donations.

willing to bet if your taxes were increased you would do everything possible to get out of paying more. just sayin

I prefer to give my money to causes I believe in. I have endowed a scholarship at my University and support local charities that make a difference in my community as opposed to giving to a black hole. To elaborate on what I said earlier on tax reform it needs to be targeted. We also need to get rid of oil and corn subsidies. They are inflating the market. As I said my job allows me to live comfortably. All I really want is to provide for my family, live out my life in my above average (not extravagently) sized home, have plenty of home grown for myself and my friends to share, and hopefully leave this world in better shape than I found it.

Unless inflation runs rampant, which it may given our current circumstances, no family of 3 (size of mine) needs more than 100k after taxes to live comfortably. That is, unless they are the victim of a health care disaster where insurance companies deny their needed claim and they are driven to bankruptcy by a flawed, corrupt system, but that is an argument for a different thread. If my taxes jumped 5% I wouldn't be upset if I knew they were being used well. Right now the taxes for the top 10% of earners in the USA are lower than they have ever been. Doesn't really coincide with the whole life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness principles we were founded on.

I am not an established religion follower but do believe in taking lessons from scriptures, I have to believe there is a grain of truth to the rich man passing through eye of a needle to gain enlightenment, heaven, whatever you want to call it.
Example... 90% of POOR REPUBLICANS vote in Favor of the Richest 1%..and their not even related to that 1%. its misinformation. and simple Religious Nutts who think "God" will fix whatever issues arise.
To paraphase a comic I heard at a show several months ago, poor people voting republican is similar to this story

a 17 year old star struck farmers daughter in rural america attends a kid rock concert. During the show rock talks about how much love he has for their po dunk city and its wholesome country atmosphere. To this star struck girls suprise she finds herself backstage and winds up giving kid a blowjob. Kid Rock might appreciate the blow job but he certainly isn't going to take her to hollywood with him and tomorrow he will be 300 miles away giving the same speach to a different bunch of believers.

Granted I have no sense of comedic timing and it isn't quite as funny to read as it was live but I thought that sums up the situation pretty well. Republicans pander to backwater religious zealots who fear change then turn around and screw them the first chance they can using complex pieces of legistlation they could never hope to comprehend.

If you really want a clear cut example of how this country is taking a turn for the worse look at the cost of higher education. It has, over the last 10 years more than doubled while state and federal support for the next generation of leaders has gone (at least at my alma mater) from roughly 40% to 18%. Hardly just.
Ignorance ! Dont doubt the man would be willing to pay more, thats not the same as donation. let him hold onto his earnings until hes ASKED to pay more.. then we will see his reaction. and hes right, anyone who says a President aka OBAMA is trying to Destroy america has issues @ hand in their personal life / brain chemistry.

^to the man above, a lack of understanding Politics / Government does not mean its a Plan Against America, For a Second will you try to imagine The President Knows Whats Going on, On this Planet. and you do not. He makes decisions that effect whether people live or die on a large scale. Its above your head and all these other peoples heads to PRETEND you know how it works. no offence. just sounds nieve

Yes, these human beings are omnipotent and all us unwashed cretins should just send in our money and chant "for the greater good, for the greater good"

Thank you for the condescending response that didn't address one single point I made about their intentions being openly proclaimed. This President is a buffoon, most Americans now know he DOESN'T know what is best for this country. Just because YOU are naive, don't try to project that bullshit my way pal. I just chastised the other liberal douche on this thread for urging Conservative complacency, then you come along and demand the same.

We have only one response to that...GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Yes, these human beings are omnipotent and all us unwashed cretins should just send in our money and chant "for the greater good, for the greater good"

Thank you for the condescending response that didn't address one single point I made about their intentions being openly proclaimed. This President is a buffoon, most Americans now know he DOESN'T know what is best for this country. Just because YOU are naive, don't try to project that bullshit my way pal. I just chastised the other liberal douche on this thread for urging Conservative complacency, then you come along and demand the same.

We have only one response to that...GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Hey didn't Glen Back go tell you to start a Tea Party rally in North Carolina...Get to it !!! Go claim this TEA PARTY DOWNGRADE
Any president that was up for election would be in the same shoes.. you thinking Obama is any diff than any other president is your lack of knowledge. you dont know how politics and government work my friend.. Easy for you to say hes a Baffoon, what does that make you since your a lesser educated, less wealthy successful man.. Does that make you a failure? not really so stick to the Fact you couldnt be president if you wanted or tried your hardest. your not Equal to everyone, where you fail.. others will succeed
Yes, these human beings are omnipotent and all us unwashed cretins should just send in our money and chant "for the greater good, for the greater good"

Thank you for the condescending response that didn't address one single point I made about their intentions being openly proclaimed. This President is a buffoon, most Americans now know he DOESN'T know what is best for this country. Just because YOU are naive, don't try to project that bullshit my way pal. I just chastised the other liberal douche on this thread for urging Conservative complacency, then you come along and demand the same.

We have only one response to that...GO FUCK YOURSELF.
What dont you understand about our government being nothing more than a puppet show that distracts the masses from what is really going on, which is a systematic undermining of your freedoms and choices.

The more you try to blame these people or diminish the points being made by those outside the core industrial complex. The more you play into the hands of those few people who own you.

What dont you get about the fact that we are no longer citizens of a nation, instead we have become property of our government.

WTF is wrong with you, that you dont see the slaughterhouse at the end of the cattle schute.
A little extreme Prefontaine, but I agree to a certain extent. If we all do what we can according to our capacity to enact positive chance in our communities and country we will be far better off as a nation. What is of paramount importance is education and an unwavering effort to see the truth through the bullshit. To quote my favorites ....

"Education is a better safegaurd for liberty than any standing army" - Edward Everett