The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
The United States Supreme Court has rejected the idea that the Constitution is a compact among the states. Rather, the Court has stated that the Constitution was established directly by the people of the United States, not by the states....again Federal Law trumps State Law
Absolute Garbage..... Show me the Case and ruling and the upholdings of the ruling.

That's so silly it has got to be true.... So SCOTUS now has the power to rewrite history? Wow the Bench is crazy liberal for sure.

Any 3rd grader could read such a ruling and strike it down.


King Tut
I had a chance back in 1994 when I was stationed at MAFB in Moreno Valley CA. to actually visit on a drive up to San Francisco..Being that it was founded by a black man I was very much interested in seeing history...Now from maybe 1908 to about 1920 it was a nice place for blacks to get away from the south..but when I went thru it was a Park and historic site and had been that way since 1968-70...most people had moved away after the founder was killed..and that was about 1920 ???? I would like to know who the hell you spoke to that claim it was the Civil Rights that ruined the town...because the town had died before 1930 with only farmers living around..hell so many problems and broken promises kept the colony from ever reaching off the ground, they couldn't even get water to the town...sorry guy Civil Rights had nothing to do with Allensworth...

Elderly(mostly) residents who never gave up their dreams or the dreams of their parents. You may say it had nothing to do with it and the timing you cite definitley don't support what i was told other than they don't condisder it dead even now.i guess i could take the 45 minute drive and see if i could find the people and interview them on tape. Or i could simply take their word for it since i know that i was there speaking with them and i would think that they have a pretty good idea of their history. Again, i was told that it was a grweat community in the beginning and yes, it had problems but the Civil Rights movement, beginning before the CRA was passed, is what the majority told me they blame for the ultimate collapse of the town and was just capped off by the CRA.

Should've taken that opportunity to visit. Only a very small portion of town is actually dedicated to the history but the people are absolutely awesome. i'm a Land Surveyor by trade and was working in the summer heat in the middle of alkali-heavy farmland that just sucks the moisture out of everything(i have no clue how they farmed successfully in that dirt!) and would have lemonade, water, tea, and yes, even "grape drink" offered to me on a daily basis. GREAT community. Too bad it doesn't have any services or stores any more.


King Tut
ok found some things to prove my point and the fact you lied or someone lied to at end

What killed the colony?

The Allensworth area is notoriously short of water, a condition that persists to this day. Col. Allensworth picked the place for his utopia because of an abundance of wells and artesian springs.

Ed Pope says there was also a waterway, Deer Creek.

"But when the colony started going, mysteriously, Deer Creek was moved," Pope said.

Pope also blames the Santa Fe Railroad for the colony's demise. Allensworth was once the only stop in that part of the Valley, the shipping point for the Valley's cattle and grain.

"Then Santa Fe built a spur to Alpaugh, and the trains stopped coming," Pope said.

In addition, Col. Allens-worth had received a promise from the Pacific Farming Co., from which he bought Allensworth's 800 acres, that the company would provide water.

The company never delivered. The wells depleted.

In 1914, a bill was being considered in the California Legislature that would have established a technical college at Allenstown modeled after Washington's Tuskegee Institute.

Two weeks after Col. Allensworth's death, the bill was defeated.

Poor crop yields, a water shortage and a flat economy eventually drove the settlers away.

ALL this way before the Civil Rights movement !!!!!!!!

heres the link to

Don't know who you spoke to in 2000-2002 ????
You are accurate with your dates and history to the best of my knowledge. i am simply going off of what the residents tell me rather than "info" that has been written by a gov't agency or some PC activist which is usually the case. The people that live in Allensworth now must just not know their history i guess. Either way, they blame the CR movement/act for the ultimate demise of their town(or at least the ones i spoke to). Maybe they were afraid i was a white spy that had been sent into their community by the white devil and so they told me what they thought i wanted to hear. lol.


Well-Known Member
there ya go, carthoris believes in segregation and that his rights to bigotry reign supreme over everyone else's right to be treated as an equal to any other member of the genral public.
it happened about than 70 years ago. seriously.
you don't like history? so fucking sad.
I am still not sure why you think anyone has the right to force anyone else to treat someone a certain way. It is not about bigotry, it is about personal choice. Discriminating against people who are bigots isn't any different that discriminating against anyone else. Even if you believe at one time overriding the constitution with the CRA was the right thing to do because change was not capable of being made fast enough while following the law of the land it is important to remember that 50 years later it is now only a hindrance to personal freedoms and is outdated.

