Well-Known Member
That's beatiful man. Keep us posted on dry weight.
i dont have a scale and i am not about to buy one but if i borrow on ei will let u guys know. i am however a very good eyeballer i can come close to with in a .5 gram on estimating the weight of weed almost every time if i have the weed in front of me and can feel the density and all the weight at once. i used to sell but have not for awhile. but i am very almost positive i got 4 oz dry, i will hoever still try for a scale to be sure
Man.Got the flashplayer finally. That video does give you better perspective. Flippin sweet.
thank you another one to come today of the room now that the big girl is gone
grats on the harvest man! Lookin hella fine! I LOVE outdoors pix, thats the only TRUE way to look at your bud, under the SUNlight! Nice shity dog, very nice!
thanks hooked and ya the sun made her look so much more beutiful its like a pretty girl put on some makup and turned hot more pics to come of my other plants in flower