The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Too young to get "Valleygirl"?


I took a sip of their koolaide.
Was it the koolaid that told us to correctly keep out of the housing debacle? Because if we listen to what Ron Paul the bIll would never have been passed and our economy would be strong. Was it the koolaid that told us to keep out of the Middle East? Because if we listened to Ron Paul we would have avoided 9/11, saved a trillions of dollars and more importantly saved a ton of lives.

So answer me this all the people who would not vote for Ron Paul. He was the ONLY person in Congress to vote against the housing bill and against our occupation of the Middle East. These were the two most important issues at the last election and he flat out nailed it. None of the other candidates were close to being correct. So knowing this isn't it a bit foolish on your part to trumpet candidates who have previously backed horrible policies that bring economic ruin to this country? Knowing this and you still back other candidates, doesn't that basically mean you're self destructive?

Pick 1 of 2 doors. Door number 1 has riches, door number 2 has destruction. And you pick door number 2? When it comes to politics, normally intelligent become complete and total dumb asses.
deprave I'm starting to worry about you lil buddy...what are you going to do if Ron Paul doesn't win ???? Will you be able to handle it ???
The question to ask is if another bot is elected, using the same destructive policies as the last two presidents, will America be able to handle it?
Deprave thats what you seem to not understand...How can you win your primary when your own party disrespects you ????
ho hoooooo nailed it. The republicans have long ago abandoned the republican platform. It is run by neo conservatives who belive in manipulating and managing our money into their buddies businesses. (wall street, military, corporations)
I support Ron Paul and he still has an outside shot at the republican nomination. More so if more people get educated about civics and economics.
only an idiot would think ron paul won that debate. he looked curmudgeonly, old, frazzled, and just plain off his game.

the only reason he wins in a lot of online polls is because he has an army of devoted cultists who will flood the polls.
Only a douchebag believes in style over substance. Same ones who voted in Obama. Its about the issues.
Bill Maher "I'd Vote For Ron Paul If I had to pick "


"Who won last night's Republican presidential debate on CNN?
It's a question a lot of pundits have been asking -- and there seems to be some consensus forming among the analysts: Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
But judging by the reaction of the audience in New Hampshire, a different candidate carried the night and he's a candidate many analysts are saying emerged as a loser.

That candidate? Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. An analysis of audience reaction shows Paul was applauded twice as much as any other candidate on stage.

Throughout the two-hour debate, Paul was applauded 11 times. Romney, Bachmann, and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty were each applauded five times. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich and businessman Herman Cain were each applauded four times. Former Pa. Senator Rick Santorum was applauded the least amount of times: Three."

I thought he got more applause but didn't think nearly that much more.
Ron Paul cannot make it out of the Repuke primary...The party does not like him...please tell me how you make it out your primary when your own party BIGS ignore you...???? sad but true..the party picks who the party wants...Its Mitts to lose ..his turn is up ...just like McCain, Bush and so forth...thats the way the Repukes roll....I'm saying this because I really don't want you Ron Paul guys to go off the deep end when the results come in...Remember the earth will still turn..
... if we listen to what Ron Paul the bIll would never have been passed and our economy would be strong.... if we listened to Ron Paul we would have avoided 9/11, saved a trillions of dollars and more importantly saved a ton of lives.

Pick 1 of 2 doors. Door number 1 has riches, door number 2 has destruction. And you pick door number 2? When it comes to politics, normally intelligent become complete and total dumb asses.

if we listened to ron paul, everyone will get a raise and he will help you patch your roof.
Just ordered my Ron Paul 2012 bumper sticker.
Also one that says "Don't steal, the government doesn't like competition" !

Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul!
Ron Paul On Cavuto

Ron Paul "Bernankee Has A Completely Different Understanding Of What Caused The Depression"


Great Interview, they laugh at the other candidates agreeing with Ron Paul on everything and saying things that hes said in the past. They discuss the FED and the economy
Video I missed earlier, Pre Debate interview

talks about FEMA
lol. Great. Ron Pauls solution to what happens if a hurricane hits you're city - fuck you! deal with it yourself.

What about red cross and state and local? FEMA SUCKS look at New Orleans as an example, there has been FEMA "scandals" and they are costing a ton of money. We have plent of good disaster relief programs the feds dont need to be involved. Red Cross covers the whole nation, I went with Red Cross on Sep 11
What about red cross and state and local? FEMA SUCKS look at New Orleans as an example, there has been FEMA "scandals" and they are costing a ton of money.

If part of government isn't as effective as it can be that doesn't always mean we need to get rid of it, sometimes that just means we have to make it better. Our plan for natural disasters has to be better than telling people they are on their own.