I just realized what your sayin man. NEVER SMOKED PURPS! My God that's literally almost half of what's on the street here. And if you really wanna be jealous,every day the club by my house selects a strain from the board and brings it down to $3.95 a gram. But you can only grab 2 grams like that a day. For $10 you can get 2 grams and a set of blunt wraps. And it's bomb ass shit. Not crap. Here are some strands that I have purchased over the last 2 weeks for $3.95 a gram. Sour Diesel,Super Skunk,Bubba Kush,AfghanxDiesel,Afghan Kush,a couple others that I can't remember. AND YES,EVEN THE PURPS! Last night I picked up 2 grams of bomb ass purps for $8.59 out the door. And another this morning when they opened at ten(second day in a row being there when they opened) For like $4.28 or somethin. That's fuckin crazy you don't got Purps. Nor Cal is off the hook with that shit though. And Purple I meant it. I don't say shit I don't mean. The minute I know I'm goin up there I'll bring you some. Prob get a lot of shit for you here you can't get there.