I will repeat it again - MY RIGHT TO DO WHAT I WANT WITH MY PERSONAL PROPERTY OVERRIDES YOUR RIGHT TO HAVE ANY BENEFIT FROM MY PERSONAL PROPERTY. Businesses are private property - otherwise they would be government owned.


Well-Known Member
Would anyone here have a problem with the Government forcing you (by Regulation) to purchase from the same bigots who are forced to sell?

For example, Say the only Pharmacist in town is also a well known devil worshiper and bona fide racist to boot. Should there be regulations that force you to purchase products from that same pharmacist? If not, then why should it be fine the other way around? Wouldn't forcing purchases by law make the economy recover? Shouldn't we have laws that force people to purchase certain products like first aid supplies and the like just in case we get hurt? I mean after all its for our own good so what harm could it do?

Does the preceding paragraph sound ludicrous?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Would anyone here have a problem with the Government forcing you (by Regulation) to purchase from the same bigots who are forced to sell?

For example, Say the only Pharmacist in town is also a well known devil worshiper and bona fide racist to boot. Should there be regulations that force you to purchase products from that same pharmacist? If not, then why should it be fine the other way around? Wouldn't forcing purchases by law make the economy recover? Shouldn't we have laws that force people to purchase certain products like first aid supplies and the like just in case we get hurt? I mean after all its for our own good so what harm could it do?

Does the preceding paragraph sound ludicrous?
... or say, force us to buy health insurance?


Well-Known Member
it happened about than 70 years ago. seriously.
you don't like history? so fucking sad.
The fact that you believe that the USA would round up blacks and murder them if they lived in cities away from whites is amusing considering that you believe our government should be given more and more power on its path to complete control and ability to do just the things you are against. Yet, on a topic you don't agree with any suggestion that the government might do such a thing is complete tin foil hat talk. The fact that you then are too stupid to understand my point wasn't that I disagree the government could do such a thing, but was about your hypocrisy gives me little hope for you.
did blacks ever keep whites as slaves? did blacks ever impose jim crowe laws on whites? did whites ever have to fight for the privilege of riding on whatever seat of the bus they chose?

i fail to see how the 10% of blacks in the country could keep the other 90% down. especially since a disproportionate number of blacks are in jail right now for committing the same crimes as whites.
Racism and slavery are not the same thing. We would of had racism in the country even without slavery. People seem to think its alright to hate Mexicans and be racist towards them, did we have a large population of Mexican slaves?

The CRA is a restriction/oppression of individual rights on a majority of our country to give disproportionate protection to minorities. It basically means that given two individuals with very similar experience and ability, one being white male and one being minority, that the minority has special privileges in society that will give them an upper hand. This is government sponsored oppression and infringes on the rights of both businesses and the white male. Why do I use 'white male' instead of majority? Well, that is who you mean when you say 'majority', and who you mean the minorities need protected against, yes?

how is it racist? it applies equally to a black who commits a hate crime against a white as it does to a black who commits a hate crime against a white.

are you so dense you can not see this? or do you ignore it willfully?

a greater statute of limitations to sue on the basis of pay discrimination. instead of the clock starting to tick at the first discriminatory paycheck, it starts at the most recent discriminatory paycheck.

are you for more leverage for companies to discriminate based on gender and other things?
women are paid $0.80 on the dollar for what a man is paid. why is it pointless to give them tools to combat such unfair pay discrimination?
You think you need a law that protects anyone in a special manner over and above what the protection they already get from being murdered, raped, or beaten. My point is - why? Isn't rape, murder, and beating people already illegal? Does the victim feel less raped, murdered, or beaten if I do it because I like doing those things than they do if I did it because they are black, gay, lesbian, woman, chinese, ect ect? Murder is murder, rape is rape, beatings are beatings.

Starting the time period at the last check does not seem unreasonable, and while I am not a scholar on that particular bill, I believe it did some other things. You realize the entire 80 cents on the dollar thing is a median pay of any job held by a woman vs the median pay of any job held by a man. Any job over 35 hours. Men are more likely to work overtime, Women are more likely to take time off to care for sick children and family. Men are likely to have more tenure given the same job. Even government research, private compensation research, and womens groups agree that more like 2-5 cents on the dollar is probably a reasonable estimate of how much women lose by 'discrimination'. That being what cannot be explained by actual experience, tenure, and other things of that nature.

