The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

dude I could care less about Lincoln and his thoughts back then..I'm happy about the outcome of the war that now has me and you here today having this a white guy who doesn't want any one to tread on him...and me a successful black business man retired from the USAF smoking some nice blue cheese enjoying life...OBAMA 2012

So is that a retraction of of many of your past claims.
Nope.... This conversation about Slaves and racism and all this crap wouldn't be the conversation if none of that happened. I believe it would be one of a different tone were you wouldn't had pointed out that I was white and your are black. Why the Fuck does it have to come down to the color of our skin. WE are so much more than that. Race should be well below us. But thanks to Lincoln and his predecessors we are still talking about this.
Slave would had been freed even if nothing was ever done and everyone in the United States wanted to keep them enslaved. Lincoln didn't do anything but maybe.. and I use that word maybe loosely, speed up the inevitable.
So is that a retraction of of many of your past claims.
Nope.... This conversation about Slaves and racism and all this crap wouldn't be the conversation if none of that happened. I believe it would be one of a different tone were you wouldn't had pointed out that I was white and your are black. Why the Fuck does it have to come down to the color of our skin. WE are so much more than that. Race should be well below us. But thanks to Lincoln and his predecessors we are still talking about this.
merely pointing out some facts guy....what you not white...just trying to show you that even Lincoln was wrong in what he thought about the
Slave would had been freed even if nothing was ever done and everyone in the United States wanted to keep them enslaved. Lincoln didn't do anything but maybe.. and I use that word maybe loosely, speed up the inevitable.
hmmmmm where is your proof in that when the south was wanting to expand slave territory
Your post doesn't make any sense.... It is still quite amazing how much of a lowlife, scumbag pile of human excrement you are. I hope you don't have any children.

i reported that for the vile insults that you choose to direct at me.

Slave would had been freed even if nothing was ever done and everyone in the United States wanted to keep them enslaved. Lincoln didn't do anything but maybe.. and I use that word maybe loosely, speed up the inevitable.

you're a regular atticus finch.
hmmmmm where is your proof in that when the south was wanting to expand slave territory

Basic understanding of economic law if my proof. Slavery was only feasible because it was economically viable. Once the inevitable progression of technology came about slavery just would not be sound economics. It would had went away regardless even if people resisted.
i reported that for the vile insults that you choose to direct at me.

you're a regular atticus finch.

Whaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! What a childish tattletail. It amazes me that someone of your lowly calibre and witt pulled out a mockingbird reference.

I still pray you don't have any children you piece of s#@t
Basic understanding of economic law if my proof. Slavery was only feasible because it was economically viable. Once the inevitable progression of technology came about slavery just would not be sound economics. It would had went away regardless even if people resisted.

Are you serious. Every farm implement you can think of....for starters a tractor. Come on you don't honestly believe that slavery would still be around if there wasn't the civil war do you? Come on you can't really believe that?
why should anyone have to wait thats enslaved???WTF...hell should not have ever maybe all those deaths will burn a lesson into all about the evil of slavery
why should anyone have to wait thats enslaved???WTF...hell should not have ever maybe all those deaths will burn a lesson into all about the evil of slavery

I am not for one second saying that the slaves should wait but I am just pointing out that hindsight is clear and we should be honest about what reality is. I just know that we could had freed the slaves, upheld the laws of the land, and protected individual liberties. Instead they shredded the document that freed a world, centralized powers, destroyed the liberties of the individual and killed 600,000 people in the name of lies.

We could had done much better making a better country for all races.
But I am just a crazy foil hat lunatic making up history.
Those things are indeed bullshit, but that's a false comparison. It's not bullshit that black folks were being denied equal treatment in the south due to segregation.

Not a false comparison. See, the problem is you continue to look at the public racial desegregation part of the bill. There is no arguments against the parts that only affect government municipalities and so forth. However, the argument lies in private business on privately owned land. It is not in the governments right to meddle in personal business. If I ran a handyman business out of my garage, the government should have no right to force me (and my 15 man crew ;)) to do business with blacks. Not that if I owned a business I wouldn't.

Don't forget, the 1964 civil rights act involved women as well as blacks.
Whaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! What a childish tattletail. It amazes me that someone of your lowly calibre and witt pulled out a mockingbird reference.

I still pray you don't have any children you piece of s#@t

reported once again for the vile insults you insist on continuing.

I am not for one second saying that the slaves should wait but I am just pointing out that hindsight is clear and we should be honest about what reality is. I just know that we could had freed the slaves, upheld the laws of the land, and protected individual liberties. Instead they shredded the document that freed a world, centralized powers, destroyed the liberties of the individual and killed 600,000 people in the name of lies.

We could had done much better making a better country for all races.
But I am just a crazy foil hat lunatic making up history.

that "document" said all men are created equal. if the civil war had not been waged, how much longer would those black men and women have continued to remain enslaved? 20 years? 50 years? until the tractor was invented?

again, you are a regular atticus finch.
reported once again for the vile insults you insist on continuing.

that "document" said all men are created equal. if the civil war had not been waged, how much longer would those black men and women have continued to remain enslaved? 20 years? 50 years? until the tractor was invented?

again, you are a regular atticus finch.

You don't have the wherewithal to discuss these matters so I won't even respond to your racist self. I still pray a person like you doesn't have children.
reported once again for the vile insults you insist on continuing.

that "document" said all men are created equal. if the civil war had not been waged, how much longer would those black men and women have continued to remain enslaved? 20 years? 50 years? until the tractor was invented?

again, you are a regular atticus finch.

I don't want to come off as disagreeing with you, because I agree on this one. However, that is said the declaration of independence. Not the constitution.
Not a false comparison. See, the problem is you continue to look at the public racial desegregation part of the bill

Yeah, because that was kind of the main point.

However, the argument lies in private business on privately owned land. It is not in the governments right to meddle in personal business.

It is when the businesses in nearly half the country are systematically oppressing a race of people. Yes, it is oppression to say "sorry, your skin color makes you not good enough to sleep at this hotel".

I don't think the right to be racist is an essential right. I think the rights of black folks to be treated as equals is more important than the rights of business owners to be racists. It's about priorities. Do you really believe the rights of business owners to deny entry into a business based on race is more important than black American's right to be treated like human beings?

If I ran a handyman business out of my garage, the government should have no right to force me (and my 15 man crew ) to do business with blacks.

I disagree. I think their right to dignity and to be treated as equals is more important than the handyman's "right" to be a racist.