Oh great government, I prostrate myself to you. Please teach me things I could learn on my own if I gave a fuck and give me .20 more cents on the dollar. Without your complete control I shall never be equal, please, please, pleeassseee.

that racist asshole reminded them of the bigotry that still thrives in this country. do you really think that is what an interracial couple wants to hear when they go to get married?
of course, they could have just PAID MORE MONEY to obtain the same thing as any non-interracial couple would have obtained.
jesus fucking christ.
I agree that a judge treating people differently based on race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is wrong. The judge was wrong to use his political office in this way. Was he wrong to believe what he believes? Yes. However, it is his right to be an asshole, just not when representing the government. Our laws should not treat anyone differently - whether they be gay, married, have children or not, black, white, yellow, woman or man.
there is no difference.
newt was unequivocal, then vacillated.
you made a statement, i quoted it in context (that quote fits in context of what you said, and you have stood by it), but you say that my quoting it is somehow misleading.
but good job at insulting me in an attempt to discredit me.
I suppose my best response would be.
Context - the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect: You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of context.

You know for a fact that you took the comment out of context to make my views seem more extreme/racist/whatever than they were and did so intentionally to misrepresent my idea and statement. Thus, you took it out of context. Maybe you should look the meaning of words up before you use them, maroon.

some guy comes into my pharmacy with a severe gash.
i refuse to sell him gauze that would save his life because he is redhead.
i am not hurting the redhead, i am just not helping him.
fucking duh.
If a guy dies because he doesn't have gauze, then I would say evolution did a good job. Seriously? What possible situation would you die from not having gauze? Maybe if a guy holds a gun to your head and says 'give me gauze or Ill kill you.'

Try using nitrate pills as an example. You are having a heart attack at a pharmacy and they won't sell you nitrates. To that I might say "Why would you forget a pill that would keep you alive, don't you have a personal responsibility to take care of yourself and stay alive?" Also, most 'life saving' items would need a prescription. I will have to ask my pharmacist friend if the government allows him to give people nitrates without a prescription if they are dying.

Insulin would be a good example, but wouldn't people who know they need insulin to live keep some handy? If they don't care enough about their lives to ensure they have an adequate supply of insulin, then obviously there is a severe issue here.

Or perhaps CPR, mouth to mouth, or anything of that nature. Still, people have no responsibility to help you regardless.

Gauze is right up there in importance with tooth brushes. A wash cloth and tape can do the same thing as gauze.

Now, if you are asking if a hospital has the responsibility to treat you for emergency care. Then yes, I would say they do if they receive government funding. Privately, does a doctor have a legal responsibility to care for you if you beat on his door all bloody? How many doctors, legal responsibility or not, would actually leave you laying on the ground dying if they could save you?


Well-Known Member
These HYpotheticals are retarded.... Instead of the law trying to play a kind of minority report role in society by attempting to stop unwanted acts in the future. We should all have our rights and then suffer the consequences. If some dumb ass bigot retailer refuses to give a black man help in a time of need (which is such a far fetched storyline it's stupid to even entertain) and the black man dies... Well if you can find him legally responsible for his death then he should be prosecuted. To say we need to take the rights of 99% of America because someone, somewhere in a hypothetical world might do something naughty is the most ridiculous proposal... Yet our Government (because of folk Like london and that other creep) passes laws like this all the time.

Can we move on to something a little more challenging?


Well-Known Member
ok why does Ron Paul run on the Republican ticket when he knows he will never get the nod...He would have a better chance running Independent..I don't think he really wants to be POTUS.


King Tut
ok why does Ron Paul run on the Republican ticket when he knows he will never get the nod...He would have a better chance running Independent..I don't think he really wants to be POTUS.
Because he believes you've got to be part of the two-party system becausehistory has proven that third parties are never taken seriously by the majority of the population. Look at all the hell he's catching about being fringe and a loon while on the Republican ticket. Imagine if he ran third party/independent.


Well-Known Member
Because he's a principled man and just because the Republican left the party and became leftist doesn't mean he's not a republican. It's called priciples.... God forbid we have someone who understand consistency.


Well-Known Member
but I thought he was a movement....movements make changes...Now be honest do you think he will get the go ahead from the Republican party that is now...???? I say NOPE and would be willing to put some heavy cash on it...His movement should be able to carry him as an Independent and make the change that a third party is now in play..Hell when he first had the real Tea party the movement started, but it was hijacked and now the teaparty is soiled..I'm just not understanding why he would try to run a race in a party that is fixed against him ???

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
but I thought he was a movement....movements make changes...Now be honest do you think he will get the go ahead from the Republican party that is now...???? I say NOPE and would be willing to put some heavy cash on it...His movement should be able to carry him as an Independent and make the change that a third party is now in play..Hell when he first had the real Tea party the movement started, but it was hijacked and now the teaparty is soiled..I'm just not understanding why he would try to run a race in a party that is fixed against him ???
Yeah, you're right. In fact, people like Ron Paul should not be allowed to run for President. They should throw him out of Congress, too. Who the hell does he think he is thinking people should have their individual liberties protected by our Federal government. Doesn't he know that the number one priority of the Federal government is make sure that everybody is equal and safe?
Going around espousing freedom and liberty. How lame can you get?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're right. In fact, people like Ron Paul should not be allowed to run for President. They should throw him out of Congress, too. Who the hell does he think he is thinking people should have their individual liberties protected by our Federal government. Doesn't he know that the number one priority of the Federal government is make sure that everybody is equal and safe?
Going around espousing freedom and liberty. How lame can you get?
Now you sound stupid...follow the conversation


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that every time I make a concise and logical point it gets ignored and some other stupid subject get brought up. This thread sux Barbra Boxers Dick.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you believe that the USA would round up blacks and murder them if they lived in cities away from whites is amusing
ummm, when did i say that? i believe i talked about lynch mobs and the fact that such a practice makes that group a sitting duck.

The CRA is a restriction/oppression of individual rights on a majority of our country to give disproportionate protection to minorities. It basically means that given two individuals with very similar experience and ability, one being white male and one being minority, that the minority has special privileges in society that will give them an upper hand.
the CRA protects EVERYONE, not just minorities. it means NO ONE may be discriminated against on the basis of religion, skin color, nationality, and the like.

that goes for these 'white males' you speak of as well, poor souls they are, facing so much discrimination and persecution.

why don't you go tell some discriminated minority about how they have the upper hand in society :lol:

Does the victim feel less raped, murdered, or beaten if I do it because I like doing those things than they do if I did it because they are black, gay, lesbian, woman, chinese, ect ect? Murder is murder, rape is rape, beatings are beatings.
we already prosecute people and sentence them based on the contents of their minds, it is called intent and motive. if the crime was motivated by some factor that the victm has no control over, like race, that makes the crime a little more heinous in the eyes of most.

You realize the entire 80 cents on the dollar thing is a median pay of any job held by a woman vs the median pay of any job held by a man. ... Even government research, private compensation research, and womens groups agree that more like 2-5 cents on the dollar is probably a reasonable estimate of how much women lose by 'discrimination'.
bullshit. go find those studies. i wager they come from the JBS or some similar group.

even 2-5% discrimination is discrimination, and is wrong. the bill ron paul voted against gives women more ability to combat that discrimination.

I agree that a judge treating people differently based on race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is wrong. The judge was wrong to use his political office in this way.... it is his right to be an asshole, just not when representing the government.
but you think he should have that right if he runs a business that is 'open to the public'?

sorry folks, can't have a delicious po' boy sammich here today, i do not serve interracial couples.

You know for a fact that you took the comment out of context to make my views seem more extreme/racist/whatever than they were and did so intentionally to misrepresent my idea and statement.
is what you said still not true, even with what you claim to be 'mitigating' statements around it? do you really honestly believe they could have all just picked up, formed their own little shtetl, and lived happily ever after? :lol:

If a guy dies because he doesn't have gauze, then I would say evolution did a good job. Seriously? What possible situation would you die from not having gauze? ...Insulin would be a good example...
you are right, it was the first thing that came to mind. whatever, the point is that refusing service does harm. it is not as simple as 'not helping'.

for some reason, you and windsblow want to bandy about deluding yourselves into some false version of history where, before civil rights, no one was was ever harmed by bigotry being allowed. but people were harmed. entire communities suffered. and not just those who had the shit end of the stick, either.

bigotry hurts everyone, including those who practice it.

we've tried the ron paul version of things where your right to be a bigot is given priority, and people were harmed. we got rid of that version of things when we came together and said 'freedom does not mean the freedom to harm others with your bigotry'.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if Ron Paul would want to bring back and run in the "States Rights Party" ..make it the third party choice..he might as well with his 1950 thinking